From the perspective of Brandon Vanity.
I pulled the Flame Orb out of my pocket and grasped it with full force. I didn't know how to work the Flame Orb, but I somehow knew that my emotions were the driving force. So I allowed my hatred for Orrus to flourish. I became enraged. I focused my mind. The Flame Orb erupted bright orange flames aimed at the two Flesheaters who held Jeriah hostage and released him in a panic. Jeriah quickly fled for cover, but turned back and ran toward his first victim when he witnessed the rest of us fighting back against the Flesheaters.
Orrus backed away as his nearest comrades dropped like flies as they were bathed in flames. The Fatal Six led the offensive, charging forward alongside Chase and Jeriah, while Austin hung back, delving his right hand into his inner coat pocket. When Austin pulled out his hand, he held a blood-red Promethean orb--it shined intensely--brighter than my Flame Orb.
"Sanguinem exhaurire!" Austin shouted some kind of spell. He grinned wide as the power of his orb was unleashed upon a dozen or more Flesheaters whose bodies instantly began to ooze black blood from every orifice and within seconds they all bursted into tall, flickering black flames.
The battle was already half-way over, thanks to Austin. It was a surprise to see Austin whip out a Promethean orb; none of us knew he possessed one.
Orrus roared in complete rage, the blood vessels in his eyes swelling with black. He retaliated by charging toward Wolfbane, who was fighting three Flesheaters on his own. Orrus struck Wolfbane's skull from behind with his handaxe. Wolfbane had no time to react, nor did he see Orrus coming. Orrus removed the bloody handaxe with ease, then he set his eyes on Evelyn as Wolfbane fell to the ground.
"Weaklings! Scoundrels!" Orrus thundered vehemently, raising his hand axe toward Evelyn.
Evelyn halted, and raised her hands, as if to block Orrus's oncoming blow. Scolopendra intercepted the blow as he jumped in between Orrus and Evelyn. "Damn you, Orrus!" Scolopendra grunted. The handaxe was lodged in between his neck and left shoulder. Scolopendra brewed with hatred as he spat in Orrus' face. Scolopendra then grasped the handaxe and dislodged it from his shoulder, to my amazement. "Scolopocryptops! Show our enemies no mercy!" Scolopendra, utterly drained, dropped from the loss of blood.
In no time Scolopocryptops emerged from behind us like a bucking bronco, flinging Flesheaters left and right as bullets ricocheted off his impenetrable exoskeleton. The behemoth screeched like nails on a chalkboard as he made a bee-line for Orrus, his front modified legs gaping wide, ready to shred Orrus. Orrus, unwavering, raised his handaxe toward Scolopocryptops and charged forward, shouting in rage. Scolopocryptops, with his front legs, grasped Orrus by his abdomen, ready to feast upon Orrus. The Flesheaters that had not yet perished took notice, and they proceeded to fire upon Scolopocryptops, but the bullets, again, were deflected. Scolopocrytops couldn't puncture nor tear Orrus, only hold him captive.
Orrus thundered, "You puny beast, you can't kill me!"
Scolopocryptops, angered, tightened his hold on Orrus, further constricting Orrus who yelled curses at the giant centipede. Some Flesheaters took notice of their leader in distress and attempted to release him from Scolopocryptops' grasp, but the giant centipede simply flung them with his lanky body.
The casualties mounted on the Promethean side, even with the help of my new power and with the help of Scolopocryptops. Innocent Prometheans were mowed down by the Flesheaters left and right. I knew then and there I couldn't allow this battle to rage on.
I used my remaining strength and willpower to create a giant blazing hot phoenix that soared up into the sky. Scolopocrytops watched as the phoenix was created from thin air, then he released Orrus by flinging him into the fray, allowing the phoenix to prey on Orrus. The phoenix flew high, then dove down upon Orrus, consuming him in flames.
I wasn't surprised when Orrus artlessly walked out of the flames, laughing madly at my heroic offensive, unphased by the blazing hot phoenix. I tried, at least.
The remaining Flesheaters dwindled, and yet I had not seen Micah nor the other half of the Flesheaters I expected to be present. The few enemies that stood alive began to turn tail and flee, their bodies covered in the ashes of their comrades. Orrus lived, but realizing he was alone, he too, made a run for it back to the parked choppers. I was ready to chase the giant bastard, but I was completely drained from using the Flame Orb, feeling woefully dreadful. In my poor condition, I had no choice but to allow Orrus to flee.
