Chereads / The Repentant's Path(A Naruto fanfic) / Chapter 3 - The Otsutsuki Revelation

Chapter 3 - The Otsutsuki Revelation

The mysterious red-haired woman appeared to be an Otsutsuki in disguise. Aki's appearance was completely different in comparison to her human form.There were two small cracked horns on her forehead, like sharkfins. Her hair were long and loose with the typical pale greyish blue color of the Otsutsukis, with a long lock of hair falling on her face. She resembled a beautiful woman in her late 20s and her eyes were covered by a white blindfold.

She also wore a white coat, furlined on its cuffs and colar, with the 9 magatamas on it's sleeves and a turtleneck sweater underneath, matching her hair color . Finally she wore black trousers and... chainmail leggings underneath her trousers? And gloves also from chainmail?An Otsutsuki wearing armor?Hayato was unsure weather this armor was forged or it was just a jutsu...

"What do you want from me, Aki or how the hell your name is?" asked Hayato,while knowing that conflict was unavoidable.

"And what do you want in Satsuma,shinobi?!"she answered in return as she charged towards him.

Aki extended her arm trying to stab him but he dodged it by leaning backwards. Then somehow, the timespace around them started bending and they instantly found themselves in a landscape similar to Earth with trees and mountains.

"We teleported? It happened so fast! " thought Hayato even confused, as he had never seen space-time ninjutsu casting at such speed.

"Here I can fight with all my might!" said Aki and instantly swung her sword at Hayato, but he easily read her moves and grabbed her arm to stop the attack. Then, she disappeared. Well actually no.She teleported again, a few meters away from him

"So can I" replied Hayato.

A weird red pigmentation around Hayato's eyes appeared and his eyes's color changed into a glowing yellow. Two slits appeared in his eyes' iris.

"Sage mode?! There was no such thing written about him in the Scroll of Earth." Aki thought and entered a defensive pose with her sword. If natural energy was to come into battle, she'd have a huge problem.

Hayato instantly dissappeared like a blur and appeared just a few centimeters in front of her, trying to land a punch but she, using once again her swift space-time ninjutus, teleported a few meters away.

Hayato then, pushed the natural energy on his feet away, propelling him towards at her at insane speed. He extended his hand and tried to strike Aki, yet she quickly made a step back, and he managed to slightly touch her shoulder with his palm.

"Frog Kumite :Frog strike!" a ripple of natural energy was ejected by Hayato's palm, easily bypassing Aki's chainmail shirt and piercing through her shoulder. The destructive ripple continued traveling for a few meters.

Then mysteriously, his sage mode deactivated. 3 thousand years slumber had probably put to much strain on his body.His body hadn't adapted to battle conditions yet.

She then took a look behind her. The shockwave made from pure, natural energy continued for several meters behind her and swiped away everything on its way. The force from the shockwave was so strong that it probably inflicted a good amount of damage on her. Aki then considered that she should take her distances.

"This son of a bitch! What was that jutsu? It dislocated my shoulder with no problem! Well... that doesn't matter! It is going to start healing soon." she thought, jumped and hovered overhead.

"Here, pick it up."she said with a slight grin and threw her sword at Hayato.It was a double edged straight bladed sword, with a vertical to the user's hand guard that had a bizzare symbol on it. A double headed bird to be precise. Nothing "alien" about it.

" The fight will be more even this way.Well...not that you can do anything with that in long distance. "Aki warned him with an arrogant tone, as she was sure about her triumph.

She then removed the blindfold,revealing her eyes, eyes with eye bags underneath, something that didn't match the stereotypical delinquent Otsutsuki face and revealed immense exhaustion, both psychical and psychological.

A Byakugan in her left eye and a Rinnengan in her right. But not just an ordinary Rinnengan. It was a Rinnengan with 9 tomoe.

Excluding her eyes, Hayato thought that she had a pretty face, contrary to her personality.Well,he shouldn't think about things like that and right now... His Karma would start aching again.

