Davis sat outside the bathroom, waiting. Then a girl came out, looking down at Davis.
Mary: Davis! People are gonna get the wrong idea if you just sit out here.
Davis's face dropped to the ground.
Mary: Sorry for yelling, I just don't like people talking smack about you when they don't even properly know you!
She pouted and crossed her arms.
Mary: You need to start making more friends, you can't always be around your big sister!
Davis looked to the side, two students walked by.
Random Student #1: I can beat him.
Random Student #2: Yeah right.
Random Student #1: I'm being so deadass, the new kid wouldn't know what hit him.
The two students notice Davis and Mary looking at them.
Random Student #2: Move along, that's the Silent Night, or can you beat him too?
Random Student #1: Shut up!
The two students scurry off. Davis' face dropped.
Mary: Ignore them. These asshats don't even know you.
Davis, again, looked to the side and saw a familiar face, Lee. Lee noticed Davis from the corner of his eye. Lee, who was walking beside Jacob, approached the siblings.
Lee: Sup, Davis and his…?
Mary: Mary, his older Sister.
lee: And Davis's older sister, Mary.
Mary: And you are?
Lee: Lee, I'm new here.
Mary: So you're the new kid everyone's talking about.
Lee: Yeah. Anywho, Davis, I was wondering if you'd like to eat with me and my friend Jacob.
Lee points over to Jacob who notices and tries to hide.
Davis looks at his sister, Mary.
Mary: I'll be fine, Davis, and make some friends.
Davis looks back at Lee and nods.
On their way to the cafeteria, Lee bumped into an unusual-looking guy. He has a scorpion tattoo, buzzed-off hair on the sides, and a Mohawk.
Scorpion: Sorry, Pal.