Jeriah and Chase finished off their own handful of Flesheaters and I fell to my knees and closed my eyes, exhausted, sweat trickingling from my forehead. Austin and I both tucked away our Promethean orbs while the five remaining of the Fatal Six gathered around Wolfbane.
Scolopendra was alive, but barely conscious, talking in incoherent slurs. "Wolfbane… Where… Where did you go? Wolfbane? We didn't… get to… go to that… BBQ food truck… you always told me about..." Scolopendra's eyelids began to fall slowly, and his head swayed to the side, blood continuously oozing from his gaping wound.
Evelyn solemnly advised from afar. "Chase, Brandon, Austin. And you, blondie. Would you all mind grabbing Wolfbane?"
"We'll get Scolopendra," Atropine said as he directed his able-bodied comrades, and they gathered Scolopendra and hurried him away.
"You three heard Evelyn," Austin said. "Help me with Wolfbane."
None of us complained as all of us felt obliged to lend our strength. Jeriah was glad to be alive, and Chase was sickened and disheartened. The four of us began to carry Wolfbane away, trailing behind the bereaved group of Grandmasters.
The intense explosions from earlier had caused a slight haze to form from the accumulation of smoke, shrouding us and the Grandmasters. A minute later, we encountered another large group of Flesheaters waiting to ambush us with modified rifles pointed at us. Micah was at the forefront, glaring at Chase, but then he smiled weakly.
"Hey, Chase. No hard feelings, 'kay?" Micah said. "I did what I had to do back in Jefferson County. Sorry. Um. Have you seen my brother?"
Chase replied, carefree, "Yeah, he ran off back to that tower you live in. Seems like he was the only one from his squad to survive."
Micah froze, his eyes nearly popping out of his head from shock and fear, the veins in his neck tensing, his breath becoming sparse. What move would Micah make now, knowing his brother ran away, leaving him and his team stranded in Promethean Territory?
"Back down, Micah. Your brother has gone too far this time," Evelyn scorned Micah.
Atropine continued for Evelyn. "There is no need for us to kill each other. Give up on your quest to capture Chase. Or I swear I'll do to you as Orrus did to my friend. I'll kill you right here, right now. Those are your two choices. There is no inbetween. Choose wisely."
Micah, unusual for himself, glanced away, his eyes darting. Then he laid his eyes upon Chase. "Though I could easily snap his neck in one fell swoop, the wizard is right," Micah acknowledged.
Micah then turned his head toward his nearest subordinate with sleek, oily black hair. "Crow, my good friend. It appears we cannot win. Squad A has been almost entirely eradicated, save for my brother. We cannot risk any more of our own. If we are defeated, what becomes of the rest of us that are huddled together in the safe refuge at our lovely Tower of Blood? I won't risk any more lives. Count Jaeger will surely be disappointed, that's for certain."
"Micah," Nicole began. "If you're so willing to give up now, then what do you and your squad think about joining us for a coup?" Nicole asked, seeking to win over Micah and his squadmates--everyone was shocked at the idea.
The four conscious members of the Fatal Six exchanged glances with each other. Then Evelyn spoke. "Before we make any major decisions, Scolopendra needs to get his wound examined ASAP. Whatever you guys decide, you have my vote. But I'm taking Scolopendra to the Infirmary Tent right now. I'm going to watch over him for a bit."
Austin chimed in. "I'll join you two. Someone is gonna have to help carry him, and it might as well be us two. He is a big dude."
Austin and Evelyn hefted Scolopendra up at each end of his body and carried him away hurriedly.
Narceus sighed deeply, then seethed. "Atropine. What say you?"
Atropine grunted, then seethed. "I say we go along with Nicole's plan. We convince these Flesheaters here to aid us, banish any who refuse, then we go after Orrus. We cut the head off the snake. After that, any and all remaining Flesheaters are free to go their own way. Or, even better: Micah, you could take your brother's place, and you could reform the Flesheaters. That way us Prometheans and your new reformed gang can live in harmony. Both of our groups could conduct business and trade with each other without all the hostility."
Narceus nodded as if agreeing with Atropine. "I like that plan. Nicole, go over the plan with Atropine and Micah while I go to the Militia Tent and round up a platoon of soldiers. We'll meet up here." Narceus ran off in a hurry, darkness trailing behind him.
Nicole confronted Micah. "We need you to agree to help us. Not just you, but you and your subordinates too. What do you say?"
