Chereads / The last Swordmaster's heir (BL) / Chapter 65 - Chapter 28 S2

Chapter 65 - Chapter 28 S2

Azur and Inja's ship decided to reach the Nymphéa as quickly as possible. Epine granted them the right to keep the box containing the fragments and to deliver it to Niris themselves. The team pursuing the thing that had killed Supéfav Vick had managed to catch up with the stolen ship, but had been unable to identify its trajectory or the identity of the fugitive. The organization that had been tipped off decided to keep the theft attempt secret and set off on Zorkiel's trail for the time being. 

After a few days, the ship docked with the Nymphéa. On the landing pontoon, Azur, Inja and, beside them, Meica's body encased in an aerospace preservation coffin, faced the director, who had lost her mocking air. With a grim expression on her face, she bowed to them, fists clenched. 

-I apologize for what happened on the ship and for the death of your friend," she said in a harsh voice. I lacked vigilance and should have identified the threat the moment the Supéfac set foot on the ship. I'm inexperienced and your friend paid with her life. I'm truly sorry. 

Azure watched him do it, his throat in a knot. Inja, beside him, didn't react. She seemed lost in a fog that kept her separated from the real world. The Pegasus nodded gently. 

-What happened happened, you're just as responsible as the others, and at least you acted on the spur of the moment," he replied in a dull voice. At least, thanks to you, we were able to recover the fragments. His sacrifice was not in vain. 

He stopped and looked at the young woman, who was hiding her emotion behind a mask of marble, but he could easily guess her distress from her breathing, which was a little too heavy for a person standing still. 

-Don't blame yourself too much, dying on a mission is part of the risks of the job," he added more softly. 

They stared at each other for a moment, then, by tacit agreement, bowed again to greet each other one last time. It was time to leave. 

-I wish you all the best," said Epine, before returning to the ship. 

Inja didn't utter a single word. After Meica's death, she had spent hours weeping over her body, and afterwards had become quieter than a statue. With her livid complexion, she resembled a body whose soul had just left it, and which didn't yet realize that it was empty. 

-Let's go," Azur told Inja. 

Still caught in the fog that cut her off from reality, she followed him without a word. In the Nymphéa, it was still early and everyone was asleep. Quietly, they returned to their respective cabins, while Meica's body was transferred to the ship's morgue until a decision could be made. 

Azur watched Inja lock herself in her cabin before entering his own. He lay down on the mattress provided for his height and put his head in front of him. He closed his eyes. Now that he was alone, he felt sadness overcome him and the tears he hadn't been able to shed flowed down his cheeks without a sound. It had already been three days and yet the sadness was still there. Very much alive. And the pain too. 

He didn't know how long he'd been like this, but he was rudely brought back to reality by the door to his cabin suddenly opening and Niris pouncing on him with a cheerful chirp. But when he saw the Pegasus' tears, he immediately straightened up and took his head in his hands. 

-Azur? What's going on?" he asked in panic. 

Relieved to see the angel again, the Pegasus buried his head in her embrace and let his tears flow. Niris stroked his neck to calm him down, while asking him if he had any pain. Once he had calmed down a little, the Pegasus replied. 

-Meica...Meica is dead," he said between sobs. 

Niris fluttered his eyelashes, confused by what he'd just heard. 

-Meica what? What do you mean she...

He couldn't finish his sentence. 

-She's dead, Niris," continued the Pegasus, shaking his head to dry his tears. The Supéfac was killed by some kind of changeling that took over his body and we detected it just before it fled with the fragments. Except that the military didn't want to believe us, so Meica threw herself forward to retrieve the box and...

He swallowed hard before resuming. 

-They shot her. She died instantly. 

The Pegasus glanced at the angel to see his reaction. In front of him, Niris's eyes were wide open, fixed on him, and he had lost all levity. 

-What did they do to him?" he repeated in a white voice. Did they shoot him? 

The Pegasus didn't have the courage to answer and simply shook his head. His tears had subsided and now only the tingling sensation in all his limbs remained. Niris's cold anger added to the numbness that gripped his mind. 

-Where's his body?" asked the angel with the same coldness. 

-They took him to the ship's morgue," Azur replied. 

Without adding anything more, Niris stood up. With a costly effort, the Pegasus followed suit. Without a word, they made their way to the morgue, where the doctor in charge ushered them in. Before their very eyes, he uncovered the Pegasus' body. 

There, she slept peacefully on the metal table that supported her, unwilling to wake up. With a trembling hand, Niris stroked her fur. The cold contact with the animal's skin was like an electric shock. Suddenly, all the memories he'd shared with her, Inja and Azur came flooding back, and a dull anger seized him. 

