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Fields of Death

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The story of two men intertwined by fate. Will this be a story of love? Or will this be a story of tragedy?

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

This is not a tale for the light-hearted, if you are searching for something warm and fluffy you will not find it here. No, for this is a tale of bloodshed and obsession. In the future do not say that I hadn't warned you of this fact, now my dear audience, are you prepared to hear this tale, a tale that came from the very far past of a very distant universe?
Ah, I see some of you have stayed. Fine then, I shall carry on but know you've been warned.
It all started on the day that a foolish King decided to look down upon the new Emperor of a neighboring kingdom, disregarding the warning of his only knowledgeable advisor, whomst he would regretfully yet knowingly, lose to this same Emperor that he was looking down upon this very moment. Without further ado, let us continue on to the tragedy, only now known, as the Fields of Death.
"What did you say to me you lowly-bred fool!? How DARE you suggest such a thing to your master, to a KING, you lowly scum!" screeched a pudgy red faced man, adorned in clothes gaudy yet radiating luxury making it known to those around him that his position was not to be doubted. He sat at the head of a grand table, which was sat in a room covered in splendor, showing both the taste and moral values that the man held as the King, someone whose bloodline was neatly arranged and kept pure, unlike the man behind him. Every inch of the room was bathed in splendor showing just how much this man, this King, treated his nation's treasury as his own jewel encrusted piggy bank. The King's pudgy fist came down onto the arm rest of his large chair, it's structure made of pure gold and the intricate details embedded with dazzling precious jewels. As the King continued to seeth to himself, a man standing behind him spoke out.
"Your Highness, I was simply advising you to not look downwards upon the new Emperor simply due to him being of impure blood." As the mans voice fell, causing him to make himself known to the others in the room,, people could not help themselves but take in his strange appearance. While not a hulking figure, the man did exude immense strength, his attire was what make him stand out the most. Dressed head to toe in only black, the only feature to be seen was his dull and lifeless yellow eyes. While his garb was very different from the region he was in, aesthetically more suited to the desert region rather than the mountainous area that the kingdom was in. Only seconds after his statement was made, the King seated next to the man spoke again. ā˜†
"Hmph! As if I'd take the advice of a mongrel like you! I cannot see how Father promoted you to an advisor, much less kept you as an advisor when you don't know anything about staying in your place! That delusional fool also has forced me to keep you as an advisor when your status is barely worthy of the trash I step on, that shitty old man!" the pudgy man, sat in his gaudy chair, who was now revealed to be the King, said with anger and venom lacing his voice whilst glaring at the man in black standing to the left of him. He only stopped glaring at the man in black when he heard a voice from his right side saying in a pacifying tone,
"Now, Now, your Highness, there's no need to curse the dead, we all know that you are a much better ruler than your Father could or had ever been! Despite you only being on the throne for 2 years and him being on the throne for over 40 years!" the man in the seat to the right of him at the table says, his intentions clear in his tone of voice. The man in black looked at the other man who had just spoken, causing the man to jolt slightly at the eyes full of malice that the man in black held towards him. They looked away from each other at the sound of the King's voice.
"Ha! No need to remind me, Lord Hyrind! After all, I am the one to whom the world should bow! As the King I am appointed by the gods through the blood that flows in my veins to rule over those with lesser blood!" the King said in a proud tone as if it were a fact that everyone knew and abided by. The man in black's eyes shifted to the king after he said that, showing a slight glint of displeasure with his statement, however, it quickly passed.
"Yes, of course, your Highness! I, nor anyone in this room could have said anything more truthful! After all, everyone in this room is blessed to be ruled over by you, much less have the honor to serve and be in the same room as you, your Highness!" the man in the seat to the right of the king, now known as Lorn Hyrind, said sucking up to him ever further than before.
A chorus of agreement came over the rest of the table, in hopes of gaining the same favor that Lord Hyrind had just gained, quickly after he had finished his statement, stopping their clamoring only after the man in black had once again decided to speak up,
"Your Highness, while I must disagree with your opinion on your Father, I must still advise you that doing this would only anger the new Emperor and make him resent our country. Please keep my word in mind when you fully decide on what you shall do on this matter. While the new Emperor may not be of royal blood he has gained that position through the blood of the former royal family and his power should not be underestimated, especially when our kingdom does not have the military strength to ever counter them, even though their empire is in its infancy."
The King looked at the man standing next to him, looking him up and down with a look of spite mixed with disgust in his eyes before saying again in an annoyed voice with his chin held high,
"Wya'fer, while Father may have trusted your insight and saw you as his advisor I feel as though I should remind you that I am now King! You should only do as I say and dare not get in the way further unless you want to face the consequences! If I could, I would have already dismissed you from this position, as it is already too high for someone of such filthy blood as yourself but Father, that shitty old man, put a clause in his will stating that I'm not allowed to dismiss you until you are married off or die of old age! Hah! If only I could find a whore of matching status but alas there isn't anyone lower than you! Now, listen to my words carefully, you dog! That shitty new Emperor and his empire are bound to fail! After all his blood is not that of a royal appointed by the gods! His gall will no doubt anger the gods very soon!"