Micah appeared to mentally juggle the possibilities he had before him. Finally, he deeply sighed, realizing what had to be done. He, too, knew the right thing to do. Although his squadmates, about forty strong, each had their own personal opinions. I doubted that everyone in his would all agree with Micah. Some would not and could not be convinced. That I knew all too well.
Micah cleared his throat, then began. "I, B-Squad Leader Micah Hart, ask you, my brothers and sisters, if you will help me and the Prometheans in an attempt to overthrow Orrus and any standing opposition. Those of you that help us, and live, will be given top priority for senior positions and. If you die, well, your names will be immortalized on a great big plaque in the foyer of the Tower of Blood. If any of you do not wish to join us, leave now and either go back to the Tower of Blood and wait for death to come knocking, or you can go your own way. The choice is yours. Be quick, though. We don't have all day."
There was no opposition, except for one, surprisingly: Crow. He had no intentions of betraying Orrus. "You're all damned! There's no way you traitors and a group of wizards can bring down Orrus! No fucking way in hell!" Crow rebutted as he backed away from his former comrades. "You will all die!"
Micah calmly retorted, "You will be the one to die, after suffering in anguish, Crow. I hate to break it to you, but all that's left of the Flesheaters is C-Squad, and Orrus. If you think you all can win, go right ahead and make haste to headquarters. I won't stop you. But know that when we come to kill Orrus, we will not spare you or anyone else."
Crow, fearful, with his grimy, yellow teeth chattering, turned tail and fled in the direction of the Flesheaters' headquarters.
Micah turned to Nicole and the rest of us and gave us an answer. "We shall help you and your kind, and the three fledglings, bring justice to Orrus and the rest of his followers. But it won't be a walk in the park. They'll be prepared. And when Orrus is backed into a corner, he becomes infinitely more dangerous. I'm guessing at least some of you have already seen Orrus at his worst. He's a complete monster when he becomes enraged. Do not underestimate him when he is enraged. You'll know it when his eyes turn jet-black."
Nicole responded in kind, "Thanks for your cooperation. Is there any other piece of information we should know about before we all head out?"
Micah responded, "No, that is all, really. Except for maybe the more help you bring, the better off we all are. There will be casualties either way."
"We Prometheans will bring all that we can spare," Nicole replied.
Chase and Jeriah stepped forward and both stood on either side of me. They both were excited and fearful at the same time, as was I. We were skeptical of the future that lay before us. I was a bit shaky, too, what with all that had happened tonight up to this point. Yet, there was more to do tonight. I could not tell myself the night was over, that I was ready for a good night's sleep. Not yet.
The three of us stood there, silent and pondering.
A few minutes passed and I looked back to notice that we were accompanied by Austin and Evelyn, but also by a platoon of about fifty Prometheans dressed in striking, extravagant silver-plated armor. They wore helmets that were similar in appearance to those worn by medieval knights. They also had equipped long, flowing crimson capes that fell short of their knees. Each soldier carried a five-foot silver-plated metal spear with a serrated, sharpened point as well as a silver-plated metal shield in the shape of a rhombus. The soldiers held themselves in a neat, towering posture in four rows of ten, and leading them was Narceus, also dressed in similar battle armor, though his armor was painted crimson and his cape was like a mesmerizing wavy sheet of gold.
"Attention!" Narceus barked, commanding the soldiers. The soldiers stood at the ready, perfectly still. "Promethean Guard! Our territory has been permeated by Flesheaters! We were attacked, but the Flesheaters that oppose us have escaped and have retreated back to their tower! We shall seek revenge on the Flesheaters that oppose us! We shall help these Flesheaters who are willing to join us, and we will storm the Tower of Blood! We shall not fail!" Narceus unsheathed a deadly longsword with a gold-plated handle and raised it in the air. "For the glory of Prometheus!"
Jeriah, quite curious, asked Narceus, "Your little civilization worships the Greek titan Prometheus? Austin mentioned Prometheus earlier, I had no idea he was so integral to your way of life. How… extraordinary."
"Well," Narceus began, "we don't worship Prometheus. We follow in his footsteps, we see him as our one true guide, we live to extend his knowledge to any and all outsiders. But now is no time to explain. Now is the time to eliminate the dark forces that threaten our existence. Join me, friend. Let us seize the day." Narceus beckoned for Jeriah to join the ranks of the Prometheans.
Jeriah didn't hesitate, neither did the rest of us.
We all marched onward toward the Tower of Blood with the determination to bring Orrus to his knees.