Chereads / Love of Multi-Universe. / Chapter 24 - Farah the Chapman (R-18)

Chapter 24 - Farah the Chapman (R-18)

Farah travels across the kingdom to deal with a merchant who sold her.

product made from her family's secret recipe.

She arrives and meets him and talks to him.

"You come here to buy my product?" The merchant asks.

"Yes. If you can sell me some." Farah answer

"How much do you need?" Merchant asks.

"We can negotiate the price later. First please tell me how many products you have to sell." Farah asks.

"I have enough to fill the whole wagon. But I don't know what you want to pay?" Merchant answer.

"What is your asking price?" Farah asks.

"I charge 20 gold per item." Merchant answer

"That's too much. I'll give you 10 gold for all the products. What do you say?" Farah asks.

"17 gold for 5 items?" Merchant asks.

"13 gold for 5 items?" Farah reply.

"Deal!" Merchant answer.

The merchant gives Farah the product and then takes the money.

"This is 13 gold more than what I agreed." Farah point to the money in front of the merchant.

"Sorry, my mistake. Here you go." The merchant gives her the payment plus 5 additional gold coins.

Farah is Chapman's daughter. Her family is from a small village in the mountains. It has been passed by generations to her mother and grandfather. They learned the ingredients and the way to make the medicine from their ancestors.

The medicine is used to treat a variety of illnesses. For example, it can cure snake bites, coughs, colds, fever, diarrhea, and even a broken bone. It's been so popular with the villagers that they started calling it "Chapman's Medicine".

her lived a simple life, but her parents always encouraged us to work hard and pursue our dreams.

When she was young, her father taught her how to read and write. Before long, she mastered those skills and became a teacher. She also helped her mother in the kitchen, and she took pride in learning her mother's recipes and cooking techniques.

she walked to the wood board and two soldiers stand between them, announcements for the Royal family. She read it

"Queen Gabriella recruit for King Jirawut's marriage"

"Chapman - A confident and charismatic saleswoman who can sell anything to anyone."

"Is that true?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm the Chapman" Farah tells the soldier.

"Yes. You must apply if you want to become his queen." One soldier answered.

"Can I go?"

"Yes. You are not a royal, but you can still join." Another soldier answered.

"Thank you. I'll see you both later." She walks to the castle.

She arrives at the gate. She shows the invitation to the guards.

"Let me see your invitation." The guard looks at her paper.

"Yes, it's mine." She answers.

"You have passed the test." He looks at her paper.

"I understand." She walks to the castle.

Once she enters the castle, she saw the king's throne. The room is full of people.

"Hello, my name is Farah I'm the Chapman. I am applying for the position of the queen." She introduces herself.

"Welcome. Please go to the throne room. There you will find a table with many different types of food. You can taste everything. Once you finish eating everything, the king will decide whether you can become the queen or not. If you pass the test, he will invite you to marry him." The guard escorts her to the throne room.

She sits at the table. She thinks about what kind of food they would put on the table.

"that's a lot of food." She notices the plate that is full of different types of fruit. "What is this?" she picks up a piece of apple.

"It's an Apple." A voice comes behind her.

She turns around and sees a man.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." The man apologizes.

"No, no problem. I was just thinking about something." She replies.

"What were you thinking about?" The man asks.

"I was wondering why there are so many apples on the table."

"That's good for woman's health" The man answers.

"Is that true?"

"Yes. Apples are very healthy. They help keep your skin beautiful and healthy." The man explains.

"Oh! That's great. Thank you. I got a lot of questions for you." She says.

"What is your name?" He asks.

"I'm Farah, the Chapman."

"Nice to meet you, Farah. My name is Jirawut. Now, let's talk."

"Okay." She answers.

"How did you know that apples are good for women's health?" She asks.

"I remember my mom telling me about it when I was little." He explains.

"That's nice. What else do you remember?"

"Yes. I remember that apples are good for the eyes, too."

"Wow, that's great!" She speaks.

"It's also good for your lungs, throat, and bladder."

"that's amazing. I never knew that."

"You probably don't because you're not from here." He explains.

"Where are you from?" She asks.

"I was born in a very far town, but now I live in the mountain."

"A very far town? Like, far?"

"Yes, I'm talking about thousands of miles away. I can't even imagine what that would feel like."

"You must have traveled a lot to get here."

"I've been traveling for years. I finally arrived at the Kingdom of Mardian last year."

"Why did you travel all the way here?"

"I wanted to fulfill my dream. I thought that if I ever found the perfect place to live, I could stop traveling, and settle down."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"Ok, see you later," Jirawut tells her.

