Chereads / Outsider – Classroom Of The Elite / Chapter 12 - Chapter 10 - Classroom of the Defects

Chapter 12 - Chapter 10 - Classroom of the Defects

A month had passed since I started living inside the novel. Everything had been going flowingly ever since the both of us stopped our interference with the class. When I finally took off my bandage, I noticed there being a feint "V" shaped scar on palm.

After I resumed attending my classes again, the results of 'our' action was visible. The same 'D-fects' who used to cause havoc during every single lecture, were now silently paying attention in class. Or at the very least they didn't do anything unsightly which would decrease our class points. But unfortunately that included a number exceptions too.

It was set in stone that class D would inevitably end up being in the dead last...

The morning bell rang for our very first class of May. Soon afterward, Chiyabashira-sensei strode into the room, holding a rolled-up poster. Her expression today was something along the lines of a disappointed mother.

"Hey, sensei, did you start menopause or something?"

Of course that had to happen.

"All right, your morning homeroom is about to begin. Before we get started, does anyone have any questions? If so, now is the time to speak."

Chiyabashira completely ignored Ike's questionable comment. She was convinced that the students had questions they wanted answered, which immediately came to be true.

"Um, I checked my point balance this morning, but we didn't receive the 100,000 points." Sotomura asked.

"How many points did you receive?

"W-we received 22,000 points."

"Sensei, you told us that we would get 100,000 points every month, right?"

Yamauchi penetrated into the conversation. Many students seemed to agree with his response.


"Exactly when did I say that, Yamauchi?"

Chabashira's robotic face turned into a devious smirk. With an ice cold tone, she glared at everyone and had started reprimanding our classmates. That sudden change in the air left everything dumbfounded.

"Huh? What are you talking about? They said that we'd get 100,000 points every month-"

"No such promise had been made, ever."

Chabashira cut through. She then suddenly glared at me. Her eyes contained frustration and disappointment. It didn't take long to understand her reason to do so...

"Aozaki, he even asked a question last month, for which you morons made fun of him. Do you remember what he asked?"

Yamauchi silently thought to himself and when he realized, he stammered.

"Th-that was... I thought that.." and went silent.

Darkness fell upon the class, devouring every single student in it's vicinity.

"I already explained this before, didn't I? This school evaluates its students' talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth."

From the tube she carried, she removed a white rolled-up poster and spread it out. She stuck the poster to the blackboard with some magnets. The still-confused students stared blankly at the poster.

"Are these...the results for each class?"


Class A through Class D were listed. To the side was a row of numbers that went up to a maximum of four digits. Class D had 220. Class C had 490. Class B had 650. And at the top was Class A, with a total of 940.

Class A ----------------- 940 CP

Class B ----------------- 650 CP

Class C ----------------- 490 CP

Class D ----------------- 220 CP

Each and every single class point was tentamount to a hundred private points. The monthly allowance of a class depended on the amount of class points they'd managed to secure. Seemingly class D somehow managed to maintain 220 class points on the first month.

Initially class D should have received 0 points during the first month. However I decided to interject myself and persuade the majority of the students to behave accordingly, thus change the outcome. That's why they didn't end up being completely bankrupt..

Everyone worked hard, I guess?

"B-but why did we get less points this month?" Ike asked.

"A total of twenty-one absences and late arrivals.A total of thirty-seven incidences of talking or using a cell phone in class. Sudou, did you perhaps come to this school only to sleep? That is quite a few infractions you did, don't you think? In this school, your class's results are reflected in the points that you receive."

That was a ridiculous number, considering what the others did. The efforts put by Hirata and the others went in vein because of them. Sudou, Yamauchi and Ike were THAT big of a drag.

"Some of you have been doing whatever you pleased this past month. The school has no intention of preventing you from doing what you want. Your actions, such as being late or talking during class, only affect the points you receive. The same goes for how you use your points. How you choose to spend is entirely up to you. We have not put any restrictions on point usage."

Chabashira paused for a brief moment and relieved a sigh.

"Because of students like you, your classmates came dead last. Are you finally happy?"

Everyone glared at Ike and the others who went gung-ho denying the class discussion. Ike shrinked while Yamauchi facepalmed in shame. Although holdbacks like Ike and Yamauchi were inevitable, I didn't bother stopping their charades. In fact, I actually wanted them to drag us down.

