Chereads / The last Swordmaster's heir (BL) / Chapter 57 - Chapter 20 S2

Chapter 57 - Chapter 20 S2

Niris and Lou arrived at the ceremony barely an hour before it was due to begin. There, they met the Aegean delegation, who took charge of them and immediately set about preparing Niris for the event. Lou had been invited but did not want to appear in public, claiming she didn't want to cause trouble by appearing in public. No one had dared force her.

Niris could feel the excitement building. He couldn't stand the thought of seeing Seiran again after all this time. But he knew he had to be careful: he would be closely watched at this event. Like all events, in fact! He was one of the few sons of dignitaries still single, so many were interested in him.

He sighed inwardly. How he longed to be able to officially flaunt his relationship with Seiran! He'd already hated this roundabout attention before, but now that he was in a relationship with someone, he hated the idea even more. Around him, members of the delegation were busy doing his hair and make-up. He was almost ready, and the ceremony would start in less than a quarter of an hour, just enough time for him to make his way to the large reception hall.

He checked his sleeves and made sure his collar was securely fastened. It was winter on the planet he was on, so the delegation had made sure to provide him with warm clothing, knowing that the prince was rather chilly. He had dressed in a rather classic outfit, not wishing to attract too much attention. A pair of pleated beige pants with salmon-colored embroidery running down the outside of the leg, cinched with a brown leather belt from which two tassels in the same color as the embroidery hung over the hip.

To maintain his customary elegance, the outfit was completed with a frilly white shirt topped by a short jacket in darker brown tones, closing three-quarters of the way up his chest. His sleeves were sewn with discreet gold trims and a magnificent design of orbasque fish, an extremely elegant species with long, veiled fins, had been embroidered in a panel of oranges, ranging from vivid to lighter on the back, spilling over the front in delicate voluptuousness. The short sleeves at the wrists let the frills of the shirt stand out, as did the collar where it rose up over his neck, emphasizing the delicacy of his nape and the curve of his face.

Finally, a brooch set with a simple, discreet ruby had been planted on the left side of his jacket, level with his heart. For the rest, he wore simple jewelry and no necklace, leaving his neck bare, his tender skin almost a provocation to prying eyes.

As the angel who was styling him asked him to check his reflection in the mirror, he thanked him for his work and applied perfume to his wrists, which he dabbed onto his neck. Just then, the Egea diplomatic attaché accompanying the delegation entered and approached him.

-How do you feel, Your Highness?" she asked, smiling contentedly as she saw the prince decked out in his finery.

-A little impatient," he admitted with a smile.

The diplomat returned the smile.

-Don't worry, it's a very big place, and I'm sure you'll find a corner out of sight where you can meet His Highness Seiran," she replied reassuringly. Just be careful when you arrive and during the first phase of the ceremony, as many people will be there and, as your father has just returned to the political scene, you'll have a lot of attention on you. Make sure you stay in sight and greet everyone who needs to be greeted, and wait until the buffet is served and the guests have started drinking before you slip away.'s always the same thing anyway. We play politics for an hour, and then as soon as the booze is served everyone forgets about wars and alliances," he says sarcastically.

-I know you're not a big fan of these events, but tonight is a crucial moment in intergalactic politics. There may well be more at stake than you think.

-I doubt it, but if you say so," he replied without much enthusiasm. I'll do whatever it takes.

-Try talking to Lirum. He specifically asked for you to be here tonight, with or without your father, incitated him the diplomatic delegate.

-Did he make any specific mention in the invitation? Niris arched an eyebrow.

-You know his sister's retiring from politics in a few days? He's going to take her place as representative of the elves, and apparently he's more proactive than the other members of his family. There's even a rumor that he's agreed to an engagement with Cerine on condition that he becomes the official representative of the elves.

This time Niris stopped and turned to her frankly.

-You mean he wants to federate the elves? As a member of the ancestral family, of supposedly divine stock revered by the other elven families?

-That's what we hear, it's just a rumor, Your Highness," replied the delegate, observing her fingernails with a casual look. I give you this information, it's up to you to confirm it.

Niris frowned. This wasn't nothing. If the rumor was true, then something important could indeed happen tonight. Something other than his meeting with Seiran.

-Very well, I'll take the time to speak with Lirum de Nêsle. In any case, an alliance between mages and elves is something quite uncommon, so it's worth looking into.

-That's all you need to know for tonight," she said, heading for the door when Niris interrupted.

-How's my father? I heard he used the Phinikon not long ago. Is he well?

The delegate smiled at the young prince's worried expression.

-Are you really worried about him? About your father? Because he used the Phinikon for less than five minutes? Seriously, Your Highness, don't underestimate your father like that.

-He's not young anymore, one day he might really hurt himself if he goes on....

The diplomat laughed out loud at the remark and took a few seconds to reply.

