Chapter 4 - Exploring the kingdom

The next day, Elizabeth woke up early in the morning, excited to explore the kingdom with Diavola. She had spent most of the previous day reading books, learning about the history and culture of the kingdom, and she was eager to see it for herself.

Diavola arrived at her door, and Elizabeth greeted her warmly. They set off on their journey, walking through the bustling streets of the kingdom. Diavola showed Elizabeth the marketplace, the library, and the training grounds, where knights were practicing their sword fighting.

As they were walking, they heard a commotion in a nearby alleyway. Elizabeth was alarmed when she saw a group of children surrounding a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who was being beaten up. Elizabeth was enraged at the sight, knowing how the Nazis had persecuted those with blond hair and blue eyes.

Without thinking, Elizabeth levitated a rock from the ground with her magic, and it hit one of the children, knocking him to the ground. The other children ran away in fear. Elizabeth rushed over to the girl, who was lying on the ground, and helped her up.

The girl's name was Cloudia, and she was grateful to Elizabeth for saving her. They sat down on a nearby bench, and Elizabeth asked her what had happened. Cloudia explained that the children had been bullying her because she was an orphan and had no parents to protect her.

Elizabeth listened to Cloudia's story with a heavy heart. She had never experienced bullying before, but she had seen it happen to others in her previous life. It made her angry and sad to think that people could be so cruel to each other.

She put a comforting hand on Cloudia's shoulder and told her that she needed to become stronger so that she could defend herself in the future. "I know it's not fair that you have to go through this, but it's important to be able to protect yourself," she said.

Cloudia looked up at Elizabeth with admiration in her eyes. "But how can I become stronger?" she asked.

Elizabeth thought for a moment before responding. "I think you should start by training yourself physically and mentally," she said. "Find someone to teach you how to fight and defend yourself. And don't forget to read books and learn as much as you can."

Cloudia nodded, taking in Elizabeth's advice. "Thank you, Elizabeth," she said.

Elizabeth smiled at her. "We'll meet again, Cloudia. And when we do, I want to see how much you've grown stronger," she said.

With that, Elizabeth said goodbye to Cloudia and rejoined Diavola, who had been waiting patiently for her.

As they walked away, Elizabeth couldn't help but think about Cloudia and the injustices she had faced. She vowed to herself that she would do everything in her power to make sure that no one else would have to suffer like Cloudia did.