I intended the class to hate on them, to corner them from all corners. I wanted them to realize that they were holding everyone back. That there are consequences for their actions. After that, there would be no other way for them, other than cooperation.

"B-but... But..."

"I've already told you, there's nothing unfair about it."

Chabashira cut off a stammering Ike.

"All of the classes were scored using the same rules. Despite that, the other classes didn't lose as many as you. That's the truth."

"Looks like Horikita-san's assumption was right." Hirata audibly thought to himself.

The moment when Horikita got a word of that, she threw a glance at me. Her face shouted, "Did you do something?", which in reply I remained unfazed.

"Do you finally understand now? Do you see why you were placed in Class D?"

"The reason why we were placed in Class D? Weren't we simply accepted into this school?"

"Huh? But classes are normally divided up like this, right?"

Students exchanged glances.

"In this school, students are sorted by their level of excellence. The superior students are sorted into Class A, the least capable in Class D. It's the same system you'd find in the major cram schools. In other words, Class D is akin to the last bastion for failures. You are the worst of the worst. You're defective. This is just the result of you being defective."

Horikita's face stiffened. She was undoubtedly shocked about that line of reasoning. I glanced towards Ayanokouji, who was apathetic during the entire situation. Horikita was academically decent, but had a shit personality. Ayanokouji was unfortunately forged to being a prodigy. To live up to his ego against his father, he held himself back. His personality was a solid shit too.

But I had my own questions. If Horikita's dismissive personality and Ayanokouji's obscure background was their reason for landing in class D, then...

What was my defect?

As far as I could remember, the staring point of my existence began from that bus. I had no memories of being involved with any sort of enrollment procedure. All I did was just wake up and walk inside the class D, that's all. Why was I placed in class D?

Nothing makes sense right now.

Although supernatural phenomenon was a common theme in my world, such a bizarre incident was beyond my expertise. Back then if I was told that I would get reincarnated inside a light novel, I would quite literally exhaust myself from laughing. It was ridiculous, unbelievable and most likely a pipe dream.

And yet there I was, an university student getting lectured by a high school teacher with a suggestive attire.

What in the world happened to me?

"Chiabashira-sensei. I do not recall hearing you explain that to us before-" Hirata snapped me out of my train of thoughts.

"What? Are you incapable of understanding something unless it's explained in detail?"

"Of course. There was never any talk about reducing our points. Had that been explained beforehand, I'm sure everyone would have cooperated."

"That is a rather bizarre argument, Hirata. It is certainly true that I don't recall explaining the rules of point distribution. However, even after some of you behaved accordingly, why didn't you idiots follow them? Didn't you all learn in elementary school not to be late or talk in class? Was that not taught throughout your elementary and junior high schools? Are you that dumb?"


"I'm sure that in nine years of compulsory education, you learned that being late and talking in class are bad things. And now you say that you can't understand this because I haven't explained it to you? I'm afraid your reasoning is flimsy. This comes down to you taking personal responsibility."

A perfectly sound argument. Hirata could only look down and remain silent. The ones who were guilty of not cooperating were being despised. Even the hot headed Sudou silently looked down upon himself. The entire class's hatred fell upon them.

That's exactly what I want.

"Having just entered your first year of high school, did you honestly think you'd receive 100,000 points every month with no strings attached? At a school established by the Japanese government for the express purposes of training gifted people? That's unthinkable. Try using some common sense you morons!"

Chabashira continuously kept spiting razors at them. Although Hirata appeared to be frustrated, he looked the teacher straight in the eye.

"Well then, could you at least explain in detail how points are added or deducted? We can keep that in mind for future reference."

"I cannot tell you. We cannot disclose the methods behind our student evaluation. It's the same as any other organization. When you enter a company, it is the company's choice whether or not to tell you how it evaluates its employees. However, I'm not cruel, and I'm not trying to be cold. In the future you'll have many opportunities to increase you class points. That's all I am allowed to say."

She didn't not disclose anything further than that. Of course I knew all about the 'opportunities' she was talking about. All of them, including their contents and solutions. Technically I recieved a full fledged tutorial on how to deal with Ikusei Kyoudo High School. I was living my life with numerous unimaginable advantages. Prior knowledge regarding the future events was one of my quirks. At this point, there was nothing left for me to do other than waiting.

The bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom.

"It looks like your bubbles have been burst. If you had simply understood the harsh reality of the situation from the start, then this long homeroom period might have meant something. Your midterm exams are in three weeks. Please think things over, and be careful not to drop out. I have confidence that you can find a way to avoid getting red marks on your report cards. If at all possible, try to fix yourselves and learn to work as a team. That's all."

Chiyabashira exited the room, forcefully closing the door leaving everyone in awe.


"Because of you, we're getting less points this month!"

"Seriously, why would you think that we're getting 100,000 points for free?"

"You guys are absolute idiots!"

It was the lunch period when the class erupted in chaos.

A huge circle of red fell over Ike and his group. Everyone was infuriated, irritated and frustrated with them. Although Hirata was constantly trying to deescalate the situation, but all in vein. It was a punishment I deemed essential for their growth.

While Ike and the others were being cornered, I decided to go to the cafeteria. Lunch comes once in the entire day, might as well focus on important matters rather than getting a headache. I wanted to be left alone, so I left the class by myself.

However, as soon as I stepped out of the classroom, I sensed an ominous presence lurking behind me. I walked faster. In order to throw them off, I walked in a circle.

They're still there!

Slowly, I turned my head towards them. After a quick glance at the person in question, I subconsciously let out the heaviest of sigh. I stopped walking and waited for them to catch up to me.

He walked to me and stood right in front of my face.



"You're following me."

"It's a coincidence."

"Walking around in a circle is a coincidence, huh?"

"Coincidences can be freaky."

This guy!

"Then with all due seriousness, may I ask you this one question?

Ayanokouji twisted his neck in confusion.

"If it's something I can answer, feel free."

"Are you a believer of fate?" I asked.

"Hm? Fate, huh?"

Ayanokouji was seemingly contemplating about what to think of the question. It wasn't anything serious, but a pure curiosity of mine.

"I don't believe in fate."


"What's your reason for that?"

"Because I don't want to believe that my life was predetermined by things such as destiny or chance. That I can make my own path. Elements like chance and supernatural seem really illogical to me, where there is logic and rationality behind everything."

"I see."

"Do you disagree?"

"I do. As a matter of fact I believe that there are elements of nature which are beyond human comprehension. For example: time, life, death. Science maybe the reason behind some of the nature, but have you ever wondered about the reason beyond science?"

The universe was created through big bang, but what caused the big bang? What was there before the creation of universe? The science behind everything always has an unknown variable to it, which is nature. Everything is supernatural in one way or another. Even science is part of the supernatural. Magic exists, just not within the eyesight of the norms.

That's what I believe, or at least what I was made to believe.

"That's an interesting thought."

Of course Ayanokouji was an atheist from the core, which is something I highly doubt would ever change.

"Great. That's beside the point. What I wanted to ask is...

why are you following me?"

"I just told you--"

"A lie."


"Fine. You've caught me. I just wanted us to have lunch together."


"You are genuinely creeping me out."


"You could have just told me instead of stalking me you blockbrain."

"But you left before I could say anything."

".....Fair enough."

"Levent-kun, I have a few questio-... Ah, Ayanokouji-kun's here too."

"Hey, Horikita." Ayanokouji said.

Horikita suddenly cut through our awkwardness.

"What questions do you have?"

"Um, Ayanokouji-kun could you-"

"Don't bother. He knows all about that incident."

"Huh? Why did you-"

"State you business, Horikita."

While Horikita was dejected due to my cold nature, Ayanokouji looked at me with an astounded expression. The Horikita who used to constantly rebuke us, was now being thrown around by me. It was quite the sight for him.

"Earlier in the class, I heard someone say it was my idea that the points wouldn't be the same this month. You're the one behind that too?"

I nodded.

"Ayanokouji explained to Hirata that it was your logical hypothesis. What about it?"

"Why... did you do that?"

"It's because..."

"Horikita, why do you think we did that?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"I refuse to answer your question. Use logic and your deduction skills, that's all."

Ayanokouji was about to speak up, but I stopped him. I threw a puzzle at her that only she needed to solve. It was a test of her rationality and deduction skills. After thinking about the question for a good few seconds, she finally came up with an answer.

"Is it related to what you said to me? About being a leader?"

I affirmed.

