Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Mitras, Wall Sina, late in the night…

The city of Mitras, the royal capital of human civilization, is home to the royal family, the nobility, and of course the King of the Walls. Centered under the protection of the three walls, it's here that those in the upper echelons of society can enjoy a somewhat peaceful and worry-free existence, the thoughts of man-eating giants and the sight of common folk far away from their minds and sight.

But not all were enjoying their lavish and spoiled existences. Inside the main capitol building resided the members of the royal government, four to be exact. Aurille, Deltoff, Gerald, and Roderich. While each of these men held different professions and backgrounds, their status as the King's assembly brought them together. For the past few weeks, they had met in secrecy late in the night, and discussed their most often spoken topic of conversation…

Ghost The Ripper

When he appeared for the first time he'd been all the four had ever discussed, mostly of how they could be rid of him. While they had originally left the matter of his fate to the military they soon came to regret their decision after what this demon had done.

But as the weeks went by their thoughts on the Demon had mellowed somewhat. At first, He hadn't come for their positions, their lives, or their secrets, as once previously thought. Nay, he had chosen to stay in the confines of Wall Maria, killing people for self-satisfying like A Killer they know in past and allowing them to continue their lavish lives. But later he suddenly killed many people, he gave a damn about their status and mysteriously killed them all.

Aurille is a high-ranking noble member of the small cabal, and the one with the biggest bone to pick regarding the flaming Skeleton. For the longest time, he had been the loudest voice against the Demon, being the first one to suggest having him shot on sight. But their QUEEN refused to agree with him and prevailed that day, he hadn't stopped in his near-zealous hatred and desire to see the Demon die because This Ripper had done whatever he wanted, his actions cause damage to the highest-ranking member of the Wall Cult in their assembly. If Queen doesn't have THAT power, he would give a damn about that bitch.

Roderich is the second member who hates this Demon. Now Some idiots started to pray to the Ghost instead of Walls. This reason made him hate Ghost Rider more than anything. If he has that power he will kill that demon again and again, until he is satisfied.

Those two have a similar opinion on Ghost Rider And today was no different for tonight's secret meeting. The report given to them by their informant today had seemed to invigorate him, even making him smile for what was perhaps the first time in his life. Sitting together, wine in hands, the three members watched as their fellow cohort clutched the paper in his hands as if it were the greatest thing in his possession.

"This is it! This is going too far and this is the evidence we need to finally put him down!" He shouted, his grin stretching ever so wider across his pudgy face. The other members of the cabal were less enthusiastic.

"Settle down." Replied Deltoff, his tone unamused. Aurille turned to him with a shocked look, utterly flabbergasted by his ambivalence.

"Settle down?! Did you even read the report? This Demon erased 70% of nobles and this demon will come for us one night. Killing this Demon is the solution for us! We should tell to the Queen to use her power to Erase this Demonic creature!" Slamming his hands down on the table he stared into the three with near-bloodshot eyes, while the others calmly held their glasses with a mix of fear and anger.

"We can't decide what to do Aurille, Our Queen will protect us from this Ghost and you just hate him because you lost so much money," Deltoff responded. Aurille couldn't believe what he just said, did he seriously not give a single care for what their informant had written? This bitch did not care about anyone. He just care about his ass and he believed Queen's power more than anything. And he is making fun of him.

"Tch! And you only care for your ass? Everyone here lost so much money and property because of him. If Queen said to ignore this demon and will you shake your head like sheep? " Gerald's brows furrowed at his remark.

"Aurille, Our queen will kill this demon if he comes to wall sina, Besides, did you forget about the power Queen has? There is no way she will let this demon do what he wants " The others nodded in agreement. "Just wait until the queen arrives." They nodded their heads, and all the while Aurille's mouth went agape. Just how drunk were they to act so nonchalant at a time like this?

"How can you say that? He will simply come for us next time! Waiting for the moment we grow lax!" Turning to the man adorned in the pastor garbs and golden necklace he continued.

"And you Roderich? His following has been slowly growing for the last few weeks! Isn't this a threat to your religion?!" The high-ranking priest simply rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

"*Sigh* Don't even try going with that." His attitude towards the attack on his faith truly said how he felt about it overall.

"This is more than enough evidence for us to have him sent to Hell! He should die this time! As I purposed we force the queen to use her power!" 

Before anyone can say anything, the door opened and three persons come inside.

"what are You saying Aurille?" Frieda who came with her father and her bodyguard Kenny, Frieda asked them in a calm tone.

"A.. Nothing Your Highness, he lost so much money because of Demon. So he is drinking too much wine and taking his anger" Deltoff said with fear. He doesn't want to anger her. Then Frieda sat on the chair.

"Now we shall start the meeting," Rod said to them. And sat beside Frieda like a pig

"Your Highness this De... -Ghost The Ripper's actions go too far, he killed so many innocent nobles without mercy. Because of Demon, we lost so much money and government control. And MP also got loses. Here we got some details about his abilities. He can create flame skeletons and control them. And also he creates weapons. I request Your Highness to take action and kill him or take his powers before he can kill anyone." Aurille said and passed the documents of Ghost to Freida.

"Yes, your highness. He is a threat to the Walls and us. Before he discovers the secrets of Walls. We should kill him." Roderich said with hateful eyes.

After seeing them, her eyes color changed. And they know who she is, a God.

"I will not make move and I won't use my powers in This world. I want to live inside the Walls...I want to enjoy this brief paradise, this world without conflict." She said with a calm tone.

"But I will protect the peace if he tried to destroy it. If you want I will defend you all." She said to them, But Karl won't do anything if This Ghost rider is from Marley. From the reports, he thought this ghost is a hybrid of Warhammer Titan. He doesn't care, if he comes to kill her and take his titan powers.

They thought for a while. Except for Aurillie, they thought that it is okay because she will protect them. Aurillie can't do anything, he doesn't have power. So he just has to hide under her shadow. But from her words, he felt she will not use her powers. He just prayed to God for an escape route. She read their facial expressions and said to them.

"No one has the right to question because everyone is a sinner." after hearing this every one left the room.

"Freida, Take this demon power and give it to your sister or brother. Then our family becomes stro.... ." Before he can finish his words he saw her eyes.

"FATHER, please shut up your mouth" she makes him shut up, Kenny who saw Rod's face and laughs at him.

'What a pig, tch he sacred of her daughter'

After everyone left, she thought about Hiro.

After that day she can't forget him. She wants to meet him again. But hearing the news of Ghost Rider. She worried about Hiro and prayed to God for his safety.

But Why is she worried about him? It's not like she fell in love with him.

What happens to him does not matter to her. But she is worried about him and She is waiting for him to come to her house.

She acting weird because of him. It's not like She likes him. But she felt different feelings towards Hiro.

She remembered his words and those beautiful memories, she wants to make more memories with him. Without knowing she gives a beautiful smile.

She missed him and his jokes. Idiot.

'Do I like him' she thought about this.


Wall cult describes Ghost Rider as a demon and tells to everyone to stop praying to him but a lot of people say that He is an angel who came from heaven to Punch Evil guys. They started arguing with each other.