Lily stepped out from the car, her hands wrapped around her self when the cold weather came in contact with skin,she was not wearing any coat,she had insisted not to wear one, but now she wished she had worn one.
" come on" lily let get before you freeze" mrs Thompson said as she also step out of the car
" it's so cold up here " how do people survive here ".? lily asked as she and her foster mother began to enter a narrow path
" it's actually tolerable for us vampire because of icy temperament but same cant be told for you" Mrs Thompson explained.
They stood before a mansion,the mansion stood tall and proud ,they were big pumpkins cut in scary shapes with lights in them hum out side themansion.skeletonwere hung on every window of the mansion.
" i never knew vampires do take Halloween seriously ' lily looked at the spooky sight under cat mask
" oh believe me lily" we do ' we celebrate it more than humans do" Mrs Thompson said as she started walking towards the mansion entrance,while lily followed steadily
They a walked into the mansion's corridor where a man dresses in a plain black suit stood.
He politely bowed at the ladies " good evening miladies " the butler greeted he stood straight and looked at the ladies his eyes narrowed at Lily who stood beside Mrs Thompson one look at her they wasn't much needed to know she is a frail human .
It was not such a good idea for a human to coexist in the social gathering of vampires because of their sensitive attraction to the human blood that could be more enticing than anything to them, but the butler looked beyond her frail look and his eyes came in brief contact with hers.
" can I have your invitations please" ?
Mrs Thompson fished into her purse pulling out two golden card handing it over to the butler.
The butler scanned the invitations with his light coloured red eyes.
"welcome to the duke party miladies' it an honour to have you here" allow me to take you to the ball room" the butler said before leading the way, the corridors didn't have pumpkins but they were skeletons that stood near the walls in dramatic way ,they were cobwebs and spiders hung on the ceilings.
The butler opened a big double door standing by the side for the ladies to enter.
The butler looked at Lily retreating figure and a deep frown mared his face " almost too familiar " he muttered under his breath.