Chereads / madu manis / Chapter 2428 - kita gak ngusir dia kita cuma cari dimana dia halal makan

Chapter 2428 - kita gak ngusir dia kita cuma cari dimana dia halal makan

" ngerti gak ? "

dia nyariin yang diambil Raditya apa ? "

" Dia nanya yang Raditya apaan yang ya ? "

" Bukan ngasih Raditya tau gak mulangin apa yang Raditya ambil tau gak ? "

" Kita pulangin apa Raditya ambil mahal ? "

" Pakai bahasa inggris gua minta ? "

" All about past time i Will told you ? "

" Causely about that about if Athan buy 2000 yupi they buy 800.000 yupi ? "

" Likely but about ? "

" Eat likely eat about ? "

" If they buy 1 ale-ale they buy 7.800.000 they buy ? "

" We not give they

" Eating meal about can not you handsome that about ? "

" We about handsome not paid becaused we ugly their ? "

" Eating meal they don't you have about ? "

" I am plant about that and that if plays with they must paid ? "

" I am paid on she 100 jt on a day ? "

" I am paid on she 100 jt she and he can eat meal 1000 1000 an money to paidly every time a day 100 day ? "

" You ask be health about ? You ask a handclet about ? "

" Okey if you be health must paid near they ? "

" If you about your hand and your legg you like nyubit and tendang apa ? "

" we not like your kiss are you know ? "

" If must like your about kiss must paid ? "

" I am paid 1 triliun if paid he ? "

" I am know lovedly with he i am know about all about you know ? "

" Hey minus learn you you give on he minus learn you ? "

" Forgive old with about ? "

" They have that from he child ? "

" Don't hear we can you ? "

" They plays about like plays on under underwear not paid because ? "

" Laugh not they plays on under underwear we guratan shanta they face ? "

" They have about because ? "

" They like you hug not paid because ? "

" Minus learn hey my child ? "

" Okey i am paid ? "

" We guratan shanta vitaling girl like expensive kuntilanak give you about ? "

" You asking all about ? "

" Get your banking on bank BNC want you ? " Still have more about with aplication ? "

" They like trash i don't like ? "

" Kuntilanak ? "

" Don't hear can you ? "

" You need to plant-plants had said because ? "

" I am need to plant ? "

" Has been about ? "

" She good about ? "

" Has been good but eat meal about mealing we you know ? "

" They she not oplas she about nit ? "

" Likely about eat about eat meal what about ? "

" We scary you ? "

" We get you search about person who work on tv cable ? "

" I don't paid what about ? "

" They plays not you paid nit ? "

" Not i am about not ever who about they about ? "

" All about hand you you know like about replay their about ? "

" They work on that for you on they you know what ? "

" See you buy laptop not like he ? "

" You buy again what you buy ? "

" I am your rings two all about ? "

" I am to get you plant not you sell ? "

" Ever they put nit ? "

" If they not any your live are a good life ? "

" I am give you know nit if any girl-girl any your life are sick nit ? "

" Okey ? "

" I will paid ? "

" Dont nit any girl about you nit don't you know nit ? "

" Kuntilanak kasih liat ? "

" Hear not ? "

" If boy we a good Prince ? "

" Prince Ahaskheylion ? "

" Give you bank ahas want you ? "

" Any they about ? "

" buy about money to vulkanik can you ? "

" Okey i Will paid vulkanik ? "

" This face not any don't you know ? "

" If you on home we health you from mengot ? "

" If go allowed we ? "

" You go there can you about ? "

" Usely about usely i am give you drawing want you ? "

" Drawing want you ? "

" Okey want ? "

" Past time i am go know you ? "

" If credit can to paid if to get no paid .

" They eat from kuntilanak about ? "

" Always we to reach break eat from we you know ? "

" You scary passion i am know ? "

" Break our tooth get eat from they about ?"

" Not to get but search ? "

" Calista want about Calista ? "

" Okey want want want ? "

" We waiting want want want you that ? "

" We wait want want want that you know or not ? "

" Charge about your handphone we do Zaltvaltvanus want you ? "

" Okey ? "