Knowing she'd died in such a situation drove him mad. His fist clenched in anger. The doctor left them in front of the animal's lifeless body for as long as they needed to collect themselves. Azur could feel the angel's anger coursing through his body. He knew he would react this way. But seeing him so affected by the death of the pegasus made him realize how dangerous the angel could be under the pain of having lost someone close to him. 

-Niris...he began, unable to finish his sentence. 

-I'll make Zorkiel pay for killing him," the angel said through clenched teeth. I'll make him pay, and all the other deaths that follow, I promise. 

The Pegasus said nothing. He could see the angel's fist trembling. He controlled himself so as not to give vent to his anger. They stood there for a moment before their friend's lifeless body, when they were joined by Seiran, who had quickly dressed. News of the Pegasus' death had quickly spread around the ship, and its inhabitants were gradually waking up to the sad news, a few hours before their usual wake-up time. 

-Niris! Azur!" said Seiran, short of breath. 

He'd run all the way here. When he saw the Pegasus lying on the metal table in the morgue, he slowly approached and placed himself next to the angel. He swallowed as Meica lay there, all life absent from her body. He reached out a trembling hand to touch her fur, but withdrew it at the last moment. He looked away. He didn't dare. It was too hard, he couldn't do it. 

His gaze fell on the angel standing upright beside him, her gaze lost in the pegasus' gray fur. Beside him, Azur looked exhausted. 

-Niris...said the demon again in a soft voice, but he was cut off by it. 

-We've got to bury him," said Niris, taking everyone by surprise. 

-Shouldn't we? Uh, yes, you're right..." said Azur, looking haggard. 

Now that he was at Niris's side, he felt as if all the mental strength he had built up to support himself had vanished. He felt more vulnerable than ever. And lost too. 

-I'll go and see the Commandant and ask him to go to Plénimy, where we'll hold his funeral at his birthplace. 

His words sliced through the air like a guillotine descending on the victim's head. With a wave of his chin, he instructed the doctor to return the body to its case. The doctor complied, and the angel headed for the exit, followed by the Pegasus and the demon. 

-Plenimy...yes, that's a good idea. She'll be happy to go back there, it's a peaceful planet," Azur said gently. 

Niris said nothing. He walked at a brisk pace and didn't seem to see anything other than what was right in front of him. 

-By the way! the Pegasus suddenly remembered. I've got the Niyarii fragments. 

He opened his dematerialized keychain and raised the little black box in front of him. With the tip of his snout, he pushed it towards the angel to take it. Niris took hold of it and observed carefully. This box was the cause of Meica's death. Those precious fragments Zorkiel had wanted to get his hands on... No, it was Niyarii who was the cause of her death! Without Niyarii...

The angel didn't think any further. He knew it was pointless looking for someone to blame. They were at war, fighting every day for victory, risking their lives every day for their own reasons. He frowned. He didn't want to get lost in all that rambling. It was Zorkiel who was responsible for the mess they'd all been in for months, and it was the soldier who'd shot Meica who was responsible for her death. The rest was history, and there was nothing he could do to change the course of the past. 

-It was originally intended for you, but I think the changeling changed its recipient before the fragments were placed inside," continued the Pegasus, who looked as if he were reciting a lesson, so absent was he from the scene. 

Niris looked at the box and saw the mark designed to read his fingerprint. He placed his finger on it, ignoring Seiran's protests that it was too dangerous to do that here. Unsurprisingly, the box didn't open. The demon breathed a sigh of relief to see the box remain firmly closed. 

-It must have registered Zorkiel's fingerprint," he remarked. 

Niris observed the object for a moment, then put it back in his trousseau and resumed his walk. The two friends followed in silence. They finally arrived at the ship's command center. There, they found the commander, sub-commander and lieutenant in charge of the Nymphéa's direction. On seeing them enter the command center, the commander stepped forward, removing his cap and placing it on his chest in deference. 

-I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, Your Highness, Messire Azur. She was a remarkable fighter who accomplished many feats on behalf of the organization, including recovering the Niyarii fragments from Zorkiel. 

The prince thanked him with a brief nod and told him what he had come for without any transition. His cold gaze chilled Seiran's blood as he stood back. 

-Direct the ship to Plénimy, we're going there as soon as possible for the funeral," he ordered. 

-Aye, aye," said the commander, returning to his men to give them directions. He inspected a map for a moment, then returned to the group. 

