"Death is not an 'inevitability', it is a very conscious choice that every 'Living Creature' can choose to make. We are conscious of our ability to choose 'to live' but not conscious of our ability to 'choose not to die'. All 'Living Things' have gotten so used to seeing the 'Death Of Their Predecessors' that they consider 'Death' an 'inevitable Fate that all Living Things must accept'.
"In Simple Terms, Death is the 'Ultimate Debt' all Living Things must pay 'Karma, the Angel Of Death and Justice; also known as the Angelic Jackal'.
The Story goes something like this;
'In Ancient Times, when the Gods created everything, they created also a 'Time and Place' for everything. 'A Place meaning a Scenario or Situation when the actions of a Particular Force of Nature was appropriate'; 'A Time meaning, a Season where things were appropriate; then every thing changed when 'The Fire Nation Attacked'.
Death was born in 'Simple Terms' when 'Flowers began to bloom in Winter', when 'Snow began to fall in Summer', 'when Storms raged under a Clear Sunny Sky'.
What am I trying to say? Death was 'born' when 'Humanity, began to put the Elements out of their Rightful Place'.
The 'Book of Genesis' can also be considered the 'Book Of Genetics' as in 'The Record of Genealogies'.
Severe Fatal Genetic Tampering with 'Food'; and the desire to 'control Fate through Bloodlines' for instance, 'Cain trying to wipe out Abel's Bloodline by murdering him'. The 'Birth Of Nephilim' and the Great Flood. Abraham 'fleeing his home'. God specifically 'warning him not to let his children intermarry with the Gentile Heathens'. Jacob 'cheating Esau' so that 'Esau's blessing shall be inherited by his Bloodline'. Joseph's brothers selling him to Midianites resulting in him taking an 'Egyptian Bride'. The following result being the 'multiplication of Istaelite Bloodline' and Pharaoh's cruel plan to 'purge the Israelite Bloodline via drowning their Babies'. You will note that during those Ancient Times, humanity had a 'much longer lifespan' but through the continuous tampering of both Genetics and Environment, people just got more and more used to the 'Concept Of Death' till eventually it just became another 'Natural Phenomenon'. (Note; Jor-el's words to Kal-el in 'Man Of Steel' during Superman's First Flight. Obviously both the Climate of the Current Earth and the 'Diet' play a role in the 'Current Lifespan of Mankind'.
All of these 'Successive Acts' of 'putting things out of their rightful place' is what we call the 'Debt Mankind Owes The Karmic Jackal Angel Of Death'; this 'Debt is what is referred to as 'Sin'. Sin in the 'simplest terms' is 'all about 'putting things out of their rightful place', the 'ultimate consequence of this is 'Death'. In 'Medical Terms' Death occurs through the 'continuous degeneration/decay of Living Cells within a body and the 'accumulation of these 'Decayed Cells''. 'This accumulation of decaying cells contributes to the 'Process of Ageing'. It is all these 'Successive Acts Of Putting Things out of their Rightful Place' that become the 'Vines Of Grape poured into the 'Bowls Of God's Wrath' during the Apocalypse. You'll note that it is 'Grapes from the Earth that are poured into the 'Winepress' but the 'crushing of these Grapes produce 'Blood' instead of 'Wine' connoting the connection between 'Food and Life' and the 'ability of Food to kill when misused'. In a sense these 'Bowls Of Wrath' can be likened to the 'current Climate Crisis facing Humanity as a consequence for their disregard for Forest Life'. Since all 'Man's problems boil down to Food, it is appropriate that the Gods resolve these problems with 'Food', hence the Gods are killed on a 'Tree' mounted on a 'Skull'. In a 'Sense' the 'Cross' is a kind of 'Spinal Cord' linking the 'Gods to the Earth' like a kind of 'Programming Interface'. The 'Thieves on the Right and Left' with John and Mary at the Feet of the Gods are a kind of 'Load Balancing Programme' diffusing the overconcentration of Force acting on 'The Middle Cross', a careless mistake could 'Annihilate The Earth'. The 'Programme is of course written in 'Eclipse'; when the Curtains in the Temple are 'torn' a 'hack' has been created connecting the 'Events On The Skull Mountain To The Temple'. Longinus plunges his 'Spear' into the side of the 'Gods' to create a kind of 'Backup Device/Storage Device'. It is through 'Longinus' testimony' we have a 'record of that Event'.
The Blood and Water are 'Waves pouring out from the 'Pierced Side Of The Gods', basically 'Waves Flowing From a 'Port' into a 'Connected Device' which in this case is 'The Universe'; with the 'Port being a 'Portal/Gateway Of Possibilities'. Through this the Gods create a 'Network' linking the Events on 'Skull Mountain' to the 'Ecological Processes Of The Earth'.
In Ancient Times, people were very familiar with the saying 'Death has no hold over one who has committed no Sin'. It is for this reason that in the 'Book of Nicodemus', the Demons 'chastize Satan for causing the 'Execution of Jesus without first ascertaining his crime'. It was this act of 'Executing A Blameless Person' which granted 'Jesus the Power to not be 'chained' by Hell and Death and since the 'Devil' in 'taking the life of an innocent person' had now 'stolen something irreplaceable', he had now 'accrued a level of Debt' he could never 'repay', granting Jesus the 'Power To Deliver all the Souls held hostage within the Devil's Dominion'; this is what is referred to in animal language as 'The Path Of The Mongoose'; overcoming Death through the Perfect Fulfilment Of Law.