-They don't call your father Aroslan the Eternal for nothing," she said, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. It wasn't even a warm-up for him; on the contrary, he's been even more dynamic since he used it, it's given him new energy!

But Niris still had that worried look on his face. He knew she wasn't lying, but he couldn't help worrying.

-Tomorrow, he's got nothing scheduled between three and four o'clock, so give him a call," suggested the diplomat, "he'll be glad to hear from you. Good evening, Your Highness.

She left, leaving Niris alone to face his reflection. All the members of the delegation had left, and Lou had gone to her room to rest. He took a deep breath, then sported the dignified, stern facial expression he reserved for events of this kind. With confident steps, he opened the door and stepped outside. It was time to join the mass.

Everyone had already gathered in the great hall. He was one of the last to arrive. He greeted everyone he knew, and even those he didn't. The air was electric and the tension high. The air was electric and the tension palpable. It had to be said that the situation was not at its best, and conversations were based on affinities and alliances.

For the moment, no one dared ignore Egea's representative, despite the angels' controversial return to intergalactic affairs. This was reassuring, as it meant that no one would dare attack them directly, and that bellicose states would think twice before launching an armed attack against one of their allies. This would keep things calm for a while, as long as Zorkiel didn't make the first move.

Then, finally, Lirum and Cerine made their entrance. The ceremony went off without a hitch, and the guests busied themselves congratulating the newly engaged couple. Niris could hardly stand still. He looked all around for Seiran, but couldn't see him anywhere. Undaunted, he decided to walk around the room to at least find him, and make sure he was there, but Lirum caught him before he could launch his plan.

-Niris, how nice to see you! I'm glad you could get away, I'm told you're very busy at the moment," said the elf with a big smile.

-Oh, it's the least I can do! We've known each other for so long, I couldn't afford not to come," he replied with a broad smile. Congratulations on your engagement!

The elf bowed at the top of his six-foot stature to thank his guest.

-Thank you," he said with a slight smile. It was a bit last-minute, but I'm glad it happened.

Niris was about to reply when he froze instantly. He had just seen Seiran in the distance. His heart leapt in his chest. Lirum started to speak again, but he wasn't listening. All his thoughts and senses were focused on the golden-haired demon dressed in a super white outfit.

-If you don't mind, I'd like us to talk a little apart," he said in a weaker voice, to make sure he was the only one who could hear him. There are a few things that....Niris? Are you listening?

The angel didn't react, and the elf had to shake him by the shoulder to bring him back to the conversation. Niris reluctantly tore himself away from his admiration of the demon a hundred yards away and turned to Lirum.

-Is everything all right? You seemed out of it," Lirum worried.

-Yes...sorry," he cleared his throat and blinked. What did you say?

The elf looked at his friend with furrowed brows.

-Come, follow me," said the elf, grabbing Niris by the arm.

The angel tried to protest, but was surprised by his friend's strength. He had to resign himself to being dragged behind him to a large pillar that hid them from the rest of the guests. He tried to resist, disappointed at not being able to observe Seiran any longer, but resigned himself to his friend's determination.

-I know Seiran's hot and he's totally your type, but you can't just stare at the guests like that," began the elf, who leaned his full height over the angel, whose back was to the pillar, unable to get a word in edgewise.

-No, it's not..." tried Niris, but he couldn't finish his sentence.

-You're a state representative now, you should be more careful," he continued to lecture him, his eyebrows furrowed. If the other representatives catch you doing something like this, you're going to lose credibility as a high-ranking Aegean representative!

-Lirum listen...

-I know you don't like this kind of event and you hate taking part in these hypocritical balls, but it's part of your job now! You haven't changed a bit!

-I'm going out with Seiran! he finally let out, unable to hold back any longer.


Lirum looked stunned. He couldn't believe it. He looked at the angel in front of him who had his eyes rights in the eyes, mouth wide open.

-Seiran and I are a couple," repeated Niris.

-What do you mean? How long have you been together? How did you guys meet? Oh my God, I can't believe it! Tell me about it!

The elf couldn't contain his excitement. He put both hands in front of his mouth and his eyes were full of stars. Niris rolled his eyes in his sockets. The elf had always been like that. He was a discreet boy who had little interest in political games and stayed away from events of this kind. This was how he and Niris had become friends, since they always found themselves hanging out together away from the crowds of guests when they were invited to events of this kind.

Niris felt at ease with him, he didn't need to pretend, and besides, he was a quiet boy who didn't talk much, which was perfect for him who liked solitude and calm. But as he got to know Lirum, he realized he had a particular trait for someone with a personality like his: he loved romance. Especially other people's. As a child, he spent his time inventing love stories between members of intergalactic high society.