-We'll be there in about two days. If we take the interdimensional portal PI648, we'll arrive very close to the planet. 

-Perfect, Niris said, before turning back, his two friends hot on his heels. 

Azur took leave of them as they headed for the headquarters where the organization's decision-makers were grouped together on the ship. He was exhausted and wanted to rest before arriving in Plénimy. For their part, Niris and Seiran made their way to HQ, where all the leaders were already discussing the situation. A woman in her forties greeted him as he entered the room. 

-We've been expecting you, Your Highness. 

Everyone bowed deferentially, and Niris gestured with his hand for them to straighten up. 

-We're very sorry..." began the woman when the angel cut her off abruptly. 

-We don't have time for politeness and formalities, let's get straight to the point," he said, taking out the small black box from his keychain. 

Seiran leaned against the wall of the room, out of earshot of the discussion. He watched Niris with a scrutinizing eye. 

-Find a way to unlock this box as quickly as possible, I need to assimilate the NIyarii fragments before another theft attempt is made. 

The woman nodded and handed the box to one of her colleagues, who scanned it. 

-It's not going to be easy, but we're going to try to reproduce Zorkiel's fingerprint to open it," she explained. 

-Please hurry, we don't have much time. 

With a wave of her hand, Niris asked for the box back, scanned from every angle. 

-I'll keep the box in the meantime, it'll be safer. 

The woman wanted to protest, but the angel cut her remarks short. 

-We're leaving immediately for Plénimy, the funeral will be held in two days' time, so make all the necessary preparations. Meica was an exceptional fighter and a key member of the organization, and we must pay her the proper tribute. Hold a public ceremony so that all those who mourn her death can pay their respects. 

-Agreed, Your Highness," said the woman, who no longer dared give her opinion in the face of the angel's cold tone. 

-Also, find a replacement team for Azur and Inja, as they won't be going on another mission in search of the Niyarii fragments. 

-By the way, we've already thought about it and two people have already offered to take over," replied her interlocutor. 

Niris gestured to her to continue talking. 

-Lirum de Nêsle and Ellen have offered to take over," she continued. 

Niris thought for a moment. Ellen was a werewolf. But unlike her people, most of whom lived outside the Organization they hated, she lived on her own and often joined the Organization's missions. She was a trustworthy and straightforward person, who never hesitated to say what she thought needed to be said, and followed her principles without ever wavering from them. 

Niris had great respect for her, as she was also a seasoned fighter. With Lirum the master in terms of defense thanks to his energy shield technique, this would be a difficult duo to defeat if they fought together. But sending just two people was a little weak for the mission. 

-It's a good idea to put these two on the same team, but they're missing at least one person if they're to be effective. 

The woman turned her head and questioned one of her colleagues with her eyes. She continued a little hesitantly. 

-We're thinking of asking the Sim fairy to join the group. 

Niris frowned. 

-Sim? Sim al Shar? 

-Precisely," replied the woman. 

He thought for a moment. Sim was a master in the art of illusion, and in general, he excelled in all areas necessary for combat. Speed, strength, aggression, he was undoubtedly a great asset for such a delicate mission. The problem was his personality. He was a man who had no ties and lived according to his desires. He'd already betrayed his own people, the fairies, and was now living in exile, being a mercenary hit, a hit sent by the Organization to earn his keep. 

This hard-to-define and untrustworthy personality didn't really satisfy the angel, but he was aware that he didn't have much choice. The team should leave quickly to avoid losing ground to Zorkiel. 

-See if you can find something solid enough to secure his cooperation for the duration of the mission, otherwise we won't be able to include him. 

-All right.

Considering the matter closed, the angel turned to leave, then stopped halfway to the door. There, he turned to give a final instruction.

-And find the soldier who shot Meica. Identify him and have him court-martialed. He must be tried and punished for his crimes. 

-It'll be done," replied the woman, her eyes fixed on the ground. 

The aura emanating from the angel as he spoke was frightening, and very hard to bear for someone unaccustomed to being exposed to aggressive auras such as those used in combat. 

With nothing more to say, Niris left the ship and resumed his stroll through the corridors of the Nymphéa. He walked briskly, without looking around at the crew members who were hurrying to their tasks. It was still too early for the ship to be in such an uproar, but the tragic news had awakened everyone. Morale was at an all-time low, and never before had such an inhabited vessel been so silent. It was as if death had come to haunt the ship's corridors, silencing any noise in its path. 

Seiran walked behind the angel, sometimes having to run to catch up. He called out to him several times, but there was no answer. He couldn't hear him. Determined to bring the angel to his senses, he caught up with him and forced him to face him, grabbing his arm. 

