After making the deal with the monkey and returning the fruits to the villagers, Shiro and Aria were treated to a feast as a token of gratitude. The villagers were delighted to have their fruits back and were eager to show their appreciation. During the feast, there were all sorts of delicious foods and drinks. Shiro and Aria enjoyed the local cuisine and listened to the villagers' stories. As they ate, they couldn't help but notice the monkey sitting nearby, looking rather pleased with itself. Suddenly, the monkey jumped onto the table and started stealing some of the food. The villagers laughed and tried to shoo it away, but the monkey was too quick. Shiro and Aria found the monkey's antics hilarious and joined in the laughter. After the feast, Shiro and Aria prepared to leave the village. But as they were about to depart, the monkey followed them. It seemed to have taken a liking to them and didn't want them to go. Shiro and Aria tried to shoo the monkey away, but it wouldn't budge. Eventually, they decided to let the monkey tag along. As they continued on their journey, the monkey provided some much-needed entertainment. It would climb trees and do acrobatic tricks, making Shiro and Aria laugh. At one point, they came across a river. The monkey showed off its swimming skills by diving into the water and splashing around. Shiro and Aria watched in amusement as the monkey played in the river. But then, they realized they had to cross the river too. Shiro was a bit hesitant, as he wasn't a strong swimmer. But Aria encouraged him, and together they waded into the water. The monkey swam alongside them, making sure they were okay. When they reached the other side, they were all wet and exhausted. But they couldn't help but smile at their adventure. As they continued on their journey, they knew that with the monkey by their side, there would be many more funny moments to come. And they looked forward to whatever challenges and surprises lay ahead.