Chapter 207 - Heaven - 207

The second planet was so similar to a wasteland that Zhou Fan had to use his divine sense to find any living creatures. The only animal level race was a large group of mole-like animals deep below the surface.

They survived off of the sole body of water on the entire planet. Just using his divine sense, he was able to find out everything about the mole like creatures and their home.

The mole-like creatures were surprisingly intelligent for non-humanoid creatures. They had managed to develop basic architecture skills. 

The mole-like creatures lived in individual caves that were extremely small, but they seemed to be contained to a certain area solely for housing.

The cave they lived in gave Zhou Fan a slight sense of deja vu. It seemed quite similar to the caves back on earth that contained the many races. 

On the ceiling of the cave was not one big crystal, but a bunch of small, yellow rocks that glowed. 

After processing the rest of the information, Zhou Fan took his divine sense off of the mole-like creature's cave. 

In just a moment, he developed a plan to bring life to the entire universe. First however, he would deal with the mini consciousness.

Zhou Fan flew outside the edge of the galaxy and stood above it. It was hard to tell even for him, but there was a clear dome of light orange covering the entire galaxy.

First, Zhou Fan connected to that dome, which was his mortal dao. Then, he split his own consciousness, or soul, into two. The two parts were not even, but the part that had been chipped off was about one percent of his consciousness.

If it had been split in two equal parts, Zhou Fan would likely die, or some other unforeseen event would happen. Regardless, he was not stupid enough to carelessly mess around with his consciousness. 

If he wanted to test theories about it, he would use other people first.

Despite his high cultivation, Zhou Fan felt an immense amount of pain as the consciousness was cut off. Luckily, he had become strong enough to heal most wounds to his soul without consequence.

Fighting through the pain, Zhou Fan grabbed the cut off part of his consciousness and wrapped it in his Qi, preventing it from dissipating. 

He kept it in a non moving state until the wound to his soul had been fully healed. Luckily, there was no issue and he could continue on as normal.

Zhou Fan closely examined the part of consciousness in his hand. It was completely gray without any hint of another color. 

Such a color was normal to Zhou Fan since it was based off of his Chaos Qi affinity, but he needed the small bit of consciousness to be completely wiped.

He mobilzed all of his power and instantly crushed the bit of will in the bit of consciousness, causing a bit more pain to him, but not as much as last time.

Next, he wiped the fragments' memories, intelligence, and every other thing about it related to Zhou Fan. 

Zhou Fan luckily did not lose any memories or anything. The bit of consciousness was so small that his mind had no issue ignoring the fact that it was gone, except for the pain.

Once Zhou Fan was done clearing the bit of his consciousness, it became a completely white color without any sort of blemishes. It was by far the purest white Zhou Fan had ever seen.

Although it may not work on a universal scale, cutting off a bit of his consciousness would be enough to make a mini consciousness that covered a galaxy.

Still holding the white consciousness, Zhou Fan imprinted a seal onto it. The seal was a completely gray circle, representing Zhou Fan. It did not affect the white consciousness in any way besides giving Zhou Fan complete control over it. 

Next, Zhou Fan was going to try and separate the mortal dao covering the galaxy from the rest of his mortal dao. That would cause the chain between all the areas of his mortal dao to be broken, but they would heal in an instant.

It was a momentary struggle, but Zhou Fan was able to easily cut off the section of mortal dao from the rest once he understood what he needed to do. The next part was the real challenge.

Zhou Fan was planning to make the disconnected section of his mortal dao have a sub owner. That sub owner would be the white soul.

It would have complete control over the mortal dao, minus a very small amount of features.

1. It wouldn't be able to change the mortal dao's size. That meant that it could not expand or shrink the mortal dao like Zhou Fan could.

2. Its powers could be taken away by Zhou Fan in a single instant.

Those were the main and most important differences in control between the white soul and Zhou Fan.

In order to appoint the white soul as a sub owner, it needed some sort of knowledge or intelligence. Since Zhou Fan had been covering it in Qi, it had not experienced anything at all.

Zhou Fan gathered his power over the section of the mortal dao into a circle with an empty space in the middle. He then threw the white soul into the empty spot.

In an instant, the slight orange glow of the mortal dao shined bright and became visible to anything or anyone looking at it.

As it glowed, Zhou Fan stepped back into the galaxy and the mortal dao. Just a second after entering, a small white glow about the shape of a human shined in front of Zhou Fan.

It seemed to imitate his appearance.

Then, it suddenly spoke.

"You... Are you my father." It said in words no language covered.

Zhou Fan managed to understand the light despite that.

"I suppose I am." He said in english.

"And who am I?" It asked in no language.

"That makes you my child. Does it not?"

"Yes..... But who am I?"

That question made Zhou Fan think for a moment. He was no newcomer to making names.

"You are....." Zhou Fan said, contemplating a name.
