When You Finally Grasp The Level Of Strength Required To Beat An Opponent But Forfeit The Match
4 Possible Explanations
1. Lose The Battle But Win The War.
2. Win The Battle but Lose The War
3. When The Test Scores Fail To Reflect A Student's True Ability because they asked the Wrong Questions.
4. When you interview a man for a job based on predetermined requisites, he fails the interview and you find out 3 days later that his abilities are OP and your interview questions somehow did not factor in the right questions.
P.S. Who in the middle of a fight has the time to count the number of combos he executes. Sometimes one can execute 200 combos in the space of 5 seconds and that's the pessimistic estimate. There are more important things to focus on like your stats and the stats of your party members and opponents, the environment the battle is occurring in plus you must make sure that there is no collateral damage arising from your attacks.
Favourite literature phrases.
1. ...the enemy is clever and its anger and envy a thousand years is like the blink of an eye...
2. I have many plans...plans within plans... (That's what you call a Nested Loop Based on Nested Conditional Statements).
Sisters Four With Poisoned Breath
Bring To The Land A Long Slow Death
But Death comes swiftly if you dare
To find each sister's hidden lair
Their songs like Secret Rivers flow
To hold the peril deep below
And if at last their voices cease
The land will find a final peace (With emphasis on final).
Lose And Win? Or Win And Lose
Royal Coward You Must Choose
Bow Your Head and Creep Away
Or You and Yours Shall Curse This Day
- By The Shadow Lord
Ruler(Measuring Line) Of The Flies.
P.S In The Shadow Lord's Kingdom, the Highest Rank you can ever attain is the rank of 'Prince' but know you this day that the Shadow Lord never shares his title with anyone. (Who ever calls him the King Of Shadows or The Demon King, it's always either Shadow 'lord', 'Demon lord' or 'Prince Of The Powers Of The Air' or 'Lord Of The Flies'. Other titles include 'The Great Serpent', 'Devourer Of Babies', 'Accuser Of The Brethren', 'Deceiver Of The World', 'Enemy Of Mankind', just you try to say 'Lord Of The Flies', he will never let you finish that sentence. Then there are the appellations 'Sower Of Weeds', 'Sower Of Thorns Amongst People', 'The Vulture Who Steals The Seeds On The Path', 'The Storm That Tries To Sink The Boat Of Fishermen', 'The One Who Promises Wisdom But Offers Madness'. 'The Guest At A Banquet Who Sees His Fellow Diners As Food'.
In The Kingdom Of The Gods, the Lowest Rank is 'Queen' or 'King'. There are no Princes and Princesses. Even a new born baby has the rank of 'King' or 'Queen'. Higher Ranks are 'Kings' and 'Queens' who rule over other 'Kings' and 'Queens'.