And as Niris liked to flirt, he had had fun during their teenage years playing the cupid when they were together, finding the ideal partner for the angel who at the time preferred relationships with no strings attached and to have more fun than anything else.

-Look, I'll tell you next time, I promise," sighed the angel, who didn't know how he was going to get out of this situation. I'll stay a few days, I could tell you all about it if you like.

The elf grabbed him by the arms, startling the unexpected angel.

-I expect a detailed account of everything that happened! he warned him, his eyes shooting lasers of dissuasion.

-Yes, yes, I promise," grumbled the angel.

He wasn't happy about the idea, but he knew the elf would make him regret not keeping his promise. Besides, talking to someone would probably do him some good. He had a heavy weight to unload, and a sympathetic ear would not go amiss.

-Niris, you love whoever you want, you know that? No one has the right to dictate anything to you about your partners, except to respect them.

The elf had regained his seriousness and his gaze softened when he saw the hint of sadness in his friend's eyes.

-I know, thank you Lirum.

Niris replied with a grateful smile.

-As for the rest...the elf seemed to hesitate for a moment. Ah, I was going to tell you about it anyway, but I think we'd better talk about it tomorrow.

-Wait, you mean your engagement to Cerine? And the fact that you're regaining the title of elf representative?

Niris pushed him a little. He could tell the elf wasn't comfortable with the whole thing.

-You can tell me what you want, I don't regret my choice," said the elf, firmly but with a glare.

Niris sighed. He hated knowing the elf so well. But even if he had his faults, he'd always been a good friend to him. He didn't have the heart to be cruel to him.

-I know you know what you're doing, and that you do things for a reason, and frankly, I admire your courage," Niris said, taking his hands in his. But don't overdo it, you don't have to carry everything alone. I hope this marriage won't cause you unhappiness, I know the elves are pretty strict about arranged marriages. I'm just worried about you...

-Zorkiel Niris must be destroyed," the elf said with a dark look he didn't know he had. Not only will he destroy us, he will destroy the future of millions of people who will live in slavery under his rule.

Niris was genuinely surprised to hear the elf speak to him with such acuity on a subject that had never even crossed the minds of his people on Liore. It was then that he realized that the little boy he had known in the past had matured into a man of strong convictions.

-I will ally the elves, even if I have to use force to do so, and I will support Lord Aroslan openly in his fight against this monster. I will stake my life on it, from this day forward. And you will always have my full support in your mastery of Niyari. I'll never vote to lock you up, you can count on me. We've got to win this fight, Niris.

The angel nodded gravely. He hadn't expected such determination from his friend. His support warmed his heart.

-And as for your relationship with Seiran, I support you too," he whispered in his ear, which surprised Niris.

When he looked up, he saw his friend wink at him before slipping away to return to the hall. Niris hiccupped as he met the gaze of Seiran, who stood a few steps away, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed at having interrupted their conversation.

Niris felt himself melting inside. A host of emotions took hold of his heart, and he wanted to burst into tears and jump for joy at the same time. But he refrained from doing anything, and couldn't stand it any longer, so he grabbed the demon by the hand and dragged him behind him.

He made his way to a door leading to the outside and pushed it open. He stepped out, then walked straight ahead into the garden lit by a few streetlamps. He kept as far away as possible from the drunken guests who had gone out for a breath of fresh air. Without thinking, he continued walking, when suddenly a pressure on his hand made him turn around. Before he could say or do anything, he found himself in a warm embrace.

Seiran had just taken him in his arms and buried his head in his shoulder. The angel felt his whole body electrify. He'd dreamed of this moment so many times, imagined it in his mind, that to experience it made him feverish. His throat was in knots. Seiran held him so tightly that he couldn't make a move. He stayed that way and closed his eyes, savoring the closeness of the man he loved and had missed so much. He buried his head in Seiran's shoulder and let himself go, losing track of time.

After a moment, the demon loosened his grip and moved away from the angel's shoulder. Without a word, he plunged his eyes into the green gaze of his lover, and bent down to place a kiss of infinite tenderness on his lips. Niris closed his eyes again, sighing with happiness. He placed his hands on the demon's cheeks and pressed his lips to his.

Their kisses grew more passionate, longer. It was as if every second counted. They couldn't waste a moment of their time together, after these months apart. They continued kissing for a long time, then finally parted, resting their foreheads against each other and smiling.

But Niris couldn't stand it any longer. Once again, he nestled against the demon, his cheek against his chest and his hands around his waist tied behind his back. Without saying a word, Seiran kissed the top of his head and rested his chin on it. His hand stroked his hair, while his other clasped his waist.

-I've missed you so much... Niris finally said, fighting back tears.

He didn't want to spoil this precious moment, but emotion had taken hold of him and he was trembling as he tried to fight it back.

-I've missed you too," Seiran said in the hollow of his ear. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you.

