Chereads / Within Veiled Boundaries: Shroud Over Their Eyes. / Chapter 159 - Stringless Puppet: Broken Marionette

Chapter 159 - Stringless Puppet: Broken Marionette

Eliza never went back to the family flat to stay, rather instead with her own merit. She was a nomadic rough sleeper, using the broken gates for sleep spaces. She uses her advantages to exchange materials. She was able to fleece the dangerous materials to safer worlds before any demon or angel was dumb enough. She became famous for such trades, protecting the boundaries of soulless beings in the mage tower. Her family makes no show of coming back anytime soon. That lady she saved was settled and released from the abyss gaze due to it. Her choose of living like this has prevented the cult folks from kidnapping her. She had been only lucky this far. Her fate ties with the Mage have frayed, as he was the one to remove those connections by force. She did feel it was Omen's work too, how the threads were cut. 

It is freedom for now. She is in danger, but she fully in control of her chooses. Going on a hell crossing request with the wavy guys was a foolish choose. But she hoped the walk would allow her to harvest some demon corpses and hell plant materials. She is geared the best she can be, and was full committed to whatever happens to her life. She isn't ignorant of how her name in the tome was being searched for... felt by hands. She is not afraid and not welcoming those hands. She doesn't know who and what they want of her broken soul. She will never give them a piece willingly. 

"Ugh, what? Why do we have a girl?" the group she guiding today. 

"The tribute." they drop it at her feet. She kicked this to her storage. She used her left hand indicating and waves them to follow. They step following her and she provides them through the frist gate, "You're not a normal guide." 

"Normally we don't talk. I do talk. This way." she pulls them through, "This way." she tugged the unwilling last one through, "Don't look at the eyes of the corpses. Those are not corpses." they looked around and instantly look at her back in fear of looking at eyes, "This way." she sternly takes them to shadows and through, "Fear is all you hear. Fear you made yourself. It will pass." speaking about the cost of a damned gate. They made it through and she posed to the exit, into a broken hell realm, "Through this." She pulls them across to the hell they should know, "Here is where you wished." She looked about, "Mmm... not a lot of requests here." She turned leaving them to sulk. She stays in stepping distance of them, always kitting them from shadow or distance. She hovered about with taking bits. They were running out of time for window of return. She stares of how they were in a court, and this demon court was wasting them. She seated hidden with glaring down of the passing papers. 

"Tribute." she lands in front of them, "You again." She takes the tribute with interest, "Wait, you been with us this whole time?" She puts away item and she provided a coin, "Can you be a testmony?" She looked at the coin for a while and with thought. She takes it. 

"They are under my law. I out rank your court order to execute them. Instead, they are payment for your misjustice. Wolves... you may act." the court wolves lifted and ate the judges, "You lot are mine. You will be only be a game for the god eaters for a bit. You be free once they are happy." She shadow drops the group to her tomes pages, "and transport them home." she leaves behind the blood screams and carnage. The documents of her was soaked in blood. The wolves and god eater eased. She returns back to the human world at ease. They were lifted to a coffee shop, seated on chairs. She looked human and sips her frappé. They all looked as they should; from hell and back. They slowly leave at their own accord. 

"Sleep." The bewitching trick of undertakers, to smooth a human's mind into small tasks. It's a sort of suggestion spell and it doesn't always work. This guy doesn't work for her. She had instead in sheer habit, slapped their hand away from her. Given that failed, there was then humans that hugged her down. She was at the floor being hand cuffed. She makes no resistance for now, in just making assessment of these people and intent. Smelling damned and demon. Ink... so Seer. They make her walk, holding her arms. Her drink all over her from the ordeal. 

"False ranking is a crime." a mage admin huffed, "What is your real ranking?" 

"Not accessable to you." She snaps, "You're not going to learn anything." 

"Miss Fallown, you're with the red hands. Red hands are now wanted criminals. So in addition of you mock ranking, you are being charged with other things." 

"I am my own lawyer. I refuse to be allocated with the deference you provide me. If you want to file a court against me, you are against the court system itself. I am not talking the judge." She glares, "So chose your words carefully. Careful at what you accuse me." they laugh and thrown her to a provided human cell, no cuffs removed.


