Chereads / I Became a Scum in Depressing Game / Chapter 31 - Mother Discharge From Hospital

Chapter 31 - Mother Discharge From Hospital

Two weeks had slipped by, and Fumiko was finally home, discharged from the hospital with a limp she swore wouldn't last. The small, single-room house felt alive again. Saki hadn't left her side all day, glued to her like a shadow—tugging her sleeve, chattering about nothing, beaming every time Fumiko smiled back.

Ryuki watched Saki drape herself over Fumiko's arm. He was glad but...

Fumiko sat at the table, a bank statement crumpled in her hand, her brows furrowed. "So," she said, voice still raspy from the hospital, "You invested all our money in this company, and this is what we got back in two weeks?" She slid the paper toward him, the numbers glaring: 100,000,000 credits.

Ryuki nodded, leaning forward, his tone bright with surprise. "Yeah, didn't expect it to blow up like that. Deluxe Luxuries—new company, shot up 300 percent. Mother, this is huge. You don't have to work anymore—stay with us all the time now, right?"

Saki's head snapped up, eyes wide. "Really? Mom can stay home all day?"

"Yep," Ryuki said, grinning at her. "With this, we're set."

"Yay!" Saki squealed, bouncing on her toes. "Haha, this is the best!" She spun to Ryuki, grabbing his arm. "Can we buy new clothes? With this much money?"

"Of course," he said, ruffling her hair. "New clothes, new bags, tons of snacks—meat every day if you want."

"Meat every day?!" Saki's laugh filled the room, high and wild. She clapped her hands, practically vibrating.

Fumiko watched her, then turned to Ryuki, her eyes narrowing. "Do you even get how much this is?"

"Sure," he said, shrugging like it was pocket change. "One hundred million credits." He played it cool—kids didn't grasp money's weight, and he'd act that way.

She tapped his forehead with a finger, firm but gentle. "You don't understand." She lowered down, eye-level with him, her bandaged face close. "Saki, c'mere."

"Yes, Mom!" Saki scurried over, pressing against her side. Fumiko pulled them both into a hug, her arms tight around their shoulders.

"My babies," she said, voice thick. "We've got money now. How about we buy you new clothes and eat at a nice restaurant? What do you think?"

"Really?" Saki's eyes sparkled, her whole face lighting up.

"Really," Fumiko said, kissing her cheek with a soft smack. She turned to Ryuki, planting one on him too. "Hey, bro, we're lucky today."

"Yup," he agreed, "Didn't see a hundred million coming."

"Okay, my hero and heroine," Fumiko said, standing with a wince, "let's get ready to go out." She kissed his cheek again, grinning through the stiffness in her legs. "Bath first, then good clothes. Time to celebrate."

She limped to the corner where the sink and stove huddled, "Hot water's coming," she called, twisting the tap.


Water gushed into a dented steel bucket, clanging against the sink's chipped porcelain. Fumiko hefted it onto the stove with a grunt, flicking the burner high. Steam curled up as it heated, the room's single bulb casting flickers across her face. She grabbed a big plastic tub—bath-sized, scratched from years of use—and hauled it to the small bathroom, splashing in cold water first, then mixing in the hot with careful pours. Too much heat, and they'd all come out red. The blend was perfect, steam rising in lazy wisps, the scent clean and warm.

Fumiko exhaled, brushing a hand through her hair, then started peeling off her clothes. She tugged the red top up and over her head, the fabric catching briefly on her stitches before sliding free. Underneath, a tight sports bra hugged her E-cup breasts, holding them firm against her chest. She ran a hand over her stomach—flat, taut, no extra weight despite her worries.

The jeans came next, shucked off with a rustle, leaving her in bra and underwear. She unhooked the bra, letting it drop, her white skin glowing soft in the dim light, pink nipples tightening in the air. Her underwear followed, slipping down to reveal a neat patch of brown curls nestled between her thighs.

She turned to Ryuki and Saki, who'd been watching, half-dressed already. "Your turn," she said, hands on her hips. Saki giggled, shedding her shirt and shorts fast, kicking them into a pile. Ryuki shrugged off his own, slower, until all three stood bare.

Fumiko stepped into the tub first, water sloshing over the edges, and sank in with a sigh. "C'mon," she said, waving them over. Saki splashed in beside her, giggling as water hit Ryuki's legs. He climbed in last, the tub cramped but familiar, their knees bumping under the surface.

"Where should we go?" Saki asked, splashing idly. "A fancy place with big tables?"

"There's that noodle shop downtown," Fumiko said, scooping water over Saki's shoulders. "Good broth, meat on everything. Sound tasty?"

"Yeah!" Saki nodded, splashing harder. "And clothes—I want a top like yours, Mom!"

Fumiko laughed, washing Saki's back with a rag. "Red's your color too. Ryuki, you?"

"New jacket," he said, scrubbing his arms. "Something cool." He paused, glancing at her. "Can I wash you?"

Fumiko blinked, water dripping from her hands. "You? Wash me?" He'd never offered—usually it was her scrubbing them, a routine as old as the room.

"Yeah," he said, grabbing the rag. "Saki can help."

"Me too!" Saki chirped, snatching a sponge. "I'll do your hair!"

"Wait—" Fumiko started, but they were already on her. Ryuki ran the rag over her shoulders, firm but gentle, while Saki splashed water through her hair, giggling. "Kids, just my back's fine—"

"Nope!" Saki said, scrubbing down her arm. "All of you!"

Ryuki moved lower, the rag gliding over her chest, brushing her breasts. Fumiko's face heated, a flush creeping up her neck. "Hey, that's—enough there," she stammered, grabbing his wrist.

"Gotta be thorough," he said, grinning, like it was a game. Saki giggled louder, sponging her stomach, then lower—too low. Fumiko yelped, snatching the sponge.

"Alright, you menaces!" she said, half-laughing, half-mortified. "I'm clean—out, both of you!"

They climbed out, dripping and smirking, as Fumiko sank back, cheeks burning. Never expected that, she thought, shaking her head. She rinsed off quick, the water cooling now, and stepped out, toweling dry in the cramped space.

She rummaged through their shared trunk, pulling out a scarlet bra and panties.

The lace hugged her curves, vibrant against her pale skin, a quiet thrill in the bold color. She slid into a red dress next, flowing and sleeveless, the hem teasing her knees. She tugged on sheer black stockings last, the fabric covering up her legs, toes peeking through. Should've done stockings first, she mused, smoothing the dress over them. The mix of red and black popped, turning her into something striking—scarred face and all.

She glanced at Ryuki and Saki, already tugging on fresh clothes, "Ready?" she asked.

"Ready!" Saki cheered, bouncing.

"Let's roll," Ryuki said, grabbing her hand.