" Ah, yes. The Rinnegan. Just when I thought I stood a chance..."Hayato said to himself, trying to comprehend how dangerous the situation had become.

He instantly rushed to pick up the sword as she consecutively launched chakra rods at him, which were flying at a such velocity that the air around them turned into fire, just by sheer friction.

Hayato, though barely managing to avoid them, thought that he shouldn't risk his life. If one of those rods could actually hit him at his condition, he'd probably get an instant ticket to the afterlife.

"Overdrive!" he roared as small and thin bolts of blue-ish purple electricity surrounded his body that stimulated his nervous system, boosting his perception.Not only that, his already admirable speed received a buff as well. Hayato dodged those rods like they were nothing.

Aki in return change her rate of fire, turning her attack into a literal machinegun.

He dodged as many as he could and those that couldn't be dodged were deflected by his sword. The rods that missed their target came crashing into the ground with so much force that created craters on impact.

From which material was this sword forged? It was surely sturdy.

"If any of those rods hit me I will surely die. I can't run forever. "he thought as he desperately tried to find a way to attack her.

Hayato then tossed the sword at her with amazing power and peculiarly, it was engulfed with electricity midair. The sword missed it's target for a few centimeters,but it almost sliced her neck. Lucky her.

" This blue lightning bolt that engulfed my sword was not ninjutsu but naturally generated.Just like those lightning sparks that engulfed his body! How did my sword generated electricity midair?Don't tell me?Natural energy again? " she wondered and momentary stopped the rod barrage, as she didn't expect that move.

Then, as he his previous move created an opening, he waved signs to cast a fireball jutsu.But what could he do with a simple fireball jutsu on a Rinnengan-wielding Otsutsuki though?

"Now you are done for..


"FIRE-WHAT??!" Aki yelled confused, as ge expected to hear the typical "fireball jutsu".She instinctively launched another barrage at Hayato.

A literal huge stream of pure natural fire came out of Hayato's mouth, melting the rods that were shot at him. The roaring flames headed towards Aki with an amazing speed but she blocked the fire stream using a Rinnegan jutsu .Yet the flames were so strong that literally engulfed her protective dome, generated by her Rinnengan.She might had stopped the flames, but the immense heat was enough to make sweat and cause discomfort.

"Interesting jutsu" she thought. "But it's nothing against my Rinnengan!"

The continuous firestream stopped and she undid jutsu, kinda relieved. But something grabbed her coat from the right.

"Even with a Byakugan eye, you are not very perceptive, aren't you?" someone muttered.This waa not Hayato's voice.

It was a Hayato's clone!But...kinda different from his original appearance. Instead of a lower jaw he had a metallic piece and also steam was emitted from his mouth.The word "FIRE" was encrypted on the metallic piece.

Just before Aki tried to stab the clone with a chakra rod, he fully opened his mouth and exploded like a napalm bomb.The hot shockwave from the blast managed to deforest a large area,yet Hayato seemed unaffected by it.

"Did I get her?" Hayato wondered as he impatiently waited for his attack's result.

When the smoke from the explosion cleared, Aki was nowhere to be found.She avoided the explosion by teleporting on the ground. Her right sleeve of her coat and her sweeter was completely burned, revealing the armored chainmail sleeve.

"Oh come on now! You ruined my clothes!" she complained sarcastically.

Hayato didn't reply and he wondered how much durable this armor was, being able to withstand thousands of degrees of temperature.Even so, if she didn't teleport, the explosion could've perhaps done some damage.

Yet Aki she seemed uneasy by Hayato's previous fire jutsu.

" This bastard! Even when his Sage Mode is off, he can still cast jutsu like that.This jutsu was terrifying . He literally has a small flame continuesly burning in his chest.I saw it with my Byakugan! He then spat a spark, generated by this flame, setting alight the natural energy in the atmosphere and willingly controlling the fire.