"I will make a deal." A demon started and she stomps with releasing a holy protection. All the demons here scatter fast. She eased and sits in the darkest corner she can. Away from light. She stares at this area inspecting ways of escape if it will matter. But her went into sleep, exhausted from travelling. Covered in the dark shrouding of her titles. 

"Prisioner escape!" humans rushing about and stirring her awake. She noticed then someone entering the cell with a candle. From this she was visible in her little dark corner, "Ugh... what the?" She was weak from not given food or drink in a while. She lost track of time then having to use the wall to stablize, hands still cuffed behind her. 

"Transfer her." from one set of cuffs to magic restrictive ones. It made her even worse, feeling leached of energy. She was picked up roughly at the arms. 

"Are you sure that you don't want our help?" The guy her grandfather was ring of. 

"You can't interfere with outsider rank. I have to face those clothus at thier own tricks." she voiced, "I hope this court isn't devoured like the last one." she dragged away since that was her final answer. She was thrown a seat in an interview room. They talked at her about everything. Anything that red hands did. Wording it like she was the direct flaw of everything. Nit pick every last little scrap. Murder of a god was blamed to her. The tome's misueses. Everything that all the cult humans did was 'her' fault. She listened with mild interest, learning about all this crap for the first time. She didn't need context even if they don't give it her. She is so silent for the whole thing. Exhusting them... they borught a soul reader. Then replaced them with a mind reader. Mage to extract the energy she had been in contact. But she was mute. Her enitre being was more quiet then even a corpse. Even a corpse had magic traces. 

"Take the cuffs off." She was ordered but nothing. 


"She can take them off." 

"Only Clothus tend too." there a long pause. They look at her with waiting for her. So it was now about beating her up. A big demon guy lifted her from the seat and tossed her into the wall. She rag dolls the landing, she stays slump to the wall as a mute. Her ankle pointed wrong. She did shed a few tears but she stays as she is. They picked her up roughly and back to the chair, slams the table of papers. Gore pictures. They did try to write about her and this met with black out documents. 

"How did you do it? How did you become human fleshed? That sort of thing has been seeked by all the other clothus. How are you human?" slaps across the face, "Speak." 

"I am allowed to talk of my own free will without you interrupting me?" the guy throws her backwards as it wasn't what he wants to heard from her. She studies this room and the way the curtain folds here. She could escape if she wanted. Accessing a backroom was possible here. She looked at the ceiling, indeed it wanted to grapple her too. The keeper of the backrooms. She stares at the way her tears made stones over by the wall she was thrown before. She stings all over. 

"Time is up." the investgators hissed of the guy at the door, "Collect your mess." the demon was banished to hell. A new set of people came in, picked her up to the chair and a new file is placed. God inquiry: human 1090. That file is for recorded book keepers. A god seal page rests at her front. She only had to blow her breath over this page and it burned as purple flames. She stares at the remains of the page and the tells it left behind. It is her mark of a broken mask. 

"Well that answered everything." they pick up the file. 

"They call me the Broken Marionette of the abyss." She voiced, "Be aware of setting god eaters among the gods. I don't want to hear death moaning at me again." they stop short of exiting in hearing her, "If he wishes to know where she is, she is safe. Evading him and the sister. Tired of this war." A grim reaper pushed around and sit himself across from her, "Please don't try to soul reap me... my soul isn't collectable. I am cursed, I will bleed from a soul weapon." he takes a long time at making several sighs. He just then does something new. She never seen this before. He posed right hand over her and her dream self materialized into a solid form at the table. Her mass slowly spreading the whole room, eating the light and space occupied. She blinked of so many eyes. This Grim breaks the casting, back disappears the curtain of sleep. 

"That was neat." She voiced softer, "I guess its something new. I like new." the gloomy tone drips harshly over them. 

"Take her to the estate." Humans pull her away from this room, "This is a human affair." blocking the undertakers and demons. Blocked the court actions enacted against her, "You deal with the red hands you can handle." so they already captured her family and they took the defence given to them. They will have plenty of time with those red hands before they handle her.

