As he left the hospital the young man was greeted with what he always saw the dilapidation of the slums its look that would make most warry, its stench that would make the more fortunate gag was nothing new to the young man he crossed the crowded city streets bobbing and weaving through the heard of people who were accustomed to their lives here just like him. As he reached the other side of the street, he made his way to a pay phone he dug in his pockets for what felt like hours a pulled out his last two coins, as he looked at them, he thought (Roach's dumbass better pick up). Ring the phone went.
"Come on Roach."
Ring it went a second time.
"Roach come on."
Ring it went a third and fourth.
"Come on Roach don't play with me!"
Before the phone finished its fifth ring the other side of the line was picked up, before he heard anyone's voice the young man could hear faint music in the background the shitty rock music that Roach was always listing to, he thought. Then he heard a raspy cough then someone hocking a loggie even though this wasn't the first time he heard him do it the sound of Roach's…. Bodily functions always grossed the young man out.
Came from the phone.
"Yo who this"
It's me roach!"
The young man snapped.
"Oh, shit what's going on Jakey boy."
Roach said slurring his words.
"Hey man why you calling me so early in the morning, you know I need my beauty sleep."
The young man named Jake closed his eyes and exhaled.
"Roach its three-o clock in the afternoon."
There was a brief moment of silence then Jake could hear rustling in his ear, then in the same slurred speech roach said.
"Well shit it is."
He started laughing as if he was told the most hilarious joke, then the laughing led to another round of coughing and at the end another loggie was spit out. Jakes face scrunched up in disgust he was getting angry and losing his patience, but he let the dumbass that was Roach continue to get all out of his system.
"So, what's up man why you calling so early."
He said snickering Jake caught his anger in his throat and got out a.
"I want in."
Came from roach.
"I said I want in, I want in on the job you and Tone are doing."
A stunned what you do came from roach.
"I thought you said you didn't want to get mixed up in some dumb shit."
"Well, I do now!"
Jake snapped another pause came from Roach then he erupted in laughter.
"Ha, Ha, Ha,Ha I knew you couldn't resist and here you were calling me stupid now look at you came crawling back."
"He cackled like a hyaena."
"Ight man I guess you can join but your cut going to me 5% smaller now."
"Hell no!!"
Jake screamed so loudly that he caught the attention of some of the heard of people in the street.
"You said my cut would be 20%."
"Yea, yea I did, and it was, but you know deals change."
He said mockingly Jake could almost hear him smirking through the phone.
"You shoulda took the first deal when I offered it, now look at desperate."
"He cackled again, and Jake was reaching his breaking point if he could he would choke no, he would punch no, he would kill roach through the phone if he could, but he couldn't and he didn't have time to argue his mother had no time.
He shouted again.
"I'll take it just tell me when we're meeting!"
"Ok, ok were meeting tonight at the docks, meet me Tone and the others there at midnight."
Jack didn't even give the man a response he just hung up the phone and stormed off in anger, he would never know that this cracked roach up again. The plan did sound stupid when Roach told a bunch of slum kids including Jake while they were all skipping school in the slums getting into crime isn't an accident it's only a matter of time, and when it came to crime Roach was a under achiever and Tone the big meat head Roach followed loyally like a puppy wasn't much better. So, Roach telling Jake and a bunch of other slum kids that he and tone had a full proof plan that was gonna get them all filthy rich no one believed them, but even though they didn't for weeks Roach wouldn't shut up about their plan that they were going to get rich, rich and how yall would be stupid not to get on this deal. But everyone knew they'd feel stupid if they joined the plan but even though the little fishes didn't take the bait they listened.
"Yall will get 20% of score when the jobs done, I swear it'll be a big score."
Big score he said with that slimy grin of his face they all knew not to take the bait, but here Jake was desperate pleading for a nibble, at midnight Jake had made his way to the peer he hopped the fence and made his way towards the faint chattering he heard coming in front of him. When he was able to maneuver out of all they shit and debris in his way he and finally reached his destination, in front of him were four people a tall slender young man with a goblin like nose, a large beefy guy with a bald head, a girl wearing a baseball cap wearing shades in the middle of the night, and the last was a girl with pink hair wearing an oversized black hoodie when their eyes landed on him the goblin nose smirked saying.
"Jakey boy your late my man."
"Shut up Roach I'm here aren't I."
The slender roach tussled jakes messy black hair then through an arm around his shoulder.
"Good to see buddy, glad to have you apart of the team."
He started laughing and Jake could smell Roach's bad breath the little freak never brushed his teeth, even in the dark one could clearly see his glowing yellow teeth glistening brighter than the moon light.
"Well since Jackey boy is here guess we can get started right boss."
He said looking at the overweight bald guy sitting on a box.
Jake said puzzled.
"It's just the five of us."
Roach responded chuckling.
"Those losers are gonna be sorry, cause we're about to be rich."
"So, since we're all here."
The girl in the shades chimed in.
"What's this job are you going to tell use or what Tone."
Tone the large beef cake who had been silent this whole time stood from his makeshift seat, the man who was both big vertically and horizontally towering over the four of them said.
"Where going to be doing a robbery."
He said with a deepish voice Tone who wasn't even 17, he was still going through puberty.
"Oh, that's it."
The girl in the shades remarked in a snarky tone.
"This big score is just a robbery."
"Not just any robbery."
Tone smirked.
"But the biggest robbery ever."
"Yeah, yeah blow it out your ass a robbery's a robbery."
Shades remarked again looking bored, they couldn't see it but they all could tell she was rolling her eyes at this both Tone and Roach chuckled but then a small mousey voice coming from the pink haired girl entered the conversation.
"Who are we robbing?"
Tones eyes lit up at the question and with a big smile he said.
"We five will be robbing the most infamous family in the entire country."
Besides Roach and Tone everyone's eyes became narrowed.
"We will be robbing the Sullivan family."