Roman's laughter bellowed loudly through the sound of chaos that continued to rattle the castle in the background.
"What gave it away? Was it when I murdered that wanker you used to claim you were in love with? Or was it his mother's tragic...accident?" Roman chuckled darkly. Then, one of them must have attacked the other, because a body was slammed against the table we were hidden under right after.
Someone let out an enraged scream. More fighting ensued, bodies were being slammed into walls, tables and chairs. Roman growled and the Titus guy cursed him to the depths of hell, his voice carrying through the sounds of chaos.
I wrung my hands together. I was somewhat worried for Roman, even though I knew he could most probably handle himself and didn't need help. I didn't know the Titus guy or how strong he was, but he seemed to be giving Roman a run for his money, and that was what made me worried.