Yua slumped onto her bed. The Sunday afternoon sun spilled through her window in lazy streaks. School was out. Her mother napped downstairs. The house sat in perfect quiet. She'd spent yesterday with Ryuki chasing that meatball dish. Today stretched empty ahead. Her stomach growled faintly since she'd skipped lunch, but her mind buzzed elsewhere. That itch she'd fed with whipped cream and honey last week gnawed again.
She kicked off her socks. Her bare feet flexed on the cool sheets. She tugged her loose tank top over her head. She wore no bra, so her nipples perked in the air. Her shorts followed and peeled off with a soft thud. That left her in plain white panties. She'd cooked all morning with some bread experiment, but now she felt restless. Her eyes snagged on a half-used chocolate bar on her desk, left from a failed ganache. She thought of dessert. Her mouth watered, yet her thighs pressed together. Another hunger stirred.