She thrown into a black van, not to make it any worse then it is already. She was blind folded by her human sight. Rope with the cuffs magic restriction. Hog tie. Ankle loosely attached. She can smell and mask view the whole journey and wasn't afraid. Rolled to an expensive movie star's beach side mansion. She thrown to the back bedroom closet. This closet has a hidden door, which some demon slaves pulled her through and dragged her to the internal walls of this place. Hung from her torso to the ceiling. Left swaying about. 

The tomes did a distortion move, she was altered out of human shape. Hung as a monster. Swaying the ceiling and forgotten about. Time stops around her periodically, she can hear the Seers editing the tomes in ill practice. The capture of grim reapers, undertakers... unwilling angels. Demons are always enslaved to bidding. Meat market treatment for all. She would go into sleep periods. Waking by the scream of terror. She drift back when it was over. 

"You never stay." the demons tied this guy to the ceiling at her side, "Well if this method doesn't work, then we know she can escape too." they play cruel games with him and became to afraid of her lacking human skin. Scampering to report the lacking humanity of her. 

"This is even easier." he cut himself down with shadow. 

"Mmm, and then you stepped on the trap." she pointed out and the ropes come alive and string him back up, "The rope is mage made. It repairs. It would have to a break of some laws or a luck with divine intervention." He squrims about a lot and tries to loosen up. She twirls with watching him playing around, "But I guess now there is two of us." the rope was to much force, so she spin about all the way around. He flips himself and controts. His foot uses to cut the rope. He trying to dispell the weave of the spell casted to the rope make. It can work but it takes to long. The demons would replace damange rope. She then stomped the wall and shattered the barreir protections of this entire estate. She done this a few times when bored. It was perfect timing for raindow bird to land itself on the guys back. It hissed and croaks. 

"I know." he squirming about with cutting it. 

"Whatever." She stops time for them. It is just her, the bird and the guy, "Although, unless a seer come here. You have enough to cut the rope." He stares at her and then focused hard of slicing it. Just as she thought would... 

"Oi. Stop that." snaps with time back, the rope repairs, "Not going to happen and not with you helping." This guy captured the god vessel and its caged. Hung in cursed demon metal at the door, "And as for you." steps to look at her, "You're a living corpse. Not desperate about it." He check over her ropes and pokes her skin, "Who are you again?" she stare at him like his the stupid one. He lobs her head off for it, it rolls the floor underneath her. He kicked it a few measures and left it there. All huffed of energy, he left the demon to clean it all up. She waited for him to be gone and soon her shadow picked her head back up. She sews it back on her neck. His right, she is a corpse. No feeling in the skin and no pain. 

"Right, as we were." She shadow cuts the guy's rope and her shadow cut the trap too. She had then freed the vessel of the god from the cage at the door. She puts a corpse mimic in the gods place. She nods that it works enough for these idiots. She dangles about with looking at the guy and his god, "Bye."


"This place is a maze, I don't know the way out." she stares at the fool for a while. She cuts herself down now. Landing hard since her ankle is messed up. She stays laying about but with collecting things and poking past vicitms that are the rot around them. Picking up necklaces and some wallet. really stuff from peoples pockets normally. Coins. 

"guide us out of here!" the god vessel provided a tribute. She smiles of this, and with setting her leg back right. She gears up and her shadow kills a few rift raft demons. She takes those corpses too. She takes all the corpses. She is not with a hobble, takes his hand and guides him. They seem in bird talking, arguing over something. She pulls them to shadows, through broken rifts and walks the spirit side. She makes it around to crossing back to the human side among tomes. She give him a rest break as she pillaged the family vaults of these tomes that needed checking up. She takes items that humans should never be in possession of. She finds plenty of enslaved beings that should not have came to the living realm laws. All things they used to steal fame and wealth. Fortune creatures that become material objects. She was at hand to hand fighting with two guards that came to hear the tomes shuffling about strangely. Her shadow pocketing the rooms of material wealth and supernatural goodies. The guy she was guiding was fending himself with a Seer. Once she had everything (even the things locked behind lock seals and illusions), she dismembered the demons in her way and then knock cold the Seer. 