Farah goes back to the table. She finishes eating everything, then she returns to the throne room.

"Farah, the king, and the queen want to meet you," The guard told her.

"That's great. I will go right now." She follows the guard to the throne room.


In the throne room, Farah meets many pretty women maybe they are queen.

"Hello, my name is Farah. I'm the one who wants to marry the king."

"Hello." All the women answer her back.

"I want to become a consort for King Jirawut."

"Hello Farah, the king wants to ask you some questions. Do you mind?" One woman asks.

"No, I don't mind." She answers.

"Good. The first question is, why do you want to be consorts?"

"Because I love the king." She answers.

All the women look at her.

"That's a wonderful reason. I hope we can be friends. How about it?" One of them asks.

"Sure, I would love to be your friend." She answers.

"That's a good reason." The woman smiles.

"The second question is, will you fight for us?" Another woman asks.

"Of course, I will."

"Great. Are you ready for the third question?"

"I'm ready."

"Are you willing to give up your life for us?"

"Yes, I'm willing."

"Then please stand up." She stands up in the throne room.

"Thank you." The woman bowed.

"I want to thank you." The king says. "Please, sit down again."

"That's man" Farah shocked.

Farah thought to herself. She sat down and waited for the king to speak.

"I have made my decision," the king announced. "Farah, I have chosen you to be my queen."

Farah felt a wave of happiness wash over her. She couldn't believe that she was going to be the queen of Mardian. She thanked the king and the other women in the room.

"Thank you so much," she said. "I promise to do my best as your queen."

The king smiled at her. "I do not doubt that you will make an excellent queen. Welcome to the royal family, Farah."

Farah couldn't stop smiling as she walked out of the throne room. She couldn't wait to begin her new life as the queen of Mardian.


"Why are you talking to me while I was eating a lot of apples and not saying you are the king," Farah said.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice how much you are enjoying those apples," Jirawut said with a smile.

Farah looked up from her pile of apples, surprised to see the King standing before her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I didn't realize it was you. Is there something I can do for you?" she asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Jirawut chuckled. "No need to apologize. I just wanted to say hello and see how you are enjoying the apples. They are grown in the orchards of our kingdom and I'm always happy to see our products being appreciated," he explained.

Farah nodded, impressed by the King's dedication to his kingdom's resources. "They're delicious. Thank you for sharing them with us," she said with a smile.

Jirawut returned the smile. "It's my pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your meal," he said

"I couldn't agree more, Farah. You have shown great intelligence and wisdom. I believe you would make an excellent queen for our kingdom."

Farah's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Thank you, your Majesty. It would be an honor to serve as your queen."

"I'm glad to hear that. But before we make any official arrangements, I have a proposal for you."

"What is it, your Majesty?"

"I would like to take you on a tour of our kingdom. I want you to see the people, the land, and the culture of Mardian. You must understand the challenges and opportunities we face as a kingdom."

Farah was thrilled at the prospect of exploring a new place and meeting new people. "I would be honored, your Majesty. When would you like to start the tour?"

"Tomorrow morning, if that's alright with you."

"Your Majesty. I will be ready."

"Good. I will have my guards pick you up at your hotel at sunrise. We will start with a visit to the market, then we will meet with some of the local farmers and artisans, and end with a tour of the castle."

"Sounds like a wonderful plan, your Majesty. I can't wait."

"Neither can I, Farah. I have a feeling that you and I will make a great team. Together, we can lead our kingdom to prosperity and peace."

Farah smiled at the king's words. She felt a sense of purpose and responsibility that she had never experienced before. She knew that being a queen would be a challenging and rewarding experience, and she was ready for the journey ahead.

The king and Farah continued to talk for a while longer, discussing their visions for the future of the kingdom and sharing stories about their past experiences. As the sun began to set, the king excused himself and bid farewell to Farah.

Farah watched as the king walked away, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She knew that the tour of the kingdom would be a test of her character and leadership skills, and she was determined to do her best. She went back to her hotel room, packed her bags, and prepared for the adventure of a lifetime.


The next morning, Farah woke up early and hurried down to breakfast. She met with her servants, one of whom was carrying her suitcase. Farah and her entourage rode into town in a carriage. They stopped at the market first, where Farah got a chance to interact with the vendors and shop owners. She loved seeing all the different fruits and vegetables, the variety of clothing styles, and the various types of food that she had never seen before.

The market was filled with laughter and smiles from everyone. The people seemed genuinely happy, which made Farah feel even more excited about the prospect of visiting the kingdom.

