Kein and his family came out of the castle as well as other members of the city to see why the sky suddenly turned dark.
Eclipse doesn't exist on this planet, so the sky turning dark all of a sudden wasn't a normal occurrence.
The sky kept getting darker as if something was obstructing the sun from reaching their planet. But soon, the sky began to clear up, revealing the shape of a spaceship in the sky.
" Why is it that people never learn?" The queen muttered with so much anger, hatred, and pity.
" Well, we don't usually have visitors, let's see what they are here for. If it is what I think it is, then their visit won't be any different from the other visitors we had welcomed" the king said lazily with folded arms while focusing on the ship in the sky.
The children who were born recently and hadn't seen such a thing in their lives were looking at the ship in amazement.
" What is that dad?" A little girl tapped her dad on his cloak while pointing at the sky.
" Enemies," her dad replied shortly.
" Enemies? I haven't seen them before, are they from this town?"
The father didn't answer that. A war was about to begin any moment from now so he was trying his best to keep his focus on every movement the ship or the people in it made.
" Kyta!" The father called her daughter who was still waiting patiently for an answer to her question," Go inside, lock yourself and your siblings inside. I will be back later after"
" Why? I want to see such a wonderful thing. Do we have such a thing here?" The girl's eyes were full of admiration for the spaceship in sight.
" Just do what I told you!" The father yelled to the child.
" Okay dad" the girl ran away.
Parents kept sending their children back home in case anything was to happen. They didn't want to lose any of their children by mistake.
Kein was one of those teenagers who hadn't seen a spaceship before. He was in his mother's belly when they had their last invasion or war and Carisa was just two years old at the time.
At the time of the invasion, Their mother was locked in with them in a room. Kein was a baby that was still in the womb while Carisa was clinging tightly to their mother. Only their father went out that day, to fight for his kingdom.
Now they are all witnessing it and would soon be taking part in it.
" Is that the spaceship you guys talked about?" Kein asked out of curiosity.
" Yes," his mom answered.
" What are we still waiting for? let's bring them down immediately " Kein was confused about why they hadn't done anything since.
Their enemies were right in front of them and they were all standing like statues, looking at the ship.
" Dumb a*s, we don't know yet if they are friends or foes. They haven't attacked yet" Carisa retaliated back to what Kein did to her back at the castle.
However, that didn't get to kein at all. He had completely forgotten everything that occurred at the palace, his main focus was the ship. He was not yet convinced. He wanted to clear up this commotion as quickly as possible and go back to the castle to have some rest.
He hasn't even finished his breakfast.
" And so? We should wait till they attack first?"
" mmh mmmhg" The king cleared his throat to attract the attention of his children, " Look, if they are enemies, they should have by now start firing at us at least that was what the other intruders did when they attacked us the last time"
"So I want you guys to remember this in case you rule tomorrow, that not all visitors are enemies. We had been visited many times but most of them were enemies while the others are friends who came to know how we run things here and to know how to develop their planet"
" If not, why would they wait when they know that they can't win when nearer to the ground? Even when high in the sky we will still tear them into scraps, and talk more of them when they are nearer to the ground with no room for escape. They are not that dumb not to know that "
At the ship, everyone was sweating furiously. They are about to embrace death. They could see a great number of a crowd waiting patiently for them on the ground.
What was sticking out of them most were their golden hairs; they all had golden hairs. No one could differentiate who was who, among the crowd of people on the ground.
" Why are we not firing now that they are all gathered as a crowd or do we need to meet them first? That will mean that we will be dead before we even start attacking. Is this how you use people? by killing them and achieving what you want? How heartless can you be?" Lewis asked the invisible woman, out of fear and anger.
Lewis was so intimidated by the fierce look on the faces of the habitats of this world, that he didn't know when started pouring all his fears out.
" Heartless is just the softest word someone has ever called me, I must say thank you, but one thing you must know is that firing at this point will be the worst mistake you will ever make and their attacking will only end with your ship being torn into pieces"
" So I must advise, let's keep calm first" The Dizirala tipped off while slowly controlling the ship to land at the center of the town.
" How did you know all this since you say you haven't been here before?" Jaden asked.
He was still vague about how the lady got all the information about this planet when she hadn't even been on it before.
Or has she also hacked the system of this planet to spy on them too? if there was one.
" Who says I haven't been on this planet before?"