In the morning, I went to the Mercenary Guild brunch of this planet to register, but before I go to the guild I already prepare all the things that I needed to become a Space Mercenary, to become a mercenary you need to fulfill three requirements, you must not be a criminal, you must own a private spaceship, and lastly, you need to pass the assessment exam of the guild.
Last day ago I already fulfilled two of the three requirements and I only need to pass the exam to become a space mercenary.
The mercenary guild branch was a huge tower that pierce the sky, the height of this tower is 1,000,000 km, and at the end of this tall tower was a huge spaceport that can accommodate thousands of spaceships.
I walk and ride a bus for around 3 hours just to reach this massive and tall tower, I entered and was greeted by the interior of the guild that looks like the interior of an office building. The interior of the building right now was empty and only a few guild staff and some mercenaries can be seen.
I approach one of the counters, the counter that I approach was a man by a scary-looking middle age man with a robotic arm.
I look at this scary middle age man who was reading some kind of a mechanics book while waiting, The middle age man notices my arrival and puts down the book, and looks at me.
"What do you need kid?" Middle age man said with a scowl on his face.
I thought [This guy is scary how this old man even became a receptionist, isn't he will scare off all the mercenaries].
"I am here to register," I replied with a smile.
The middle age man nodded his head and operate a terminal tablet and ask, "You don't have any criminal record so you can register if you have shipped and passed the exam you can join, Tell me the ID of your ship and we will conduct your examination."
I nodded my head and told the old man my ship ID, the old man type the ID into his terminal tablet and search my ship. after typing it and seeing my ship his eyes open wide in stupor.
"Is this parameter of your ship true?" The middle age man said with a shaky voice.
I just nodded my head and confirm it, the old man sighed and sat back in his chair with a tired look, "Can you even pilot it, no where did you even get this spaceship?"
My ship is a small-class spaceship with attack power that can destroy countless omniverses in a single blow, this kind of spaceship is the common spaceship used by our clan.
The middle age man looks at my ship image closely in his terminal tablet and then notices an emblem, this emblem gave off a feeling that emblem is a bit familiar, he stared at the emblem for a minute, and then suddenly an explosion of realization dawn on him, in his mind, [This is, the emblem of the strongest clan of all time.]
realizing the origin of this ship the middle age man did not say anything and just prepared for John's exam.
after a few minutes, "Ok kid follow me." the middle age man stood up and went to the training ground of the guild.
I followed him, we walk some corridors and use the elevator, and after 10 minutes we arrive at our destination, the training ground is a large open room with a size of 10,000 square meters, this training ground was full of Space Pilot Simulation Devices use in training and assessing of pilot skills, the Space Pilot Simulation Device or SPS Device for short has a rectangular shape with a size of a large bus, you can only see a door in the device and an operating terminal right beside it.
"Kid enter the number 2 SPS Device."
I nodded my head and enter it, I can recognize what SPS Device to enter because the device has a large number written on it, like a computer café where all the computers are labeled with numbers to identify the computers that customers use.
The moment I entered the SPS Device the sight that greeted me was a cockpit of a spaceship that has bit similarities to my ship, I sat in the pilot's seat and activate the device like I was activating a spaceship, in front of the pilot seat was a huge screen that simulates a cockpit window. the screen opened revealing the fascinating sight of outer space, planets, and stars in a bit of distance countless stars, asteroid fields, and space clouds.
I don't have any reaction to this beautiful view because I am used to this after all in my past life I traveled across the infinite numbers of the Omniverse in the mortal realm.
"Are you ready kid." said the middle age man via the comms.
"Yes, I am ready." The moment I said that countless spaceship suddenly appears, I look at the radar and saw thousand of spaceships in different classes, there is battleships, cruisers, destroyers, corvettes, and carriers.
"Hey uncle Isn't this too much, I heard that the exam only contains 10 enemies."
"You are talking about the normal exams, that exam will be too easy for you after all you are from that clan, and this exam is reserved for your clan."
"Huh, do you know my clan I thought no one knows about us in this universe?"
"No one knows except for the guilds and the Gods."
I nodded in understanding and then smile afterward, I grab the piloting stick and push forward at high speed and plunge through the armada of a spaceship.
Hundreds of battleships pointed their main weapon at me and they fired.
Seeing this scene my smile grew even wider, I dodge immediately while using weird-looking maneuvers while firing some chaff to confuse their locking systems and their radars.
I continue to charge forwards while performing some intense and crazy maneuvers to dodge the countless massive pillar of lasers that was fired from the Battleship's main cannon.
every second passes the distance between me and the armada is getting closer and closer.
The moment I enter the range of the destroyers and corvettes they also fired.
I also dodge those attacks and after 20 seconds I finally arrive amidst the armada.
The carriers deploy some small ships to intercept, but I only shot them down using my maneuvers and the powerful main cannons of my small ships. I continue to move forwards while destroying the small ships, destroyers, and corvettes that block my way toward the battleships.
after a minute I arrive in front of a battleship and then I destroyed it with my main cannons.