"Wow, thanks." She nods and take hand, guiding them out of this mansion from the front door. She made a step back to being a breathing normal human, She looked back in knowing she still holding his hand. But with seeing that there isn't humans home to stop her leaving. She follows the reflections worlds, using a car door to exit this realm into the broken corpse one. She back to a corpse herself here. 

"Unless we luck to get a car working or a bike... we best get moving." This place is a perfect mirror of the world humans. Its just this one has no humans and all dead hidden beings. Even a few death god vessels. She seen dead god eaters here. Something quite nasty happened. But there a sky, air and weather. This is a replica human world. 

 "Which side are you from?" he asked. 

"Both?" She questioned unsure herself, "You're from this corpse side, right?" She looks at them both, "Smell of dead on you. As for you bird of Omens... you're just the vessel. Not the title." She back forwards with looking at the road signs and how far down beach side they are. She counted the blocks and then smiles to herself, "Hey there's quid bikes over there." She rushed ahead. They had to follow her quickly. She makes it over, inspecting them, "Petrol is replaced with a magic coverter." She stares about why this machine isn't working. Sparking her to figure things out about strange laws, looking about the way the energy is minimal, "It's all coming together now. I see why the spirit side is so dead around here." She placed hands over the core of the converter, "And with a little tainting... a little law breaking. Why not?" she eat away the old energy of the crystal and replacing it with one she knows is abundance of. The machine comes alive. 

"How did you do that?" 

"I changed the energy type of the crystal catalyst." She puts him on the back and she hops on, "Hold on tight." She soon has them both zipping the lands, "So what side you want guiding back to? I going to have to go back to there soon." He stares of the speeding she does and avoiding cars. Sometimes invisible ones to him, "If I get pulled over, we going to say its spring break prank." He tilted at her like she nuts, "I wouldn't want the corpse guys either." she smirks, "So is this a diverted timeline or mirror language of an alternate tome? Mirror tomes happen often." 

"Leave us at the vault." She turned confused to the bird, "Seriously?" 

"I guess nuke fallout was a good guess." She looked at the road signs and the emergency ones that were exits to such vault. She parked short of the doorway, "I can't go in." She tells them, "So good luck." They got off the quid bike, "I will be keeping this machine. Its the payment for being the taxi service." They stare as the doors were opening. She gave a last nod and she drives away. He stares seeing her disappearing. She took a gate crossing with the quid bike. She exited from a cemetery gate. Down side streets of housing. This was middle class living sort of area. Plenty of retail, office and boat workers. School down the side pass was for younger then her. Up town will be the university. She however knows a short cut of shadow to cross back to the mage tower. She takes pause in a shaded trees hang over a road. She wipes sweat away and sees her wavy folks. 

"They want you. Summoning you." a court note to her. She sits up ad looked a it, "Well?" 

"God court or what? The humans messing things up? They attacking the court neutral party?" he nods at that last part, "Clothus?" nods again, "Right. I gather some bits before I arrive." He scratched and she snaps a damned gate, "Dream lands has some very broken evidence." He watched as she disappears to darkness. Posed impressed that she can use shadows. She got off the quid bike as it sank to her storage, and faces the forest shrouding the demon lands and human school. The forest of creeps, hidden in the smokey mountains. She indeed crossed three state boarder crossings on a quid bike. She was non-stop four days straight. She done stupider before. 

"You came to make a mark?" So the many beings of nightmares have her watched and were happy she finally registering as one them. 

"I already have one." She pulls the tome into shape, "I am the owner of these. I am the broken collector. A monster that eats the others. I came here to take any traces of Clothus. They evaded me and now they making trouble. I will make any contracts with whichever proxy lord it concerns. I am just going to chase my poaching right." This black eye human of white skin smiles of sharp teeth. Blue fingers touched her tome surface and then hissed with evading it. He backed away with holder of these lands forwards. 

"Exchange." She gifts plenty of dream jobs (things she requested for humans she wanted to be in night terrors), many returned home creatures that were locked in the estate, and lastly she was gifted all the things she needed. The corpse remains of the slaves they left behind. Souls too. She gave them entry to her tome and her shadow swallows these slaves to her storage. They shake on this deal, ending the negations and prices. Most flee now that the land owners made peace. A truce was made. She has another nickname and titles extending herself. She took some nicknames gifted to her by scorned souls, spares for duels. 