And how the heck did he even send his clone midair. Even though the Scroll of Earth stated that he can't mold chakra like any other being,somehow with the help of ancient technology he controls natural energy very good.He even knows that we, Otsutsuki, can't absorb naturally generated attacks.Doesn't matter though. He has already lost the fight ."Aki thought after perfectly analyzing the situation.

Then, several clouds gathered, creating a thunderstorm. This thunderstorm was the result of a rising air current which was created by Hayato's fire jutsu. Dozens of thunders were ejected by the clouds that consecutively pounded the ground.

Aki though didn't seem pressed by it and prepared her next attack.

"I'm definitely not going to hold back! Brace yourself!" Hayato threatened.

"Really? And how are you going to wave handsigns?" asked Aki sarcastically.

Hayato tried to lift his right arm to cast a jutsu but it wouldn't move. There was a seal on him, rapidly stretching through his arm.

"Hayato, you fool.Perhaps you shouldn't grab my sword earlier!You fell for such a pity trap!Dumbass!" she mocked him and laughed maniacally.

"Now... " she said and lifted hair arm, pointed it at Hayato and extending her palm.His balance started to shaken and he noticed a strange force, trying to move him backwards.Soon,he felt the soil underneath his feet disappearing.

"The SHINRA TENSEI jutsu! It probably doesn't have a nice ring to you Konoha shinobi!" she exclaimed in her typical sarcastic manner.

Hayato was instantly launched flying hundreds of meters away and was slammed against a mountain, creating a huge crater and causing a lanslide. Aki hovered at Hayato's location with so much speed that she seemed like a thunderstroke, and tried to stab him with a rod. He barely got out of the crater though and dodged her attack.

"Thank you for flying with our airlines! We hope to see you again! " a voice into Hayato's mind spoke with a womanly voice.

1/3 of his body was paralyzed from the seal and he couldn't do much. Then Aki used Banshou Ten'in jutsu to pull him towards her and then grabbed him from the neck.

"Is this really the power of the Uchiha blood? Hayato you disappointed me. You miserably lost." she said

"Yes, but is the battle truly over?" Hayato asked with a slight grin on his face.

The moment he finished his words a thunder stroke the ground exactly behind Aki, catching her off guard. Then she turned around and saw another clone standing behind her.

This time was a different one. There were almost no differences between them, except that the clone's eyes were fully blue and the word "LIGHTNING" was encrypted on his forehead this time. What kind of bizarre jutsu was this?

The clone didn't lose any time and tried to stab Aki's with his hand. But when his hand touched her , he morphed into lightning bolts and mysteriously vanished...

She then turned back at Hayato again, grabbed him from his metallic neck and lifted him. She stared at him with a murderous glance.Her fury was was truly

apparent, as she frowned so much that someone could count every muscle on her forehead.

"WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT JUTSU WAS THAT!?" she screamed at his face as she breathed heavily from shock.


He did not reply and he stared behind her with his eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe that his last trump card failed. He could help but laugh at himself, pitying him. Perhaps his end was near.

"What a huge dumbass am I?" Hayato thought.

" WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE A FORM OF HUMAN COMEDY? CAUSE OF IT IS, IT AIN'T FUNNY!"she roared, utterly infuriated. Hayato's face was bathed by tiny droplets of saliva as she shouted at him.

"Why are you screaming at my face?"Hayato replied back with a question.

She thew him on the ground and breathed deeply and continuously for a few seconds in order to relax. Her attitude slowly changed.

"You are... disappointing! "she now spoke with a calm voice.

" Disappointing?! Well yeah, sorry I didn't throw a planet-sized chakra ball on your head, but I abstain from combat for like... 3 thousand years?"Hayato replied irritated, as he imitated her sarcastic attitude.After judging her instant shift in attitude, Hayato thought that his treatment would maybe be better.

