Chereads / Centa Vormyndar: The Book of 100 Demons / Chapter 5 - Love That Thrills Kills (continued)

Chapter 5 - Love That Thrills Kills (continued)


As Sir Lyrian closed his eyes, he found himself in a strange and ethereal world. The colors around him were vivid, but they seemed to swirl and change with every passing moment. In the distance, he could see a figure approaching, a being of pure light and energy.

"Sir Lyrian," the being spoke, their voice ringing like a bell in the stillness. "I am Serenova, the entity residing in every human heart. I have a message for Lord Elric, and I have chosen you to be my messenger."

Sir Lyrian felt a surge of fear and awe as he realized the magnitude of the task given to him. He bowed his head, showing reverence to Serenova.

"What message do you have for Lord Elric, Serenova?" he asked, his voice soft and respectful.

Serenova's energy shifted, and the colors around them grew darker, more intense. "Tell Lord Elric that he must stop using his demonic charm to attain love. It is a path that will only lead to his downfall. He must learn to seek love that is true and genuine, or he will forever be trapped in a cycle of fake love and heartbreak."

Sir Lyrian felt the weight of Serenova's words, and he knew that he had to deliver the message to Lord Elric, no matter the cost. As he opened his eyes, he knew that he had a great responsibility, and he vowed to fulfill it to the best of his ability.

Lyrian went to Lord Elric's mansion and found Lord Elric in his study, surrounded by books and papers. He cleared his throat to get Elric's attention, "Elric, may I have a word with you?"

Elric looked up from his papers and smiled, "Of course, my dear friend. What brings you here?"

Lyrian took a deep breath, "I had a dream last night, Elric. Believe it or not, I myself couldn't believe it, but Serenova said to be the entity residing in every human heart, spoke to me."

Elric raised an eyebrow, "Serenova? I don't believe I've heard of that before."

Lyrian continued, "I don't care whether it was just a dream, but She had a message for you, Elric. She told me to tell you to stop using your demonic charm to attain love."

Elric's smile faded, "I don't know what you're talking about, Lyrian."

Lyrian shook his head, "Please, Elric. Don't deny it. You know what she's talking about. You've been using your charm to win over women, but it's not real love. It's just a trap that will lead you to your downfall."

Elric's face grew red with anger, "How dare you accuse me of such things, Lyrian. You have no right to judge me."

Lyrian stepped forward, his voice firm, "I'm not judging you, Elric. I'm warning you as your best friend. You need to listen to Serenova's message and change your ways before it's too late."

Elric's anger dissipated as he looked into Lyrian's eyes. He knew that Lyrian was right, and he needed to heed Serenova's warning. He nodded his head slowly, "Thank you, Lyrian. I will take your words to heart."

Lyrian continued, "Elric, do you remember when I warned you about your affair with Queen Kalietha? You didn't take it seriously, and it ended up causing severe consequences for both of us. I don't want to see that happen again. Serenova's message is clear, and I hope you will listen to it seriously."

Elric's face darkened as he remembered the fallout of his previous affair. He knew that Lyrian was right, but he couldn't help feeling defensive. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lyrian. I don't have any demonic charm, and I don't need Serenova or anyone else to tell me how to pursue love."

Lyrian's expression softened, and he placed a hand on Elric's shoulder. "I know it's hard to hear, but please, Elric, listen to me. I'm your friend, and I only want what's best for you. Don't let your pride or your desire for love blind you to the truth."

Elric sighed and looked away, knowing that Lyrian was right. "Alright, alright Lyrian. I'll listen to you. Thank you for being honest with me."

Lyrian nodded, relieved that Elric was willing to listen. He knew that it would be a long road ahead, but he was determined to help his friend find true love, no matter the cost.


As Lord Elric drifted off into a deep slumber, he found himself in a strange and unfamiliar realm. The colors around him were vibrant and shifting, and he felt a strange energy pulsing through his body. He looked around and saw a figure approaching, a being of pure light and energy.