"The current class D needs a leader who's capable of keeping calm during a dilemma. You happened to be perfect candidate for that position."

"But Hirata-kun is already a leader, don't you think?"

"Of course. But quite frankly, I've deemed him incapable of making rational decisions during crucial moments. He is a born leader, just not the type who are capable of winning a war.

Which is why Horikita, we need someone who's as spineless as you."


"That was a joke. Don't take it to heart." what I told her was a half-lie.

We all came to cafeteria only to be faced with a long crowd of students forming around the store. We could either stand in a never ending line, or we could buy something from outside. Going to the nearest convenience store was a better option. So the three of us were headed towards the convenience store side-by-side.

"This kinda feels like we are a group of friends, don't you think?"

"Yes. I agree."


we glanced at Horikita.

"How many times do I have to tell you..."

"Are we not friends, Horikita?" I asked her. She shivered in response.

Just how much does she fear me?


"Listen, it okay that we are not friends. But at least, try to see us like we're comrades.

Human society, it's like a massive clock. Each and every single one of us are like a piece of cogwheel. To successfully run a clock, there has to be multiple cogwheels running at the same time in a disciplined manner. Now, can you imagine running a clock that has only a single cogwheel?" I asked, which in reply Horikita nodded in negative.

"The same goes for us too, Horikita. Think of class D as a mini-society. We're all working hard in order to strive, to reach as high as class A. We are all your comrades en war, all of us. An individual stick by itself can break easily, but as a bundle it is the hardest to break. In other words, if you want our class to succeed, everyone must come together as a collective whole.

And to establish a sense of camaraderie among us, you need to have comrades yourself. This is the reality, Horikita. It's time for you to face it."

Horikita looked at me in awe. Not a single word that came out from my mouth was irrational.

What I said was true for all aspects of our life. Teamwork is the fuel that runs an entire functioning society. School, college, office, politics... everything. Ever since the stone age, humans grouped together to stay safe. We've only evolved ever since. Humans are social being. Those who fail to associate themselves with the flowing society always end up being failures who are left behind. There is no hidden psychology behind such phenomenon, this is just how we were made.

I almost sound like that old psychology professor who used to share important life lessons with us.

"Did you pull that speech out of the internet?"

"Ayanokouji, I will kick you in the balls."

"Please forget what I had said before."

"Oh, you think you're quite the comedian, aren't you?"

"Hey, I worked hard on getting this."

"Well it's utterly infuriating, that's for sure."

"You're the one who's infuriating me."

"Shut it."



Immediately we both looked at Horikita, flabbergasted.

Did.. Horikita... just laugh?

"You two never change."

She did laugh. All the restrictions she had ever since she came up to me vanished like it was never there.

"Does that mean-?"

"I think I understand what you were trying to tell me. After thinking about it for a while, I came to a conclusion. I do need comrades if I want to prove myself to nii-san. So, I.. I'll.. I'll allow you two to be my... friends."


But don't get the wrong idea. This is just because I need you two to rise up to class D. Other than that, I don't care about you two!"



"Then I guess, we both share similar thoughts." I said.

"You're finally taking the baby steps, huh? Ayanokouji teased.

"St-stop it, idiot."

Cute and cliché tsundere.

So, in the end, I finally managed to put some sense of camaraderie into Horikita. She now thought of us as her friends. Not sure how Ayanokouji felt about that entire ordeal, but it was a success on my part. In comparison to the actual plot, it was easy considering how little amount of effort was needed from me in order to put her into the stage.

"By the way, have you ever tried waffles?"



"No, I have not. But now I'm curious about it's taste."

"What are those anyway?"

"A kind of a cracker. The cone of an ice cream is actually made out of waffles."

"Ice cream..." Ayanokouji blanked out.

"Hey, why'd you stop walking?" I crowed.

"Do they have some inside the school?" Horikita asked.

"Well, I don't know. I guess we'll have to find out."

"I want to try them both."

"Both? You mean ice cream and waffles?"


"You're surprisingly greedy, aren't you Ayanokouji-kun?"

We walked towards our destination while exchanging few words about our current situation. Like an actual group of friends gossiping...

Friends, huh?

Am I truly capable of having 'friends'?

Will I finally be able to experience 'friendship'?


I'm still an idiot, aren't I?

Current balance: 738, 131 ¶¶