-Niris! Stop running around like that and sit down for two minutes! Ever since Azur and Inja came back, all you've done is run around and you haven't even taken the time to integrate the information! 

Across from him, Niris fixed him with a hard stare. He could feel the muscles of his arm being stretched to the limit under his hand, and saw his fist clenched so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. 


-If I stop, I'll kill someone," the angel finally replied. If I stop, I'll explode. I've got so much anger inside me, so much fury! How is it possible that she died in an ACCIDENT! 

he had almost shouted the last word. Seiran could read the rage and anger in his cold, hard eyes, staring ahead with a fury that seemed to come from the depths of his soul. 

-I want to find whoever fired that shot and make him pay! When I think she's dead because of those idiots incapable of discerning danger! it drives me crazy! 

Seiran sighed and put his arms around the angel's shoulders, bringing her against him. He felt the angel's body tremble against his own. Gently, he stroked her back to soothe her. The angel relaxed slightly. 

-I know you're angry Niris, I know you're sad too. But don't let anger get the better of you, it'll only make you harder on others, and you risk hurting the ones you love. 

Little by little, the angel relaxed as he listened to the demon's gentle voice pressed against his ear. He let her words soothe him and his anger subside in their embrace. 

-And I know you're angry with her because she went to get those fragments so you could integrate them, but that's not your fault either. You know this isn't your fault, and if anyone's to blame, it's Zorkiel, not you. So don't blame yourself for his death, you're not responsible. 

The angel said nothing, but the demon felt him rest his head against his shoulder. At last, he had given in. He sighed with relief. He knew the little prince's temperament well, and was reassured that he'd agreed to listen to him and let himself be convinced. For anger was his greatest failing and, above all, the emotion he was weakest against. 

-I wish I could go back in time and stop him from dying. I can't believe...I can't accept that she's dead. 

Niris had spoken in a small, barely audible voice. The demon stroked his hair and pressed his cheek against hers. He closed his eyes. The two lovers remained like that for a while, cradling their grief in each other's arms in one of the ship's airlocks, facing a huge pane of glass that opened onto the black immensity of the universe. 

Pleminy, two days later

In an immense green meadow, a sea of black umbrellas hid the ground for several hundred meters. Thousands of people had turned out for Meica's funeral. In front of a lump of freshly turned earth, Niris stood with Seiran, Inja and Azur. Behind him, his father and representatives of the Organization were at the front of the assembly. No Pegasus had shown up. A little further back stood Jibaru and other high representatives of Egea. The next dozen rows were filled with representatives of other planets who had come to pay tribute to Meica, the warrior and only Pegasus to have joined the ranks of the Organization. 

The rest was a vast crowd of people separated from the diplomatic corps and representatives by a wide barrier and a security cordon. No Pegasus other than Azur was present. At the foot of the mound of earth lay wreaths of flowers and a photograph. Here, the master of ceremonies said a few words and invited the members of the diplomatic corps to pay their last respects before sealing the grave. A long procession of dull colors moved slowly forward in the pouring rain to throw a last flower into the grave. Azur had regained some composure and seemed to be mourning the funeral, but Inja was just as downcast. 

Niris, too, had calmed his anger, but a hint of bitterness remained at the back of his mouth. He was determined to avenge his friend. When he picked up the white flower and placed himself in front of the coffin lying at the bottom of the hole in the ground, he paused for a moment. 

-Meica, I hope you're galloping in a better world than this," he began. 

He paused and slowly loosened his fist, which he had unconsciously closed on the flower stem. 

-Don't worry about us, just worry about being happy...enjoy your rest, you've earned it. And then we'll join you when it's all over. When we're old, and we've beaten Zorkiel, and peace has returned, even if it's just for the time of our lives. Those who commit crimes must pay for them, in life or in death it doesn't matter. But as long as I'm alive, those who caused your death will never be at peace. I'll hunt them down to the end, track them down and make them pay for ending your young, beautiful life. For taking away your future when you had dreams ahead of you. That you gave so much and didn't get to enjoy it. I promise you, Meica. We'll be happy for you, and we'll share that happiness so that your sacrifice will never be in vain. 

He stopped and bit his lip. Now that he'd swallowed the anger, all he had left was pain and sorrow. Rage too. He held back his tears, and continued. 

-We'll never forget you, Meica. We'll never forget you. You will always be with us. Be at peace. 

He then threw the flower away and, with his head riveted to the ground, returned to the space between Azur and Seiran, his eyes brimming with tears.