" Uhm... Yea look I don't doubt your abilities but I wanted to see this in action. "said Aki calmly and pointed at Hayato's Karma seal." By saying disappointing I didn't actually mean that you are an unskilled warrior. The fact that you don't know how to control your Karma is disappointing! "

" Yeah yeah. Now that we are talking about seals would you be enough kind to deactivate the damn seal that paralyzed me. Ok we stopped the fighting. We are cool. I don't have the intention to hurt you anymore. So can you please remove that thing off me?" Hayato asked avoiding to answer to her about the Karma seal, as he tried to hide his pain.

"My goodness! The situation de-escalated from 100 to 0 very quick. But I feel my insides burning. " he thought kinda relieved but also worried about a huge pain in his innards.

" Oh yeah, sure. I completely forgot it, hehe... "she said and waved a handsign, deactivating Hayato's seal.He then got up.

" You know, I really didn't have either the intention to hurt you.I fought seriously in order to observe how you would use your Karma seal in real battle situations, as I said before." Aki stated, trying to apologize.

"Also I will provide you with the information you asked before!" she said

"... But of course not for free. "

Her last statement absolutely devastated Hayato's excitement.

" Not for free?"he asked with a disappointed look in his face.

"Nothing is free ya know."she sighed.

She extended her palm and her sword that Hayato tossed appeared.Hayato observed it a bit better to see if there was some kind of jutsu that made it so durable. Well... It didn't seem that there was something strange on it.She then sheathed it the scabbard, tightened to the belt at at her hip.

" Ok jokes aside,I will explain you when we get back to our dimension.Now brace yourself. "she said and in no time, both her and Hayato teleported at Satsuma.

Hattori back at Satsuma was waiting patiently for Aki's return. He also hopped to see Hayato wrapped in chains and terribly beaten up.

As he was sipping his tea leaning against a column in the yard of Satsuma's palace,Aki and Hayato suddenly appeared. Hattori's inner peace was utterly destroyed, not seeing Hayato wrapped in chains.

Before even trying to say anything, Aki glanced at him.

"Yes I know what you think. You didn't expect this outcome. But no worries. Trust me!" she spoke calmly at him.

"But-"Hattori tried to speak back.

"I said trust me!" she said again and transformed back to her human form.

"Now Hayato Remember that I said that nothing is free?That's why I'd like to settle a deal about provide info to each other, whadaya say?" Aki asked eagerly.

Hayto didn't answer though. He stared at Hattori with his eyes wide opened. Something on him was strange as well.

"His hair color is red!Similar with Aki's transformation! Something is wrong here !" he thought.

"What are you starin' at? Aki-chan asked you a question so answer to her!" Hattori said rudely.

"Ahahah, yes. Let's not lose any time and set a deal!" Hayato awkwardly answered.

At first, Hayato was very, very cautious about collaborating with an Otsutsuki since, the last time this thing happened,terrible events occurred.

Yet, what other options he had? This female Otsutsuki was definitely an at least a thousand-year old being,so she could hand to him tons of valuable information about the situation on Earth.

She probably only views him as a tool. But that doesn't matter. He only views her as information.


"Hmm, Otsutsukis actually want to make a dialogue is a rare sighting.There is no way! Perhaps other than wanting to see the Karma in action, she probably also wanted to test my power to know if I will manage with the tasks that she will probably give me. Well... It doesn't matter. Shinobis were meant to be tools.Let's see what will come out of the dialogue. " Hayato thought.

Then the voices in his head started mumbling again.

" Deal? Heh. She probably wants ya to do a stupid task for non-valuable information. Seriously, what a prick you are "

Suddenly then,Hayato felt once again a sheer pain in his innards , like someone stabbed him with a sword.He started spitting a considerable amount of blood and he fell on his knees, grunting from pain.

Both Hattori and Aki were shocked and instantly rushed at him.

" Oi nechan! How hard did you went on him exactly? "asked Hattori, pretending that he is worried.

She didn't answer and quickly rushed to Hayato.While examining his insides with her Byakugan, she noticed that he suffered from severe internal bleeding.

" Oh no! This is bad...I... I maybe shouldn't have used the Shinra Tensei! "