Chapter 295 - Growth - 295

The very next morning, Guang Fu's eyes snapped open at the sound of the bell. He instinctively got out of bed and stood up, but paused as he began walking.

The memories of yesterdays events ran through his mind once again, as he began to slightly tremble.

'I don't know if I can handle that again.' He thought to himself.

After a moment, the image of Tian Ren popped in his mind. He realized that his fear of Tian Ren was even greater than his fear of the events likely to take place.

'Who knows what he will do if I don't show up?' He thought to himself.

Guang Fu forced himself to grab the sword he had chosen yesterday and walked down the hallway.

As he walked, there was a very perceptible tremble in his steps.

Soon, Guang Fu exited the house and walked on the yard. He saw Tian Ren, and the fear in his eyes was clear.


Tian Ren sighed as he saw Guang Fu.

"Do you fear me?" He asked.

After a moment, Guang Fu answered honestly by nodding.

"Why do you fear me? Because I inflicted pain upon you? I did it in your best interest, you know." Tian Ren said.

Guang Fu nodded. "I know, but I can't help it."

"Because you also fear what is about to transpire here? No?" Tian Ren asked.

"That as well." Guang Fu said timidly.

"Do you know how pathetic you look right now, trembling at my very presence? What is wrong with you? Do you think that Yao Mun would act like this?" Tian Ren asked angrily.

"I never asked to fight Yao Mun! Why don't you try to stop comparing me to this so-called monster!" Guang Fu yelled back.

"Because if you can't stop him, nobody will." TIan Ren sighed. "Listen. Yao Mun has hurt many people. Innocent people. Good people. You are a good person. Better than me and most I know."

Guang Fu nodded at his words.

"I understand, but still…"

"But still nothing. Think of it like this. Stop fighting for yourself. It's unlike you. Fight for the countless lives you will save by defeating Yao Mun." Tian Ren said, trying a different approach.

This sentence sent Guang Fu into a train of thought. He pictured the kind elderly people, the young children, the kind parents, and every other person he came across. These were people that he had saved and had thanked him sincerely.

He remembered the day that he woke up and had talent for cultivation. He also remembered the goal he had in mind, the question he had been asked by the old man long ago.

'Would you rather live a happy life as a mortal, or have the opportunity to become the strongest cultivator, although there would be a high risk to your life.'

At that time, he had said he would want to be the strongest cultivator. Why? To help more people.

As Guang Fu's eyes opened, he seemed to be a different person.

"One more piece of advice. Remember, suffering is temporary, but what is gained from that suffering will last forever." Tian Ren said.

Guang Fu nodded as he took out his sword and held it in front of him. There was no tremble in his grip.

He locked his eyes on Tian Ren's position. In an instant, Tian Ren disappeared and appeared right next to him with his sword swinging.

Guang Fu moved his sword faster than before, perfectly blocking the strike.

Three more strike followed, but they were all perfectly blocked.

'He may be a little idealistic and perhaps immature, but I can work with this much better.' Tian Ren thought to himself.

Earlier, he had said what Guang Fu needed to hear to become more firm in will. However, Tian Ren did not believe a single word.

'In the end, the mindset of righteousness will only limit someone. For now, however, it will provide Guang Fu with a great boost.' Tian Ren thought.

With his vast experience, he had ranked the three major mindsets of a person based on how far it will allow them to go.

The righteous mindset, one of protecting others even at the cost of yourself, was ranked lowest.

The evil mindset, one in which you enjoy taking from others or harming others, was ranked second, only slightly above the righteous mindset.

Finally, the neutral mindset. Without an inclination towards this or that, only striving towards the goal of strength, was number one.

It was a mindset that Tian Ren strove for, but even he could not fully achieve it. If it came down to it, he may sacrifice his life to save the Heavenborns. If it came down to it, there was no doubt that he would sacrifice his life to serve Heaven even just slightly.

While Guang Fu had kept up well compared to yesterday, Tian Ren simply sped himself up. There was only so much that Guang Fu could take.

Soon, he was on his back with both of his arms and a leg missing.

This time, he did not yell. He simply bit his lip and handled the pain like a man. Still, his willpower only went so far.

After an hour, Guang Fu passed out from blood loss. Like the day before, Tian Ren dragged him to his room and healed him.

Over the next month, the same exact routine followed. At the end of the month, Guang Fu layed on the ground without any limbs.

Despite that, his face had hardly changed. It was clear he was in pain, but he was neither biting his lip nor making any noise.

After 5 hours, he passed out from blood loss and Tian Ren dragged him to his room.

'Good. He has clearly grown.' Tian Ren thought. 'It should be time to teach him offense.'

The next morning, Guang Fu woke up to the bell and walked outside. Different from the first week, there was no sign of fear or worry on his face.