Niris rubbed against his cheek. He flinched when he caressed the skin of his neck with the tip of his lips. His warm breath against his skin made his heart beat as hard as it could. There was nothing more terrible than realizing you loved someone after losing them, even temporarily.

He let himself be cuddled like this, eyes closed, savoring the demon's caresses as she showered him with tender kisses as if he were the most precious thing in the world. At times, they kissed, then again he snuggled up against him. They stayed like this for a long time, unable to part.

After a while, Niris began to speak again.

-I'm sorry...

His emotions had calmed down a little, and now only questions and regrets remained in his mind.

-Shhh, it's not your fault," the demon calmed him, stroking his hair lovingly. You've done nothing wrong Niris, don't blame yourself for what's happened to you.

The angel didn't answer, but buried his head against the demon's chest. The latter let him do so with a tender smile.

-Look, I'm fine, everything's fine," he continued to reassure him. I'm in great shape!

-You've lost weight," protested the angel sulkily.

-Aaaah, what am I going to do with you, my little prince! he quipped. Are you going to leave me if I lose my beautiful muscles? Will you? You don't like me anymore, now that I've lost a bit of weight?

He forced the angel to straighten his head and look him in the eye, but the latter protested, pushing him away with a sulky look, and extricating himself from his grip.

-Niris look at me, he ordered tenderly. Kiss me.

The angel obeyed and stood on tiptoe to place a wet kiss on the demon's lips. Again, he flinched at the touch of his hand against his cheek.

-I'd like so stay with you, not to go back there, he sighed sadly.

-Seiran, swear to me that you're all right, that if you go back there, you'll be safe and nothing will happen to you," the angel said. If you don't swear, I won't let you go!

The demon sighed heavily, rubbing his nose against the angel's forehead.

-Promise me!" insisted Niris, who could feel the tears welling up.

-Niris, my love, I'm all right, I promise," the demon said in a breath before plunging his face into the angel's neck again.

-Otherwise I'm going with you!

-Out of the question, the demon cut short his plea.

He grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers with his. 

-I can't let you go back when I've only just found you," he protested with an imploring look.

The demon kissed the corners of his eyes.

-I'm here for now," he replied.

-It's too hard without you I...I'm not going to make it," Niris said, his voice trembling with emotion. I'm not strong enough to face Niyari, to fight Zorkiel, to stand up to all those leaders who want to see me locked up in an intergalactic prison. I can't do it without you, Seiran.

The demon stroked his hair, then ran his fingers down his cheek, caressing it with the back of his hand. He traced the curve of his nose, then his lips. Niris closed his eyes and sighed under his caresses.

-You're the strongest person I know," he said after resting his hand against his cheek. I know it seems insurmountable to you, but if there's anyone who can do it, it's you, Niris.

The angel nodded.

-My love, be strong," Seiran told him in a gentle voice. I promise I'll come back to you very soon. I just need to find an excuse to slip away and escape the surveillance of Zorkiel's men.

-Please stay, don't go," the angel implored, tears welling up in his eyes.

-I can't Niris, Zorkiel has sent his men to watch me, and if they don't see me at the ceremony in a little while, they'll come looking for me and imprison me for good this time. And if they see me with you, they'll attack you, and I don't want them to hurt you, ever! Especially if they manage to take me hostage...

This time, tears rolled down the angel's cheeks, which Seiran kissed gently. The salty taste of the water drops gripped his heart. It was as if he were tasting his partner's pain. It was extremely hard.

-I promise I'll come back, soon. I promise. Just wait a little longer. Be strong a little longer, and I promise I'll be back by your side. Hmm?

Niris was unable to speak. He let his tears fall as the demon tirelessly wiped them away. They stayed like that for a while, before the demon forced him to part with infinite gentleness. Once again, he placed his lips on those of the angel, who looked at him pleadingly.

-You have something to give me, don't you? he asked.

Niris nodded and handed him the small box containing the lenses. The demon took it and, without question, tucked it away in the inside pocket of his jacket. He paused, rested his forehead against the angel's, then inhaled deeply. It broke his heart to have to leave the angel, especially as his cheeks were still moist. He felt his heart clench as he laid his gaze on the little creature he cherished so dearly. But he had to. For his sake.

He had to leave him now.

-I love you Niris, you know that? he said.

The angel nodded.

-I love you too, Seiran," he replied in a trembling voice.

The demon caressed his cheek one last time and placed a long kiss on his lips, before untying himself from him and moving backwards. Niris tried to hold him back by shaking his head, but the demon forced him to let go.

Niris took a few steps behind him. He wanted to catch up, run, take his hand again and force him to stay, but his vision blurred. Suddenly, his legs gave way beneath him and he found himself on his knees on the floor, crying his eyes out. Once again, he had lost the love of his life without being able to do anything about it.