"The Dandrimad Technocracy is home of the Gnomes as I've said, but it's also home of the goblins. They are a curious bunch of fools that are good with their hands. Likely because of that and their naturally curious nature they get along well with the gnomes. Beside Dandrimad, is the Dwarven Kingdom of Brothan. Brothan and Dandrimad have been allies since their founding. It's to the point that some theological doubts have crept up. Some theologists speculate that the Dwarves and Gnomes share a common creator deity, but I digress."
"The reason I even mention Brothan is that that's where 60% of the materials the Gnomes work with are acquired and where most of their tools are exported. You, keeping with me so far, kid?"
Umber was awestruck at the idea of another kingdom. After all, if the kingdom he was in was so big, how much bigger was the world that he didn't know? Some of the things he was saying though Umber didn't really get, but knew they were important, so he nodded anyway.
"Yes!" Umber quickly nodded
Smiling, the merchant continued, " Dandrimad is famous for its artificing. What is artificing, as I said before, it is the creation of magical items. In more concrete terms it is imbuing mundane items with magical properties. For example, my bag of holding was made in Dandrimad. It can hold up to 500 pounds without weighing more than 10, but that is just a taste of what artificing can do."
He picked up the bird and started winding it with the key. Then he let it fly.
"You see this toy. It's the most basic form and yet it can fly. Those Gnomes have taken artificing to a degree unimaginable to those who haven't witnessed it. Water that flows to houses, hot or cold on demand. An infinite supply of fresh water on tap at all times. Carriages without horses that never need to stop unless the driver wants to. Streets that are never without light, day or night. All this and more is completely accessible to even the lowest class of citizens as long as they work hard enough. There is far more than even an old merchant like me wouldn't know up in the academies."
Umber was trying to imagine it as his eyes sparkled in amazement and wonder. But the question that burned most persistently, is how does that work? How can a carriage move without a horse? How can water get to all those houses and be hot or cold on demand?
The merchant puffed on his pipe, and the eyes of the snake lit up a faint green. He exhaled a cloud of smoke that took the shape of a large castle.
"Then there is the pride and joy of the country right in the capital. Ithrin Academy.
It is the largest craft school in the world. Only the best of the best can get in. That being said, anyone can get in."
Umber cut him off as he tilted his head.
"Wait, how is it that only the elite can get in if anyone can get in?" Umber didn't intend to interrupt the merchant but his curiosity and excitement overtook him.
The merchant caught off guard at the sudden interruption, started laughing as he looked at the sparkling eyes full of curiosity.
"Hahaha, relax kid, I'll explain. As I said, only the best and most talented young craftsmen are allowed. However, craftsmen can come from anywhere and everywhere. Gnomes and elves are always at odds, but if an elven alchemist makes a noteworthy achievement they might receive an invite. The same goes for humans, dragon born, kobold, heck even some of those wild orcs from the south have been acknowledged for their ingenuity."
"Then… then could I one day go there," Umber interrupted again.
The merchant was genuinely shocked. He had seen many kids in his travels, but never had he seen such a serious expression from a child. This was no mere trifle or whim. This was a wish or a goal. No this was a dream, that this kid would bet his life on.
"Why of course kid, you are included in every one. You'll need to pull off something big in an area of craft, or get a recommendation by the Grand Technocifer to be admitted."
Umber stood up quickly. His wings flapped a bit behind him.
"Then one day I will go there. I will be admitted to Ithrin Academy."
The merchant thought he could see the fire behind the boy's eyes.
Also at this moment, Umber felt the same warmth he had while discussing his future with his dad. Though this warmth was far more intense. If the love of his father was a hearth, then this new emotion was wildfire.
"Mister Merchant, what type of tools do Artificer's use?"
Such an innocent question after so serious a proclamation redoubled the laughter the merchant previously possessed.
"Hahahah, Kid your gonna give me whiplash if you keep that up!"
Umber didn't get it. He asked the question that he was most curious about. What made that funny? He tilted his head and cupped his chin in thought.
The merchant explained, "Artificers use a wide variety of tools but the most commonly used tool I know of is this."
He stuck his entire arm into the letterman bag and produced a set of 4 pick-like objects.
"These are special drills. Artificer's etch runes into magic stones, using these drills to cause a wide array of effects," He paused.
"... and I'll sell them to you for say 2 gold."
He'd be taking a loss, but he felt this would be a worthwhile investment.
Umber looked conflicted. He calculated that he'd have enough, but it would take all that he'd saved, and what he was given today. He bit his lip as he handed the merchant all his money.
"Come on kid chin up, let me show you how they work."
He took the smallest one and held it firmly like it was a pen.
"First you gather your mana in your hand. Then you push it into the drill. It's simple, the hard part is when you need to precisely manage your mana so as to not put in so much that the drill is too strong, but not so little that it doesn't etch deep enough."
As he explained, the tip of the pick glowed a red light.
When he handed the pick to Umber the light disappeared.
He knew what mana was. It was the energy of the universe that everyone had at least some connection to. If it was part of him naturally it should move if he wanted to. He tried imagining a force inside himself moving and focusing on his hand with the tool. His eyes were closed, but he felt it. That same burning sensation now centered on his hand. He tried pushing that into the tool. As he opened his eyes, it glowed a golden radiance.