Chereads / The First Cultivator - Changing Existence / Chapter 330 - 2nd Great Attractor - 330

Chapter 330 - 2nd Great Attractor - 330

From within the center of the explosion, Zhou Fan watched an unprecedented amount of space dust shoot into the surrounding area. It was more in one place then he had ever seen, which was not unexpected due to the size and amount of black holes colliding.

When the explosion finally stopped sending out shockwaves, a single, tiny black hole remained. 

Zhou Fan could tell that there was nothing interesting about the black hole. It was simply a tiny fragment of one of the black holes from before that luckily managed to survive. It was only about the size of Zhou Fan's head.

Zhou Fan did not pay any attention to the black hole. Instead, his gaze was focused on the space dust that shot out. 

He had seen many black holes in the area, but never stars or space dust. Zhou Fan could feel something different about the space he was in, but he was not sure how that caused so many blackholes and no stars to appear.

Zhou Fan watched the space dust for a day, and he noticed that it was moving faster than other space dust he had observed in other areas like the purple star sea and the Zhou supercluster. 

In fact, it seemed that the space dust was forming 6 gatherings, and each would be completed in just a few weeks. The space dust had been shot away an extremely large distance due to the explosion that held god realm power.

In other locations, the space dust was so far apart that it may never join together again. Still, despite such reasoning, the space dust was moving.

Zhou Fan patiently waited 5 weeks for the 6 gathering spots to reach full capacity. He could feel that something unexpected was going to happen.

Almost at the exact same time, the 6 gatherings of space dust began to be condensed inwards. 

Soon, after the condensation reached a certain point, an explosion happened. Just as a star was about to be formed, the explosion seemed like it began to get sucked in. 

Zhou Fan watched as the explosion quickly condensed and exploded outward again, this time in a dark form.

'Is that how black holes are created, or is it simply something that happens in this place?' Zhou Fan thought to himself.

It seemed unlikely that space dust could only form stars from the beginning, so it creating a black hole, while somewhat surprising, was not completely unexpected. 

The only question was why it was never seen anywhere else and only in this specific area.

One theory was that the space in this area was different, which he had been able to feel, but it didn't explain how black holes were created outside of the black hole area.

It was more likely that space dust that came out of a black hole due to a collision with another black hole would form a black hole, but Zhou Fan was not sure.

As for thinking any deeper, he would have to begin asking questions like how was the universe created, and he wasn't ready to start thinking about all of that.

Zhou Fan started towards the depths of the blackhole area once again. As he continued flying, he began to think of a name for the area. He had a couple of ideas, but decided to wait until he saw everything.

After thinking of names, he began to think if he could add living beings in such an area. Obviously, they would have to be quite special and powerful.

Soon, Zhou Fan began to feel a familiar feeling. It was the feeling of a great attractor. To Zhou Fan, seeing this one was just as important as the first.

He was not sure if all great attractors looked the same or acted the same. The second great attractor would answer that question.

Zhou Fan continued to fly, and soon, he felt closer than before. Just as he passed a black hole bigger than any he had ever seen before, the space opened up.

Far ahead was a giant black dot. It did not seem spherical like black holes, but as if it was truly 2D. An orange color could be seen on the edges of what could only be described as an unparalleled black hole. 

Surprisingly, there was no suction force coming from it. Even normal great attractors had a suction force, so it would be weird for a normal black hole to not have one.

Zhou Fan took a step forward, but immediately stopped. He realized why it seemed as if there was no suction force. 

Only by infusing an extremely large amount of Qi into his eyes could Zhou Fan see that the space ahead was so twisted and shattered that it seemed normal. 

It defied all logic and confused Zhou Fan, but he shrugged his shoulders. The great attractor ahead gave off a much more dangerous feeling when compared to the great attractor of the purple star sea.

Zhou Fan even estimated that it held power equivalent to the middle levels of the true god realm.

It gave him a feeling of danger, but for some reason, Zhou Fan wanted to go near it and feel its power. He had never really run into anything stronger than him directly.

Just as he took another step towards it, he opened his eyes and mouth in shock.

'It's even attracting my thoughts and emotions towards it!' He shouted in his mind. 

He was thoroughly impressed by the great attractor. Yet, with a clear mind, he still decided to go up to it. 

After reaching the halfway point, Zhou Fan entered the obliterated space and finally felt the great attractor's power.

It was impossible to move through the space unless you could handle the destruction with your own power. There was no other way such as dodging or teleporting.

Speaking of teleportation, Zhou Fan felt it was much more difficult in the area. He could still teleport, but it was much harder. Controlling the direction was also harder.

As he got closer, he felt teleportation getting even harder than before.