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the Unwanted Bride

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In an effort to rebuild a perfect society after the Great War, the government issued a law known as "The Marriage Process,". During this process, all women who turned 20 that year would be given 4 eligible men, hand selected by the government to ensure that their children would be perfect in the new society. These men would have to not only fight to win her heart, but they also have to fight one another to prove which is the strongest and most superior of the group. For centuries, this law has proven to make perfect marital matches, until now. Juniper Burks was unwanted by everyone, including her own parents. From birth, everyone considered her to be a failure in the elite society, and the only mistake the government made. So when she turned 20, she expected that the government would not include her in "The Marriage Process", but she was wrong. Not only was she included, but the government selected the 4 most attractive and strong men to be her potential husband. Are Juniper's days of being unwanted finally over, or has the government made yet another drastic mistake?

Chapter 1 - A Birthday Cake

Whispering... always whispering. This place is always whispering. People talking to people in hushed tones, gossiping their lives away. What do they gossip about? Men, drama, their jobs, but seemingly the most talked about piece of gossip is myself. Why? I don't know, a lot of reasons I guess. Maybe it's because of the way I look.

     I glance at my reflection in the passing window and stop to examine my features.

     Freckles line the bridge of my crooked nose and scatter across my pale cheeks like the stars in the sky. My eyes are hidden under the thick bushes of my eyebrows. The mass of stringy aubrun curls atop my head often get caught in them. My lips are about the only thing that seems okay, a nice size, not too thin, not too plump. My cheeks are a little sunken in, and the dark bags under my eyes make the pale hazel color of my iris stand out.

     I push loose strands of hair from my face. They pull slightly as I try to detangle them with my fingers. In the reflection, I see the dirt under my fingernails and quickly hide it behind the small bag of groceries. It could definitely be the looks. Shaking my head, I begin walking again

     With each step, I feel the pavement through the holes in my shoes. I look under my lashes at the people passing by and watch as some jump out of my way.

     "Disgusting." She grumbles as her friend nods and they laugh, continuing on with their conversation. I shrug it off as I try to quicken my pace to get out of town.

     "How can she go out like that?" Someone whispers as they slowly pass by. I trip over her stuck out foot and quickly catch myself. I turn around to glance at her and she smiles, her mom laughing as they hold bags filled with fancy dresses. "Oh don't get upset, I'm sure the dirt could have only improved your looks." She cackles as she walks away, her mother only adding to the echoes of humiliation.

     I look ahead to see who else I will encounter this morning. Mental note, leave even earlier to avoid people. In front of me, the path seems to empty out with only a few people window shopping here and there. I cannot help but sigh with relief, knowing that I shouldn't be in anyone's way. I stare at my feet as I walk, trying my best to not make eye contact with the few people on the street. I turn left on the sidewalk next to the clothing shop. I quickly glance inside to see 3 girls getting measurements done for their future wedding dresses. I find myself catching my reflection again. Thin, too thin, with lengthy arms and legs that are also so thin my knee caps poke out like door knobs. My focus shifts from my reflection to the beautiful dress being displayed in the window. It was a beautiful, floral lace. It would cling to the upper body and flow out off the hips with a long train. The sleeves are long and off the shoulder, with slight glints of sparkle along the neckline.

     "Hey! Get out! Shoo!" I jump as the store's owner hurries outside. "Leave! Go away!" She shouts loudly, drawing the attention of others around.

     "I-I'm sorry." I state as she continues pushing me away. "It is just so beau-"

     "GET OUT!" She screams and I nod turning away. "Loralie! Get that dress out of my window! If that thing likes it, then it must be hideous."

     I take a deep breath and push the feelings of hurt away. Breath. You're used to it. I quicken my pace to get away from the intense stares of the people. Hurry home. Hurry home. Hurry home...

     I turn down a dark alley, as I track my way home through the back way. I squeeze myself through small holes in fences between the buildings. Soon, I'm out of town and I begin the long trudge up the hill back to the house. I hop over the small runoff stream and walk up to the peak. At the very top, a small cottage stands and I smile as I hurry inside. Before stepping in, I turn to look down at the town once more. It already appears more packed than before with desperate mothers and daughters getting their measurements done, or picking up fancy dresses. I quickly turn back to the door, and pull it open. Once inside, I slip off my shoes and look at the hole in the bottom. Okay good, it hasn't widened much. I set the bag on the counter and look down at the worn cook book on the counter. I glance over the recipe as I place the ingredients out of the bag.

     I smile as I run my hand along the pages, tracing a few letters here and there. I walk away and slowly begin cleaning the house, trying to waste away the hours until tonight.

I reach into the oven and pull out a small round pan. The years of callouses and burns help me not to be phased when the flames lick at the skin of my arms and fingers. I take a deep breath of the sweet bread and grab the bowl of broth I had already made, taking a sip. I watch the steam lift off the golden bread and smile as I begin looking through the cook book for what I will want to treat myself with next month. I settle on a potato stew and nod knowing I will need to go hunting one day to try and get some kind of meat for the stew.

     *dun dun dun duuuuun*

     "Please, listen and pay attention to the following announcements." The radio chimes in, followed by a slight buzz before a man with a deep voice begins speaking. "Good evening everyone, first let us talk about the weather for tomorrow. It is expected to be a rather wet morning, but the rest of the day with be nice and sunny. Along with that, the monthly portions will be distributed in 3 days, please remember that you must be at your house to receive the portions." Mental note, tomorrow is a good morning to look for spring onions and be at the house by 5:00 on Friday. "In more exciting news, the leaders of the Marriage Process this year are making connections to other countries in an attempt to strengthen the pool for this year. For now, the only country that has made an agreement is the British Society, but that is still entirely up to debate." I take a drink as I stare intently at the radio. I guess it would make sense that the British Society is the first to join. After all, they are our closest ally. Or perhaps it's because of how broadcasted the Marriage Process is. It will fill the entirely of the next several months as the official season begins. "It has official been confirmed to be the season of ladies as we have more male candidates than female candidates for this season! Groupings will be published within the week, so it is fast approaching! Ladies, please be aware that government officials will be-"

     Within the next week, all the 20 year old women of the town will be surrounded by 4 handsome men of that the government saw to be the best matches for them. Then, after various trials of strength and fighting for her hand, a single man will be left and they will marry. While that happens, I will still be here in my cottage. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad.

     I take a small knife and cut a tiny sliver of the sweet bread and smile at how soft it seems.

     "20 years alone." I whisper as I remember something from the book. I grab a candle and gently place it on the plate with the sweet bread. The I quiety recite the words that were in bold print under a faded picture. "Happy birthday to me." I blow it out, and take a small nibble of the golden loaf. The sweetness melts away all the harsh experiences of the day as I tune in and out to the radio broadcast.


Welcome, and thank you so much for reading! I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter!

I am really excited to be trying out Webnovel. I really love to write, and I hope to make stories that people enjoy to read.

I hope you will join me in the journey and that I can bring you a little world that you can imagine yourself in.

Thank you so very much, and I will see you next time!


