Chereads / Solo Leveling: Plunderer / Chapter 9 - Meeting Jin Woo

Chapter 9 - Meeting Jin Woo

I had to say now that I am rich again, I can do lots of things. I know I made a million dollars when I won the Kendo tournament a few years back.

I even went on vacation on that money, but I had to be careful about were I was spending it. I mean world wide a Million Dollars is a lot but if you just buy expensive stuff, then eventually you will run out.

Luckily I wasn't a big spender. So during my travels I didn't have money problems or anything. It was all good till, the American government took it away.

I mean I didn't know they could just take my money since I wasn't in the States for a couple of years. Well, go thing I am a s rank hunter or that would have been a real bad.

One million dollars to me is now chump change. I mean S rank hunters are loaded, and I am no exception.

I got my first pay check the other day, I had to say that I was kinda glad I was kicked out of my country.

Well now I had loads of money and spare time but I don't know what to do. I mean I just train and eat, then if I get a phone call from the guild, I go do my job.

My job is just being a hunter, so I get called as soon as there's a high B rank dungeon to A rank. I would say S rank dungeon too, but they are so rare that only big city's have a protocol for this type of situation.

I mean this is the dream and people would kill for what I have. I am not complaining but I don't know what to do.

Like should I go out and party? Maybe, go to a casino or something like that?

Then it hit me, I should help other hunters. Not just go to high rank dungeons but also low rank ones. I mean I could help them survive and it would be entertaining.

Now the question is how will I do that? Should I ask Go Gunee. Not a good idea, I mean he is a good guy but it's better not to owe him favors.

Well I could always make a fake identity and color my hair black and wear blue contacts. That will make me look like my past self.

So that's what I did, I had to say it was pretty easy. All I had to do was go back to the Hunter Associate with my appearance different and apply for one.

Then bam I had created a new identity, I am currently Cain Cooper or as I was hoping to be called Double C.

Currently my identity showed me as a C ranker. I may have manipulated the mana a little but it was for my identity.

Then I went online to apply for some low level dungeons. I needed to waste some time, so I applied to as many as I could.

I got accepted to one of them, apparently it was a D rank dungeon. It was the next day, so I just made sure to prepare.

I took a Katana, it had a shorter blade then my original sword. It was still useful for battle as it was sharp.

I also brought some flexible clothing as I didn't own or want to have bulky clothes. Then the day came and I head there.

To my surprise, there he was. The Mc of the Solo Leveling story and the some to be Shadow Monarch. I wanted to meet him as I wanted to see what he was like.

"Hey there" I said

"Hi?"he said

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cain"I said

"Ah, yes, I am Sung Jin Woo"he said

"Nice, a local,right?"I asked

"Yes, are you foreign?"he asked

"Yep, I immigrated here though"I said

"Wow, must be strange to live somewhere else?"he asked

"I gotten used to it"I said

"Ready for the dungeon?"he asked

"Yep, you?"I asked

"I bought this new blade, so I should be ready"he said

"Alright let's get ready, looks like the rest are waiting for us"I said

"Yes"he said

Then we meet the rest of the team, they recognize Sung Jin Woo as the weakest E ranker. They laugh, but I wouldn't make fun of him as I knew what he will become in the future.

Then like a normal dungeon dive, we kill a lot of monsters and there I recognize a certain mention healer.

She was basically stuck to Sung Jin Woo, I mean she would heal us at a range while Sung Jin Woo up close. I mean talk about unfair treatment.

Then it was over and it seem that Sung Jin Woo blade was really damaged. He complained about but nothing he can do.

"You did alright, still are you sure dungeons are your thing?"I asked

"It doesn't matter as I need the money, well I got to go. Hope to see you again"he said

Then when no one was looking I just left at a very fast speed. I was confused, Sung Jin Woo was a man of great determination but he also seem real fragile.

I wonder if the system changed his personality as I couldn't imagine the current Sung Jin Woo becoming the guy he is in the future.

I mean he fought a wolf, and was basically playing a game of chase. He ran and hope that the wolf would get distracted, then attack.

Well whatever not my problem as that is in the future. Let's just hope nothing else happens until the story starts.

The next morning I headed to the Hunter Guild, I meet up with the Guild Leader and Cha hae in. They had some news apparently we are heading to America.

It was for a conference they had every year where the top guilds of the world meet up and discuss certain things.

I just sigh, but this was a good opportunity to visit my family as they live near the conference. It was about an hour drive or a second run from me.

I accept and just hope that nothing bad would happen. I mean I only killed a few American government hunters that were a body guard to one of americas most important classified women, what could possibly go wrong?

I might even meet the national hunters, I mean I was a few stages above them but still I wanted to see the world current strongest hunters.

They were all ruler vessels I believe or something like that. I wonder if they are going to have special relations around me, maybe the rulers will show interest.

Well I won't force a meeting with them, as I will probably be in a resort drinking my life away while sleep with beautiful or maybe this might be the perfect time to ask Cha Hae in out.