After the King finished his rant the advisors around him laughed in agreement with his statement, thinking that he could have not said anything more true. The table looked at the man in black with eyes full of mirth as if looking at a piece of trash blocking their path, which most if not all, saw him as.
"Your Highness, you could not be more correct! If that low-life wannabe advisor really wants to step in further I don't think you would violate your Father's will to have him tortured and executed by the gallows! After all, if I remember correctly he was a gift to your Father by Duke Elmwise meant to be used only as an assassin and never to be allowed to speak out! Too bad that now he's defective and has outlived his use! If only your Father had used him for his intended purpose! And that Emperor of low blood won't even notice what we're doing nor will he last long enough to gain any power to go against us and win." Lord Hyrind mocked the man, now known as Wya'fer and the new Emperor, to please the King even further and reiterate the King's point further.
"Heh! Lord Hyrind you really are wise even beyond your many years! But sadly that old coot made sure that his precious advisor couldn't be treated the way those of his blood should! Now, we shall still be going with the plan that I had suggested to deal with that savage new Emperor's demand for a bride! Wya'fer shall go along as our envoy with those ladies of little merit or looks and have the Emperor choose from them and if he has a problem with that we can use it as an excuse to go against him and join forces with an ally of ours to end his pitiful life! After all, I can't have him steal any beauties of status that will enter my Harem! And Wya'fer, don't you dare say anything above your status, even though that new Emperor is of similar blood to you we need to make it seem as though we see him as an Emperor for the time being! Now, I call this meeting dismissed! I wish to go back to my harem instead of wasting more time here! My decision is final and shall be executed as of tomorrow at dawn! The new Emperor, after submitting his stupid demand for a bride in exchange for neutrality, shall receive the lowest quality women that we can send both in looks, status, talent, and character! And you, Wya'fer shall be our envoy as punishment for your stupid ideas along with going against my authority! Now, this meeting is dismissed!" The King said in a haughty tone, finishing with a grunt as he stood from his bejeweled seat and sauntered over to the door which was opened by knights on both sides of him, Wya'fer bowed his head hiding his eyes from everyone, as the rest of his advisors stood up while bowing to him, and saying heartily,
"Long live the King!" as the King left. swishing the tail of his red cape lined with golden thread, while doing so.
After the door slammed shut, signaling the exit of the King, Wya'fer, only kept his head down while hoping that his new master would gain even an ounce of sense and change his mind about how he was treating the new Emperor while possibly dismissing some of the "advisors" who were only there so to gain whatever status they could by kissing the King's feet. While he was keeping his head lowered he heard the advisors start to talk; the conversation being led by Lord Hyrind, who the others gathered around hoping to learn from him further, was speaking in an arrogant tone while saying,
"All of you had better be learning from my example! I have the king wrapped around my finger while he thinks it's the other way around, that stupid fool! He's much easier to control than his stubborn bastard of a Father as well! You all just need to gift him one of your daughters if they're beautiful or start kissing his feet like myself and in exchange, you will thrive along with your lands! Hah, because of that idiot King my land has been able to work in the open as a drug production operation and he just lets it happen! He should have ascended to the throne long ago!"
The other advisors around him only responded with a chorus of agreement while thinking of ways to do the same that Lord Hyrind had so they could be the same. As the other advisors kept clamoring to themselves Lord Hyrind looked over at the man in black, Wya'fer, with disdain, and walked over to where he was, still just bowing his head toward the ground. Wya'fer only lifted his head when a shadow came into his view, to which he saw the original foot licker himself, Lord Hyrind, looking down at him with his narrowed ice-blue eyes. He opens his thin mouth to say with a tone that held the same emotion as his eyes,
"You better pipe down, dog, before your master pulls your leash tighter, as he should. People, if I can even call them that, of your blood should be grateful to even be stepped on by those of higher blood like myself much less contest them at every turn. Now, be a good dog and keep your muzzle shut, won't you?"
Wya'fer only looked the man in the eye, a dangerous glint flashing through them, making a shiver run down the Lord's spine; making the Lord flinch slightly. Wya'fer looked down once more before saying in his signature monotone voice,
"Of course, Lord Hyrind."
The Lord looked down at the lowered head of Wya'fer, who had just asserted an amount of pressure that the man had never once felt in his life before with one look, and said while trying his best to conceal the fear that was now running through him,
"H-Humph! Whatever you scum! I shall be off! I had better not hear that you spoke a word to his Highness of this interaction, you grimy dog!"
Before Wya'fer could lift his head, much less respond, Lord Hyrind and the other advisors in the room had left him. Wya'fer looked up at the back of the man leaving with his group of goons, with the same glint of danger in his eyes, as they closed the door leaving him in the meeting room by himself for him only for him to think,
"This will not end well for this kingdom. I can feel it."
After having that thought, the man left the room, closing the door behind him, to go to his quarters and hope for the best outcome from his foolish King's actions.