The place was dingy and smelled of sweat and blood. But the lights shone brilliantly at the fight below. The only thing that separated the shrieking crowds from the two people going at it in the caged ring, were fists to flesh.
One of the men looked like he could've been sculpted by the gods themselves. He was big and fit, he would've been the perfect gladiator in the olden days. It looked like he was born for this, the way he seemed to enjoy caving in skulls.
While the other looked skinny and unappealing. Anyone would've thought that the match up was unfair, but there was nothing fair about the fight ring. Fighters were totally chosen by the crowds.
If you were not a favourite of theirs, they'd match you up with the greatest of monsters known in the fighting ring. Of course most fights ended without any fatalities, but some, some did. There were a very stubborn people who didn't concede even when they knew their fates.