"Who are you?" Lord Elric asked, his voice echoing through the dream realm.

"I am Serenova," the being replied. "I reside in every human heart, and I have a message for you, Lord Elric."

Lord Elric felt a sense of unease wash over him. He had heard of Serenova before, but he had never encountered the entity himself. He wondered what message Serenova had for him.

"You must stop using the demonic charm to attain love, Lord Elric," Serenova spoke, her voice echoing in the dream realm. "All the love you have received so far has been false, a result of your charm rather than true connection. You must seek out true love, or you will be forever trapped in a cycle of fake love and heartbreak."

Lord Elric felt a weight in his chest as Serenova's words sunk in. He had never considered that his charm could be the reason behind his relationships. He had always thought that it was his charm that made him irresistible to others.

"I...I don't know if I can do that," Lord Elric stammered. "The demonic charm is a part of who I am. It's what makes me special."

Serenova shook her head. "It is not what makes you special, Lord Elric. Your true self, the self that seeks love and connection, is what makes you special. You must embrace that part of yourself and let go of the demonic charm."

Lord Elric felt a sense of fear and uncertainty grip him. He had never considered a life without the demonic charm. But as he woke up from the dream, he knew that Serenova's message was one that he could not ignore. He had to find a way to let go of the charm and seek out true love, no matter how difficult it may be.

As Lord Elric watched Serenova, the dream realm around him began to shift and change. Suddenly, he found himself standing in a field of grass, surrounded by familiar faces. It was his family, his parents, and his brother Vaelthor, all in their child forms. Lord Elric felt a yearning in his heart as he looked at them. He wanted to run to them, to embrace them, to feel their warmth and love.

But as he took a step forward, he saw that there was a deep chasm separating them. A bridge spanned the gap, but it looked rickety and unstable.

Lord Elric's heart sank as he realized that he couldn't reach his family. He longed for them, but he was trapped on the other side of the chasm.

Suddenly, he heard Ysabel's voice calling his name. He turned and saw her, along with Samsara and King Erevion. They were all laughing and ridiculing him, mocking his desire for love and connection.

Lord Elric felt his heart shatter as he watched them. He couldn't understand why they would do this to him. He turned his head back to his family, hoping to find solace in their love.

But as he looked at them, he suddenly woke up, his heart racing and his eyes wet with tears. He realized that he had been dreaming, but the feelings of yearning and heartbreak still lingered. He knew that he had to take Serenova's message to heart, to let go of the demonic charm and seek out true love. But he also knew that it wouldn't be easy, that he would have to confront his own fears and insecurities to find the love he truly deserved.


Lord Elric was lost in thought when his servant interrupted his musings.

"Your grace, forgive me for interrupting, but Lady Samsara has been gone for quite some time. Should we send a search party?"

Lord Elric looked up, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What? Lady Samsara? Oh, yes, of course. Send a search party if she does not return soon."

The servant bowed and left the room, leaving Lord Elric to his thoughts once again. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about Samsara's disappearance, but his mind was consumed with other matters.

As he paced the room, he thought about the dream he had and Serenova's message. He knew that he had to find a way to prove Ysabel's love for him, but how could he do that? The charm could only be broken if he died, but he wasn't willing to go that far.

He decided to seek out Ysabel and see if he could find any clues. As he made his way to her chambers, he tried to push his thoughts of Samsara to the back of his mind.

"Ysabel," Lord Elric called out as he entered her chambers. "I need to talk to you."

Ysabel looked up from her embroidery, a look of surprise on her face. "Lord Elric, is everything alright?"

"No, everything is not alright," Lord Elric replied, his voice tense. "I need to know if you truly love me. Serenova spoke to me in a dream, and she said that all the love I have received so far has been false. I need to know if your love for me is true."

Ysabel looked taken aback by Lord Elric's words. "Lord Elric, of course, my love for you is true. I would never deceive you."

Lord Elric looked at her skeptically. "How can I be sure? The charm makes it impossible for me to know."

