In the kingdom of alkebulan, my home, people celebrate coming of age ceremony at the age of 7. Here the childrens of age 7 all go to the temple to receive the blessing from the supreme goddess Gaia. The goddess blesses child and they are able to
receive a class and see their own status window. It is what my father said when we were at dinner yesterday.
I did not say that i could already see the status window and just nodded in silence. I now know about status window but why was i able to see the status without the blessing from the coming of age ceremony is still a mystery to me.
I stay at home and learn swordmanship from father but i do not like swordmanship at all. I aspire to be a great mage that could burn a whole forest, dry the sea out, change the weather with a minor spell. I donot have a lot of friends as all the people of my fathers age have children of over 15 years old. Even the friends i have are all over 12 years old. They come to my house and show me different types of magic tricks and skills they learned after accessing their status windows.
I started learning magic from my mother as she is a teir 2 mage with water affinity. This means she could easily master the spells related to water but is unable to learn or master the spell that has different affinity. I enjoy my magic classes more and from mother i could learn that the blue dots floating was mana and one could absorb mana and increase their teir. More one could absorb and store higher would be their teir.
I learned some magic already as my status window also symbolizes that i had learned a magic spell related to water. I thought that i have affinity to water. I do not want to freak my mother and father out so i have not told them about the status and water magic yet.
Learning magic was easier than learning maths to me. I still remember the hard times math created for me. I had so many sleepless nights due to maths in my previous life. I can now conjure two water balls and throw them at high speeds. I experimented with it and found out that amount of mana used in throw directly decides the speed of the water ball and the quality of mana used determines the size of the water ball.
I wanted to have a cool affinity like that of the dark mage Hiedien or the space mage Eve or the light mage York but having affinity to any of the element is a great thing to me.