Standing I took it all in walking on what felt like if there was a layer of water on perfectly smooth marble. Up to a desk made of the same looking material only with pillars and columns on the corners edged/trimmed with golden platinum. On top sat a black oil veil with a large red,orange, and yellow feather with the most beautiful fluffy flowing barbs I've ever seen almost looking like flowing silkily hair sitting in the veil with a pen end. On the other side of it was a lowered counter and a chair facing the other way from the counter on it was a bunch of supplies even a computer though it's design was so unique even though it was just a curved computer I couldn't help but stare at it unable to Think of which brand it might be. Observing the rest of the desk I found a small brass bell with a wooden handle out of pure curiosity I couldn't help myself and just picked it up and shook it a little with that it lets out a quite but angelic sounding.
To which a soft quiet voice answered back to it.
"Oh yes one second honey I know you must be very confused"
Standing there i was confused by a lot of things which kept my eyes wondering searching for things to see and understand as a way to calm my mind finding nothing new I began to pick up the majestic writing quill dipping it multiple times in the ink well letting the velvety crimson red ink drip off more and more each time tell the chair spun around with a smallish darker lady in the chair as she started with
"I see you've found the quill yea we all play with it a little honey it's beautiful you'll never see that flow again in the ink you know it's imbued with fate and the past"
To which I said
"What do you mean it's imbued with fate and the past like magic or like a gods power or something"
"Yea kinda but no at the same time you see it is a gods power yes but it is literally ink that sets your next life and ends your last as you write the ink shows your life tell the beginning of your new in which you begin to live"
"So you mean like in the letters I'll see my life"
"Yes that's exactly what I mean just you'll see your end too and the start of your next but you can't pick chose or know hell I didn't for the many times I've gone round but it'll be beautiful even if you didn't enjoy your life each story has it's own book in it"
"What does that mean?"
"It's means ever life has its event weather it's good or bad everyone and everything plays there part"
"Here's your paper and take the quill dip it five times and you'll be good"
Saying so she handed me a blank paper confused i grabbed it and dipped the quill five times doing so caused the paper to shift from blank white to green with gold etchings and the title
"The story of steps,…what's that mean?"
"That's your title honey it's your story"
"But i wasn't a teacher or mentor nor a instructor in fact I don't think I ever was the one to teach in my life I thought I was the one always asking"
"I don't know honey and you don't too but you will when your done and I like the name it makes you think just like you"
With that she smiled at me and I turned away wondering like almost always what will happy reluctant to ask again from the woman at the desk I began to write starting of with.
"I don't know what to put or why I have to write if the paper even has enough power to change itself but I guess I never actually knew in life anything I always had to ask I never could without knowing the fear of me the unknown was to great for me and so I even questioned the basic things with the most simplest mistakes like why do we breath if we die from oxygen or the question of why we live if we are going to die common things kids always ask I just could never get over them though even in my desk when I was older at work I would ponder these things I had to know the reasons why."
With this the paper seemed to eat the ink and make a full story using my words it wrote what my heart wanted to say but couldn't looking through the words I saw my life in the letters from my birth to the first birthday when I learned how to ride a bike my first soda coffe all of it ever memorable memory I had I loved it my own little story nearing the end I noticed the nearing of it so I simple stoped and yelled
"I don't know what happens but from what you said it sounds like I won't see you again tell I die again or ever so thank you I appreciate the help you have me and the sweet responses you gave I'll miss this it's peaceful so thank you"
Finish what I had said she smiled at me and waved as I finished my last couple words ending with
"The man who needed to know all the steps to get the reason never payed attention to the steps enough"