Frank Lee, a Chinese boy, lived with his uncle Guangzhou in the village of Dartmouth in Hong Kong in privacy. The neighborhood often talked about them as if they were queer. To them, Mr. Guangzhou remained a wretched person who never talked to anyone, and his attitude seemed to be ridiculous. He used to wake up before the sun shines and left for somewhere with his small bag filled with numerous rotten pages. And when it became dark, he used to come home, escaping from the eyes of his peers.
Frank Lee was sixteen and used to study at Simon college where other mates bullied him and often joked saying that he was an alien and his uncle was a mad beggar. Frank was tired of such comments and lived with fear and sadness. Once he was in his hut and waiting for Mr. Guangzhou and when he came and closed the door, Frank cried and asked if he was as normal as others or if he had some defect Mr. Guangzhou scolded him badly and threatened that he would not serve him dinner.
At this, Frank showed him his head, which was a bit broken and joined his hand to tell him so that he could live happily since the dirty and joining comments had made his life unworthy. Guangzhou caressed Franks's head and closed the door as well as the windows.
"I know if you know the truth you will hate me, so I had to shut my mouth. A long time. When your parents left you to me, I had nothing. I often begged for help from others but all in vain, nobody helped me. They thought I was a murderer of your aunt, and soon I was imprisoned for four years only for the suspicion. I thought if I couldn't save you, how I will pay the promise of your parents? At that time, only the drug smuggler, Mr. Tony Lee helped me and freed me from the cell. I had to keep his words and was compelled."
"Words to Tony Lee! Who is he?"
"The richest and the most powerful drug dealer as well as the lord of Galvin castle run and guarded by the dangerous man Darius, who is a devil sorcerer. Do you know what attracted Tony to me, like him, I used to be the worker of Darius, and for several years he made me his slave and fused my mind? But when I realized that I was wrong, I left his castle without any notice. As a result, his filthy orcs hunted for me in my house. Unfortunately, they killed your parents, and when I came home my wife was also attacked with a dagger. I was caught by the police and handcuffed.
"Then you remained in jail for such time, then where did I stay who looked after me ?"
"You were looked after by Mr. Davidson, a beggar. He was my best friend and I made him promise to leave Hong Kong until I didn't come. Now I must work for him so that we could live with peace."
"What sort of peace I know you remain dirty, no money, no clean clothes, and no, any talk with the neighborhood. Is it a safe and cool life? Uncle, I beg you to leave him at any cost, or I will leave you forever." Frank insisted.
He went out without having dinner and didn't come for a few days. The hunger and weakness made him also beg for food. He went to a restaurant and asked for food, where some bullies beat him and also threw water and chewed food on his body. No one came ahead to help him and when a boy was to kick his face, a girl named Lucy defended him by fighting them all alone.
She was a bit of hurt but was successful in pushing them out of the restaurant. They intimidated her and went away from there. Frank got her support and had breakfast. When he told her about his misery, she consoled him and said he had to help his uncle and go away from that city forever. She also added that she would support him with the needed amount of money.
After having counsel and dinner, Frank thanked her and left for his house. The door was locked, and he thought Mr. Guangzhou would have gone to Tony Lee, so he waited for him until night. He didn't come and made Frank depressed, he decided to ask the neighborhood in the morning. When it was dawn, he went to Mr. Danny's house, but he was not there, then he heard the sound of horses' hoofs. He hid behind a muddy pillar and saw a caravan of orcs riding their devil horses and killing everyone. They were asking all about Mr Guangzhou and Frank. He understood that his uncle was trapped in a big ruse, so he escaped from there and went to Lucy.
He said that he had no time to save himself and his uncle for some time Lucy disbelieved that those orcs could kill all and no one noticed. She inferred that they should report to the police, but that matter seemed unbelievable, and they could also be trapped in trouble. So, they decided to go back to that place again.
When they reached there, all the huts were damaged, even the muddy road. And to reach Franks's home became impossible. Yet, they adjusted to going there.
They were amazed that not a single person was there. What those orcs did to them no one knew. A slight wind blew and Frank glanced at a torn page.
It was from Mr. Guangzhou, a letter in which he had written about his sacrifice for Frank and being the slave of Mr. Tony lee. "Run away Frank and never come here and forget his uncle, live your life happily no one would trouble him. I was such a fate and I have to live, never looked for me again."
"Impossible I can't understand why my uncle would leave me without any notice, what about the promise of my parents? I know that scoundrel has played a foul game and I have to save my uncle at any cost." Frank said and vowed.
"We shall have to go to Tony's residence and save Mr. Guangzhou. "
"It's not so easy. We will die or also be a slaves . We need help from any powerful spiritual sorcerer. If not, we could never go there." Frank said.
"I know a man named Lucas Milo, he is not a great wizard but has some supernatural powers. He can help us. But we can't meet him. "
"How shall we ask for help ?"
" I have to try telepathy and send him the message, if he knows about us, he will also send me a message. "
Lucy sat with her crossed legs on the ground and sent Lucas Milo the message. She stood up and told Frank that he will meet him on the way somewhere in the dark. Until then, he has to wait and live with her."
Both of them went to Daisy hill, a street where Lucy lived at a rent and spent time. When Frank held a photo book of Lucy , he suspected something but had to keep it aside when she came. He felt as if he knew her and had met her in his childhood, but was unable to remind clearly.
"Looking trapped in some thoughts do you want to say something ?" Lucy said.
"No, I was lost in my uncle's thoughts, anyway I have to take a rest," Frank said and lay on the sofa.
Frank lee was helped by Lucy , who seemed to be very modest and kind. He was all alone in his life, and Mr. Guangzhou's disappearance left him nowhere. Whenever he recalled he saw an image in the photo book of Lucy, he desired to see it and remove his thoughts if he was in delusion or if was it a fact that Lucy had met him before. He was unable to sleep and remained curious to know the exact truth. Thinking for hours, he determined to ask her about it after he meets Lucas Milo.