After the market, they visited several farms and artisan workshops. Farah learned that the farms grew almost everything, including grains, beans, potatoes, corn, onions, garlic, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, celery, lettuce, eggplant, mushrooms, melons, zucchini, and squash. The trees included apples, oranges, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, and olives. There were also many varieties of flowers, herbs, and other plants.

She enjoyed talking with the farmers and learning about the agricultural practices used to grow the crops. Farah learned that most of the fruits and vegetables were stored in underground silos throughout the year so that they could be available whenever needed.

During the day, Farah and her group toured various areas of the town, including the royal palace, the city hall, and the university. Farah was amazed by how well-maintained and organized the buildings were. Everyone was very polite and respectful, and they always greeted Farah when they passed each other.

They finished the tour of the kingdom in the evening, and Farah returned to the hotel, where she spent the night getting ready for the next day.

The next morning, Farah met with the king again. He invited her to join him for breakfast, and she happily accepted. They ate together in his private dining room, and he told Farah about his plans for the kingdom over the next few years.

"Why are you want to marry many wive, my King?" Farah asks.

"Because I need to be able to protect the people and keep the country safe," he replied. "Many skills of wives are very important to me take care of our kingdom."

"Farah, I want your skill to trade with the neighbor Kingdom."

"Of course, your Majesty. I am willing to work closely with you to expand the trade between our two kingdoms."

The king was pleased to hear this. "Thank you, Farah. This means a lot to me.

"You must work with Eira she is the merchant and Ava she is the glass seller, both of them are my wives."

"I would love to meet them, your Majesty. What do they like to do for fun?"

"Eira likes dancing and reading novels, while Ava enjoys playing chess and solving puzzles. They both enjoy traveling around the world and trying new things."

Farah was surprised to hear that these beautiful women played chess and solved puzzles. She decided to try out a few of those activities herself.

"I'm sure they will like you, Farah. If anything, it's probably because you look so much like them."

Farah blushed. "I hope that's not true..."

The king laughed. "No, no, no! They're just being nice.

Farah spent the rest of the morning touring the royal palace. It was very similar to her own home, except there were a lot more rooms and decorations.

When Farah returned to the hotel, she found that the queen had arrived. She was accompanied by three other women, and they greeted her warmly. Farah was nervous, but she didn't want to show it.

The women introduced themselves. "I'm Eira."

Next, the woman who looked like Farah smiled and said, "Hi! I'm Ava."

Farah felt relieved. "Hello, Ava."

The final woman introduced herself as Nira. "I'm your Witch Companion, Galena. and King JIrawut's wife!"

Farah smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

Farah saw Galena she is pregnant, and she has a baby in her belly.

"Are you ready to sleep with my husband tonight?" Galena asks.

"I will be ready when you are," Farah answer back.

"Good girl!" Galena says.

Then, the king arrives at the hotel and walks to Farah's room

Farah is Naked with Galena, Ava, and Eira.

"We can go now my husband," Galena says.

King Jirawut is naked and horny.

"I'm ready, my husband," Farah answers.

"let's start! we don't have much time" Galena says.

Farah is standing and Jirawut kisses her body.

"Your body is so soft and yummy!" Jirawut says.

He starts to suck her pussy.

"oh god!" Farah screams.

"Don't worry, I will make you feel good!" Jirawut answers back.

Jirawut continued to lick Farah's pussy.

"You are so wet and hot! I love your body!" Jirawut says.

Jirawut's cock is so big, Farah is scared.

"it is ok, don't be afraid!" Jirawut says.

Then, Jirawut pushes his cock inside Farah's pussy.

"OOOHHHH!!!" Farah screams.

"You are tight, so much tighter than the girls at the temple," Jirawut says.

"This feeling feels so good!" Jirawut continues fuck Farah.

"yes! Yes! YES!" Farah screams.

Jirawut starts to fuck her harder.

"oooohhhhhh!!" Farah screams again and again.

"I'm cumming!!!!" Farah screams.

"Yes! Your pussy is so hot, yummy, and sweet!!!" Jirawut continues fucking Farah.

"OOOOHHHHH!!!" Farah screams again and again.

After a while, Jirawut stops fucking Farah.

"Ok! You can breathe now!" Jirawut said.

"Thank you!!!" Farah says.

Farah takes a deep breath. Then, Jirawut continued to fuck Farah.

"Fuck meeeeee!!!" Farah screams.

After a while, Jirawut cum on Farah.

"YAY!!!" Jirawut says.

"So much cum!!!!!" Farah screams.

Jirawut falls on Farah and he hugs her.