"There are no strings on me." she softly sung, pitching slowly and deep accent. She lifted a damned gate, one of nobility use. She takes the note paper at hand and plasters it across her face. Making it her face. The rest of her body change to adapt the realm crossing. She had to climb out of the door due to the gravity change. She would have been flat on her but if she stepped through. Yet crawling the gate made for some extra fear factor. Her Iconic claws finger tips gouged the floor to give her grapple. 

"We summoned ourselves a Nightmare. Not a human." the accusing side laughed, "What a pity that this was a failure of attendance?" She flicked and a claw dislodged, flew and pinned the clothus into the wall. He hissed in feeling pain and terror from the claws liquids dripping on him. Sizzling his flesh. A hole rips and he lands the floor. Backing from the goo acid eating the wall. 

"You called me?" She announced at them, "You accused me?" She picked herself from the floor. She flicks her hand and the claw returned back into place, "I am a blank card citizen. I am the owner." She right over the the clothus, "So whose law are you gaming? Mm? Nightmare, well you trespassed my lands. Human? Murder. Gods? You should be ashes for enslaving souls. Outsider laws. I will eat you." She pauses in seeing the lawyer posed to speak, "I am Penheart. The collector of broken. I am the index keeper and the tome core inheritor. Speak you words carefully." She sees the demon lawyer shriek in terror as things lifted her shadow, "SO tell me lost lambs. These were the masters that used you and left you. You have revenge to fill. Clothus are able to die outside of their world." 

"Divine!" She wafted this spell to stop. 

"I am an outsider ranker. I am not scaling to your laws. It is life and death between outsiders. Me against them. This is basic law. Nature as best we can enact." She watched the ex-slaves butcher the Clothus, "Death price was paid. This satisfies most laws, the death penalty." She summoned up the clothus tome and makes the transferring needed, "And then..." She turned and her wolves gift her the souls, "Ok and are you felt there was justice?" the wolves bow and leave, "What to do with souls?" She sighs and collected them all, eating them each for now. No chewing, just whole. She puts the tomes away now, "Since I am here." She raises her shadows and the room is filled of flickering pages. Loose pages to scrolls. Every last soul and surface. She licked them all - shadow lick like energy checked them. She waved as soon the books are filing to a more solid one mass, into a crystal platform. She sank this to her storage. She releases the once enslaved. Corpses soon chomp meat chunks for the wolves. 

"In my view, everything is accounted. Even the soulless." She voiced and now the tomes of life and death flew with checking themselves. 

"Just you." Joseph hissed with bring brought with a god door. 

"Brother, you're alive. I am happy for you." She frowns, "But they will rewind things." He looked at her wounds, her corpse, "Clothus wear corpses to mock or blend in. I am just using myself... I can't have my soul visible. I would." She posed several getures of things, "Well." she gave in, "I want to go home." 

"And just letting them know your universal concept name would have just stopped all this messing about." he hissed and clearly came back from outside this world, "You just couldn't tell them that your the grey broken Undertaker marionette?" Him enacting this name over this tome has side affect, as soon she lost her ability to use her corpse. She trapped inside herself. 

"You dare!" hissed many, "How dare you!" Her name is an insult around these parts. 

"Oh, that's why she never..." he opens the tome to her page and then her human entry, "Oh boy." he looked over his shoulder to the god of death, "What now? She is soul locked to her corpse." death poses in thinking about this all, "You going to pull time back?" he nods of this, "She be back to being alive at the moment. We don't know where she will end up, you know." But still time was plucked by the hands of gods, and spun anew. 

She shot eyes open of the demons leaving her hung. Her ankle stinging and breath in her lungs. She was prepared. Her claw breaks the spell the rope is and the rope itself. She breaks the traps too. She lowered to pick up the corpse pickings from the floor again. More money and stuff. She finds a god followers kit; dagger, cloak and feather pendant. Omens had several of his human folks be captured by Seer and executed by Seer. She picked up a guide book of an undertakers nickname 'Ace'. She snorts of how sometimes come back to bite you. 