Ysabel sighed, her expression softening. "Lord Elric, you must trust me. You must believe in the love that we have for each other. Charm may be a part of you, but it does not define who you are. You are capable of love and connection, even without the charm."

Lord Elric felt a yearning in his chest as Ysabel spoke. He wanted to believe her, to trust in the love they shared. But he couldn't shake the feeling that it was all a lie, a product of the demonic charm.

"I want to believe you, Ysabel," Lord Elric said softly. "But I don't know if I can. The charm is a part of me, and it clouds my judgment."

Ysabel stood up and walked over to him, taking his hand in hers. "Then let me help you. Let me be the one to show you that our love is true. Let us break the cycle of false love and heartbreak together."

Lord Elric looked at Ysabel, his heart torn between doubt and hope. He wanted to believe in her, but his charm made it hard for him to trust anyone.

Lord Elric and Ysabel's conversation was interrupted by the sound of the chamber door being thrown open. King Erevion stormed into the room, his face red with anger.

"What is the meaning of this?" he bellowed, his eyes darting between Lord Elric and Ysabel.

Lord Elric quickly pulled his hand away from Ysabel's and stepped back, his heart racing. "Your Majesty, we were merely talking."

Lord Elric felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead as he realized that they had been caught. He struggled to come up with an explanation, but his mind was blank.

"Your Majesty, I-"

King Erevion cut him off with a sharp wave of his hand. "Silence, Lord Elric. I cannot believe that you would betray my trust for the second time, the second time!" King Erevion exclaimed. "You know that Lady Ysabel is betrothed to another. Your actions have brought shame upon our kingdom."

Ysabel spoke up, her voice shaking. "Your Majesty, please. Lord Elric and I-"

King Erevion rounded on her, his eyes blazing. "Lady Ysabel, you are betrothed to another, and yet you allow yourself to be seduced by another man? This is unacceptable. You have brought shame upon your family and upon our kingdom."

Lord Elric felt a surge of anger at King Erevion's words. He knew that he and Ysabel had been foolish, but they had not meant to cause harm. And yet, here they were, being accused of betrayal and seduction.

"Your Majesty, please," Lord Elric said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I apologize for my actions. I did not mean to cause any harm. Please, do not punish Lady Ysabel for my mistakes."

Lord Elric felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he realized the gravity of what had just happened. He had lost the love of his life, and his reputation had been tarnished forever. He was taken to jail to wait for the trial.


The main hall was silent, save for the sound of the King's footsteps as he made his way to the throne. The room was dimly lit by torches, casting eerie shadows across the stone walls.

Lord Elric stood at the center of the hall, his head bowed in shame. He knew what was coming. He had made a mistake, and now he would have to face the consequences.

King Erevion took his place on the throne, his eyes fixed on Lord Elric. "Lord Elric," he began, his voice cold and measured. "I had warned you before, yet you have once again disgraced the royal family. You have seduced a member of the court, a member of my family no less, and brought shame upon us all."

Lord Elric looked up, his eyes pleading. "Your grace, I-"

The King raised a hand, cutting him off. "Do not speak. Your actions speak louder than words. This is the second time you have committed such a disgraceful act, and I fear you cannot be stopped. Your title is revoked, and your lands and wealth shall be seized."

Lord Elric's eyes widened in shock. He had not expected this. "Your grace, please-"

Again, the King cut him off. "Your fate has already been decided. You are to be executed at dawn."

Lord Elric's knees buckled, and he fell to the ground. "No, your grace, please. I beg of you. I will do anything, anything to make this right."

But the King was unmoved. "Your words mean nothing. You have proven yourself to be a danger to the court, and to the kingdom. You have brought shame upon us all, and for that, you must pay the ultimate price."

Lord Elric looked up at the King, tears streaming down his face. "Your grace, please. I have loved Lady Ysabel with all my heart. I never meant to bring shame upon the court or the kingdom. Please, have mercy."