"I'm tired, let's go to bed, my wife"

Galena, Ava, Eira, and Nira are not worried about her husband with Farah and back to their room.

"Good night, my husband!" Galena says.

"Goodnight, my wife," Jirawut says.

"And good night, my husband," Ava and Eira say.

he lay down in bed with Farah and kissed her.

"I love you, my husband," Farah says.

"I love you too, my wife," Jirawut say

He still kisses her neck and down to her nipple.

"Give me your breast milk!" Jirawut says.

Farah took off her top and show her breast to Jirawut.

"I need your milk!" Jirawut says.

Then, Jirawut grabs her breast and sucks her nipple.

"Mmmmm!" Farah moan.

"You taste so good!" Jirawut continues sucking her nipple.

"I am getting excited again!" Jirawut says.

Farah's hand is rubbing Jirawut's dick.

"My husband I need you," Farah said.

"I need you too!" Jirawut answers back.

Jirawut continues to suck Farah's breast and finger her pussy.

"Come here, my husband," Farah says.

Jirawut lay down beside Farah.

"I want you inside me, my husband," Farah says.

Then, Jirawut pushes his cock inside Farah's pussy.

"OOOOOOOOHHH!!!" Farah screams again.

"don't you worry, I will never leave you!" Jirawut says.

"Yes! I know you won't!" Farah answers back.

Jirawut continues to fuck her.

"Oh god! I'm cumming!!!" Farah screams.

"YES!!!" Jirawut said.

Jirawut cum inside Farah's pussy.

"Yay!!!" Farah says.

"I'm cummmiiinnngg!!" Farah screams again.

"How was it?" Jirawut ask.

"Oh my god, soooooo good!!" Farah screams again.

"That's great!" Jirawut answers back.

"Yes, I want more!!!" Farah screams.

Jirawut continues to fuck Farah for a while.

"I'm cumming!!!" Farah screams.

"YAY!!!!" Jirawut said.

He cum inside Farah's pussy.

"Good job!" Jirawut says.

"I have another one!" Farah says.

After a while, Jirawut cum in Farah's pussy.

"Yes! Yes!!!" Farah says.

They both lie down on the bed and sleep together.


"I'm impressed you and love at the first sight but you're wild on the bed!" Farah says.

"I'm sorry I'm not a very romantic person" Jirawut answer back.

"No, I love you because you are my husband," Farah says.

"You don't need to apologize, I know that you just want to live with me without worry," Jirawut says.

"But... I can't give you a hundred wives like what we agreed" Farah said.

"it's ok," Jirawut says. "I'm happy enough with you and our two children."

"I also want to give you more children, my husband."

"I want three children and I allow you to have a hundred wives, "Farah said.

"I appreciate your willingness, but I think three children are enough for us," Jirawut replied. "Having a large number of wives is my goal. I am content with the family we have, and I want to give all of them the love and attention they deserve."

Farah nodded. "I understand, my love. As long as we are happy and together, that is all that matters."

"Ok! Time has made the baby" Jirawut said and wide her legs.

"Are you ready?" Farah ask.

"Yes," Jirawut says.

Farah put her finger on her husband's penis and slowly move up and down.

"Mmm!" Jirawut moaned.

"What do you feel, my husband?" Farah asked.

"it feels so good when you touch my dick!" Jirawut says.

"Do you want me to suck your dick again?" Farah asked.

"Yes, I want you to suck my dick again," Jirawut said.

Farah licks Jirawut's dick and sucks on it.

"OOOH!!!!" Jirawut scream again.

"Good job!" Jirawut says.

Farah continues to suck Jirawut's dick for a while until she makes Jirawut cum.

"Yes!" Farah screams.

Farah takes off the mouth of Jirawut's penis and cum on it.

"ahhhhhhh!!!" Jirawut screamed and cum inside Farah's mouth.

"Mmmmm!!!" Farah said and swallowed it all.

"So yummy!" Farah says.

Jirawut continues to fuck Farah again.

"Yes! Yes!!!" Farah screams.

Jirawut cum inside Farah's pussy.

"I'm cummmiiiinnnnnggg!!!" Jirawut scream.

Farah screams too.

Farah lay on the bed and relax after having sex with Jirawut.

"I'm tired, my husband," Farah says.

"Me too" Jirawut answer back.

"I will go to sleep now, my husband," Farah said.

"it's ok, my wife," Jirawut said. "if you want, I can stay awake and sleep beside you."

"I'm too tired right now, my husband," Farah said.

"Ok then, good night, my wife," Jirawut said.