Chereads / Great Heads / Chapter 18 - Chapter 51: The Book Of Truth And Assumptions

Chapter 18 - Chapter 51: The Book Of Truth And Assumptions

Surname; (S/n)


"Oh, no no no no no!" Darla refused on realizing it. "We aren't going to take the blood test."

The healer looked at us with suspicions.

"Why would Forelenes be scared to take a blood test? You needed to prove yourselves and there you have it."

Darla obviously floundered, "We are-um, are scared of needles. That's it."

That statement proved she was willing to sacrifice freeing herself to make sure I didn't get killed. I was said to be a Rocainian and that was hindering her, who was said to be a Forelene, from proving herself and being released.

I looked at her with dismay.

"Hopefully, your senses would kick in tomorrow because it is the last day of your trial." The Forelene healer said. "You have the right to do as you like to prove to us you're one of us. If you do not need a blood test, then so be it. But you could always take it tomorrow if your so-called plans fail. It's your choice."

He took his belongings away from the cell. "That would be all for today.

There was still no sign of the sent-out-officials. I saw Darla give a distress puff of air out of her mouth.

"Thank you." I breathed out. Although I knew I wasn't anticipating a 'you're welcome.' I stared at her.

"You're my brother and the Forelene chief." She said. "How could I kill my own chief?"

We waited again and it seemed as if it was years that went by. Darla busied herself with praying to the river goddess, whilst I also aslo wished in my heart.

The night arrived, I presumed because we were locked in a not-so bright cell after all. Who could tell? I knew it was now morning as the cage was being opened again. This time around, it was the woman who had questioned us.

Dressed, in a flowing skirt and tucked in long sleeves, she shifted herself little into the celler.

"My name is [her name]" she said. "I am here to continue my investigation." (h/n) smiled.

We were taken by her to a chamber I presumed was hers. Of course we were in chained, we still could move our legs. We went into her chambers which was also highly guarded, by two men at the front gate, and standbys also close to her interrogating chambers.

We were sat.

"What are your reasons for refusing a blood test?" she inquired with inquisitive eyes. Though men were stationed inside too, but a little far from us. It was more private than the opened halls we stayed at yesterday. "Tommorow is the day we shall finally understand your fate. Why choose to destroy your chance of survival?"

"Why choose to execute innocent lives even if they were Rocainians?" Darla asked, in protest.

"Because they'd do the same to us." h/n retorted, speaking the truth, "They'd do it without even asking. We're here, giving you a chance to prove yourself and that's something they'd never do."

It was true. They wouldn't have done the this.

"If you still want to refuse that blood test, so be it. Just know your execution is at hand. First thing tomorrow by dusk."

An unseen thunder struck me. There was no way they'd see Raven Hills by tomorrow and also know someone there, was there? I visibly had my chest lifted up for a sigh. Who would be comfortable at the rate?

She began, flipping a ton of old notebooks and then dipped her pen into a small bottle of ink.

"I'm here to help you? What are the names of your parents. Starting with you Kaleb. The one that always wastes time to talk." she stared at me in an inquisitive manner.

I was once again reminded of my past. My parents were people I didn't talk about most times, infact, at all. I felt a bottomless hole being dug in my chest and fought back unneeded emotions.

"My father's name is (s/n) and my mother's, Mary (s/n.)"

Darla was about speaking when lady (h/n) cut her short, almost as though surprised, "W-wait. Did you just say Mary s/n?"

"Yes." I replied of course, certainly not knowing why it was asked the second time.

She cleared her throat like she was uncomfortable. "You shall leave my office right now." she commanded.

She stood up, obviously sending us into bewilderment. We were urged outside her chamber and I couldn't even grant her a second glance. The chambers doors were shut and I walked back to the cage, perplexed.

We were inside the prison, having thoughts of how our tommorow was going to dress like. Would it be pretty, or the other one? We didn't have the slightest clue of how to feel because tommorow, we may die in the hands of the central Forelenes.

Curses! I couldn't do a thing.

We awaited tommorow's fate.

Still inside the cell, we heard a mysterious sound that awakened us. Darla and I both were alerted and set gazes on the location from where the said noise was cominng from.

"Pssss..." The noise went on and we were taken aback. We consciously traced our eyes forward and saw that it was the healer; loyd. "You still not willing to take that blood test?" Loyd asked, knowing fiully well that tommorow was the day of our execution.

"No, thank you." I curtly responded with a cold voice. We shut our eyes as we repositioned our body.

It was the next day and I and my sister watched as all the habitants of Central city gathered. They brought about different crowd noises and I couldn't help pray for us, especially Darla because she would be needlessly killed for trying to protect my identity. It was of no use since we still were going to die if not proven.

If she took the test, she'd live since she was a said Forelene and I well... wouldn't know my fate.

I mumbled, "Darla. Darla. Why don't you take the test?" I beseeched. She just swayed her head away from me.

Loyd announced, "The officers haven't been set eyes upon yet. It is the day three and the execution date. The captives have refused a blood test, so what do we do?" The congregation lashed out dazed gazes and mumblings spread.

They were definitely wondering why we had refused a blood test.

"We cannot compell them into it, let's kill them!" The crowd struck out, devoid of guilt. I and Darla seemingly were small in their mist as they were taller than we were.

"The librarian and record keeper has arrived." The council said, reffering to lady h/n.

She stepped right in, silencing everybody because they were supposedly meant to have started the execution process and there wasn't any need to interrogate further.

She cleared her throat, then lifted up a book that made everyone gasp. It was surprisingly something important. She said, "Their names are here in the record of all records. They are Forelenes with their names, namely; Kaleb and Darla [anoda name] son and daughter of [two different names]

That was a lie. Why would the librarian lie about our parents names? And we- I and Darla-weren't even related by blood. Something was either wrong or she had her intentions. What ever reason it may've been, it freed us and led not to our persecution.

"So they are even Forelenes after all."

"Why did they refuse a blood test?"

"Of course numerous questions could be thrown, but the book says it all."

I felt a relieve in my chest as I and Darla let out freedom sighs. We hugged each other because it wasn't easy to have almost been killed. We had accepted our fate today already, and now a miracle. The river goddess blessed us.

We were being freed and told to go where we liked. There wasn't anymore questions asked. I saw myself and Darla stride with delight out of the damned halls, feeling the need to even run before something twisted badly. We needed to take our time so it wouldn't show we feared.

As I and my partner were leaving, we heard a sudden whisper and rubbernecked to see whom it was. Surprisingly, it was the lady h/n. She called out to us as she beckoned. She owned a beatific grin to her face and her blue eyes glinted delight.

I personally wanted to thank her. If she hadn't done that, we would've perished.

"Thank you lady." my second-in-command offered gratitude.

The lady lost her coloured eyes in mine and didn't stop looking at me. I swore she wanted to cry. Her eyes gleamed sadness and joy, making me wonder why a person would had such mixed feelings. We were still at a hidden corner in a passage way and she put her palms on the sides of my face.

"I knew your mother."

My heart stopped there.