But the King was firm. "There is no mercy to be had. Your fate is sealed."

The room was silent once more, save for the sound of Lord Elric's sobs. The torches flickered, casting shadows across the room as the King rose from his throne and left the hall. Lord Elric was left alone, his fate sealed.


Thormor sat alone in his cell, waiting for the dawn that would bring his execution. He felt his heart heavy with regret and shame. It was painful for him to think about the choices he had made that led him to this point. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the halls, and Thormor looked up to see Lord Lyrian standing at the bars of his cell.

"Lyrian," Thormor said, his voice hoarse. "What brings you here?"

Lyrian's expression was one of sadness as he looked at his friend. "I had to see you, Thormor. I couldn't bear to let you face this alone."

Thormor felt a pang of guilt at the sight of Lyrian's pain. "I'm sorry, Lyrian. I didn't mean to drag you into this mess."

Lyrian shook his head. "You didn't. I chose to stand by your side, no matter what."

As they spoke, Thormor noticed that Lyrian's eyes began to glow, a sight that shocked him. Suddenly, Lyrian's voice changed, and he spoke with the voice of Serenova.

"Thormor," Serenova said, her voice calm and soothing. "The charm will not disappear from you until your death. But you have forgotten that the charm requires a trigger, your desire. To stop using the charm, you must stop desiring and start truly loving."

Thormor looked at Serenova, his eyes wide with shock. "Serenova, what do you mean?"

Serenova continued, "You have been blind to the love that has been right in front of you. You have ignored Samsara's devotion and caused her great pain. She left you because she knew you were not ready to see the truth. But now, she has found happiness with Radamir."

Thormor felt a deep sense of regret wash over him as he thought about Samsara. "I was so foolish, Serenova. I didn't realize what I had until it was gone."

Serenova placed a comforting hand on Thormor's shoulder. "It's not too late, Thormor. You can still make amends for your mistakes. You can still show love and compassion, even in the face of death."

Thormor nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Thank you, Serenova. Thank you for showing me the truth."

As Lyrian's eyes returned to normal, Thormor felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that his time was limited, but he was determined to make the most of it. He would face his death with dignity and love, knowing that he had finally seen the truth.

As the first light of dawn appeared, Thormor steeled himself for the inevitable - his execution.


Thormor stumbled through the darkness, the only sound of his own breathing and the beating of his heart. Suddenly, he heard a voice calling his name. It was Serenova's voice, but it sounded different as if it was coming from all around him.

He followed the sound until he saw a faint light at the end of a tunnel. As he walked towards it, the light grew brighter and brighter until he emerged into a wide, open space.

He found himself standing in a beautiful garden, surrounded by flowers and trees. In the center of the garden stood a group of people. Thormor recognized them immediately. It was his family - his parents and his younger brother, Vaelthor.

Thormor felt a lump in his throat as he ran towards them, tears streaming down his face. His parents embraced him tightly, tears in their own eyes as they welcomed him back into their arms.

"Thormor, my son, we have missed you so much," his mother whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Vaelthor, now a child again, looked up at Thormor with wide eyes. "Little brother, you came back!"

Thormor hugged his brother tightly, feeling a wave of love and gratitude wash over him. He had missed them so much, and the sight of their faces filled him with an overwhelming sense of joy.

As they stood there, holding each other close, Thormor felt as if all the pain and darkness he had been carrying inside him was melting away. He was surrounded by the love of his family, and he knew that he would never be alone again.

"Welcome home, Thormor," his father said, his voice filled with love and pride.

Thormor felt a sense of belonging and happiness wash over him, and he knew that he would never forget this moment. He was finally reunited with his family, and he knew that he would cherish this moment forever.

"Now I know what love is," Thormor whispered.



NOTE: Thank you for finishing my fourth chapter. Do you know WHY the next chapter will be the beginning of the whole dynamic in the subsequent chapters (until 100)? The answer will be presented in chapter 5.

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