"What you doing?" A demon asked. 

"I was cleaning the junk out of the way." She mimic thier voice tone and language. The demon soon was doing this too, "The lords were always slipping on this. I dont want to be next." 

"Ugh, I know." they worked together at kneeling across the floor. Picking up rubbish... she just pocketing the useful things. The demon was too, and the smirk together of some the neat things they find. Being typical lower imps. They both hide when door slam, they grovel lowly before the higher demons. The two idiots didn't see she escaped. Once they were gone, she took the imps lead to go steal from other torture rooms. 

"This place is undertakers dust but undertakers always have candles and letters. One time we found a king's stamp. That Imp got promoted." He chuckles, "Promoted to death!" he laughs and she has to too. They scamper about the floor picking up bits. 

"Finger." she plays and he nods impressed. 

"Rare to see them intact." He snickered and picked up another part, "Look. blegh." He using a face of an undertaker to joke with. She nearly slipped acting with not laughing to cue. Yet they both backed away when one these clay bodies moved. A broken undertaker unable to speak. The imp laughed at being glad of it being a faluse alert, "You can't banish us. haha." pulls faces. Eliza uses this distracted time to touch things the imp couldn't and she didn't want it knowing she can. The Imp was getting mad at the undertaker and was taking the fusteration of being a lower rank at the chained stranger. She sees there someone else here. Right as gaze was met, the banishment of that imp happened. She sighed glad of that Imp gone. 

"About time." She huffed, "I think the trigger was... right...." She looking at the magic around here. She stood best she can, "Blood seal? They are crazy." She looked about and now helps the broken mute undertaker, whom could be moved if she helps them with putting peices back enough, "Imps are so easily fooled." She voiced in sighing, "I am starving..." She complained. 

"You're a human." the higher locked guy noted, "Why are you helping us?" 

"We both are not making friends with Seers." She voiced, "And really... I came to you folks for some holy water." She picked up the bottles in question, "I am thirsty and not fussy right now." She downed a whole bottle, "Ugh, stale. Well anyway." She hide the rest away, "Blood seal." She huffed. 

"He said to pass the fingers over." she jolted and does exactly that, "I think she might be a mistake kid. One them that had potential but failed their standards." She watched the undertaker not able to thread his fingers back. She offered her left hand and they look at her. Since its her left, they offered thier left. She able to then pluck and guide the threads better. She managed up to the elbow. They felt this change and the working order of the hand. The cautiously posed the right hand. She does it again, "That is very unique. So you can see the seal." She doesn't know if they talking at her or they guy she's helping. She heard something nearby. She pulls the undertaker to lay flat and posed to calm. She hood up and hide with using the undertaker as shielding. 

"You're very vocal in here." A mask side of one the Seers steps in, "You going to finally tell me your name." She sees that this Seer is Clothus tainted. She slowly and softly shuffles her shadow. It evaded the clothus reach. Knowing the Clothus was checking the seal and the mechanisms. He was poking about the room. 

"You lost Ace." The guy hung up distracted them a moment. 

"Ace... Ace... the god guy. Oh, you're out of luck. His soul was plucked by the locals. I suspect his corpse is laying the exit." chuckling about it all being some joke, "You are not having any rescue anytime soon." The Seer leans back with feeling off of things. Shiftly puts a kick to the undertaker sheilding her, "As I thought, you're to broken to leave or help." The Seer turned with going about to leave. 

"Mmmm... blood. Perfect." Her mask dagger stabs this ghoul and pushed to the circle of chalk. The drips are enough to break the seal. She takes the dagger back and kicked them cold, "Well wherever his human side is. It's not happy." She helped the broken guy up, "Thank you for guarding me." They take each other, "Oh and... Ace. right?" She attempts to return the guide book. 

"Take the nickname. Keep the book." They waved a disc of dust and they flee fast through it. It closed and she hissed of knowing she can't go that way. She pick pocket the unconcise guy bleeding out here. She finds keys. Keys are a good sign. She sneaks around and uses the cover of darker parts and was evading demon slaves rushing to help the lord. She scrunched small and mixed among Imps. The rabble was fighting itself and she was stepped over and assumed a coward.