1. Patient lying beside Pool
Time+ Light +Water = Refraction (Phenomenon that occurs whenever a Celestial Being descends to a Lower Realm; Light descending from less dense medium to denser medium causing objects to appear closer that they actually are).
2. Persistent return to Pool
Time(Forgiveness) + Earth (Hope) = Endurance/Perseverance.
3. Pool being stirred by Divine Hand
Ripple indicates Perturbation/Disturbance/Internal Conflict.
4. Desire to be Healed
Lightning (Zeal) +Water(Kindness) = Will (Fire)
5. Rise, take up your Pallet and Walk
Ascent/Growth From Weight Of Failure/Experience/Time+Peace/Rest/Water+Motion(Fire+Time) = Progression From Stasis/Petrification/Paralysis
6. Jews Meets Paralytic (It is not lawful to carry Pallet/Work on Sabbath) -The Gods crack a real joke.
Hebrew/Jews(Specialization in Defense From Invasion/Falling Prey to Pathogens)+Pallet/Weight/Gravity/Burden+Rest/Sabbath+Paralytic(Severed Conductivity/Connectivity/Coordination = Efficiency(Learn to Defend yourself without wasting Energy/Defend yourself in a way that conserves Energy.
7. See, you are well, Sin no more, that nothing worse may befall you.
See/Sight+Well/Water+Sin no More(Vacuum)/Efficient Energy Utilization = Nothing worse may befall you (Close the Void/Black Hole in your Heart that makes you vulnerable to Exploitation and Decay/Retrogression).