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CyberPunk: Phenix Rising

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Fall

It was a stormy night in the city that never sleeps, gang's attacks are regular, death is neighbor.

Pa System at *Trauma Team base: Code Blue Trauma Team 6 report to bay 2 for deployment. Repeat! Trauma Team 6 to bay 2!

Drake: was eating apple in the cafeteria when the call goes out "fuck and I thought I'd at least get to have my lunch." Gets up and rushes to the locker room to suit up and to hear the briefing.

Trauma Team leader walks in and takes charge of the team, "ok ladies! We're going to a hot zone in Watson, our clients got hit by a gang and are being held in place, NCPD is in route, to deal with them, we're going to get the clients out, so they don't need to worry. Hit hard hit fast. 13 you're on the ground, long barrel is recommended."

I answered, "copy that sir!" Grabs my copperhead and the 4 mags of armor piecing ammunition, alongside the Lexington handgun with its 3 mags. As I also pull my helmet off the shelf and grab my med bag and rush to the AV-4

"Lynx your 13's backup stick to his ass like your glued to it!"

Comes Lynx's answer "copy that!" Grabs her gear and bag then followed up after 13

"Detta you're with me, get your rifle we're their eyes, the bulldog can't fire on an open street where we're going."

Delta answers the Trauma team leader "understood." Grabs his Nekomata rifle and gear then follows to the AV-4

The trauma team leader speaks out again "Bulldog get us moving we're late to that party!"

The pilot answers and radio's the tower "Bulldog copy, tower Bulldogs are green moving to clients." Flys the AV-4 through the city to the area. The tower replies "Happy Hunting and good Luck Trauma Team 6" as the AV-4 pulls up to the clints location the leader speaks up, as I put my helmet and sync to the tech in my gear, "Okay Ladies its game time!" he hits a button "Go go go!!"

I lift my rifle and fire done on the Gang then jump out and move to the clint vehicle and see a man and a young girl my helmet syncs to the clints agent's and bio monitor's, "Boss one male and one child, male has a single shot to his gut high risk of life loss if we move him, child is unhurt. Lynx takes over I'll cover you."

Lynx jumps a few moments later and follows 13 "on it 13, bring them the bad luck!" before pulling her bag out and treating the Clint. I answer "Copy! Bringing the pain." moves to the trunk and covers fire.

"Reds moving to your 3, 13 I'll pin them for a few." comes Delta's voice as a red ping shows to my Three, as a blue line pricing a van and a taking a ping out.

"Reloading! Delta, keep those Reds at bay! If the NCPD is coming, there late to the party serially LATE!" changes the mag and continues to cover, Lynx yells out "we are good to move Clint is stable to move! Bulldog come on down and pick us up."

"Bulldog copy, moving to extract." Comes the pilot answers, as the AV-4 changes its plosion and lowers to the ground, the Team leader and Delta grab a gurney and move to lynx to get the Clint's out of the car.

"13 what's your count!" the team leader calls out

"Half an AP Mag left, Permission to get in personal range to cover the team?!" I Reply to the Team Leader

"Negative 13, were pulling out! Move to Bulldog." As the Team Leader answers NCPD AV-4' and armored cars pull up and join the fire fight. After a few hours, the AV-4 lands back at the Trauma Team Hospital and the team dismounts and the clints get rushed to the ER. "Good work TT6 beers are on me tonight. 13 will you be joining us tonight?" the TTL ask as I emptied my gun and stowed my gear before putting new AP rounds in the mag

"No sir I'm goanna pull over time and cleanup" I say as I look up from the cleaning tool to clean my guns and gear of blood. The TTL nods as he leads the rest out and away as they joke about how '13 is more a machine than the augments a person gets' the captain looks back as he smirks at it.

A few weeks later a code Indigo rang out at Trauma Team Dispatch. "Trauma Team 6 Report to the AV Hanger 2 Repeat Trauma Team 6 report to AV hanger 2"

I ran to the ready room and geared up for a heavy fight grabbing my deployable shield and the sub machine gun with Smart rounds and the Lexington armed with AP rounds I even grabbed the tac-knife and fastened it to my belt as the caption came into the room geared to the max "team were going in to a Warzone Police and Max-tac are in route let's get in there and get our clints out of there alive. If TT6 gets the clint TTD will have a second team ready to move in to back us up on the exit, if TT6 goes down the TT on Standby is falling back. max-tac and the police are throwing in their heavy hitters here let's show them why the TT is the best."

As the TTL led the way the AV-4 a second team was running to their AV, I got on bord and racked the guns with a round before we team got the briefing of the clints, as Bulldog took off and flew us to the area we were to fight.

"Name's: Joe Walker executive of Rocker Cyberware Implants (hostage) his wife, Darlene Walker (hostage) have I mean had a family of two children, Alexa Walker (hostage) And Jake Walker (dead) Apone Alert, the family got ambushed on their way to a dinner by the Animal's and are held up in a Mega Building in the War Zone so be on high alert."

"Ok TT6 game fracases were coming up on the MB now if you're deploying the only way in is the roof!" the pilot hollered back as the AV angled hard to slow its approach and descend on the roof but before the Pilot finishes the door is opening and I'm jumping on to the roof and crash throw the roof and crushing a few animals that were relaxing before rolling to my feet and shoot the remaining Animal's in the room, And pushing to the door. "Or we let 13 make a hole... He really has a death wish if he is jumping at this speed and height. "

"True but he does good work when he's unorthodox and can really clear a room faster than the rest of TT" the caption says before the rest of TT6 deploys. "13 how's the waters?"

"There messy keep my back clear and ill cut the path throw sir" I replayed as the gun shots rang out down the hall, and the team came out to see 20 dead gang members and myself reload put a fresh mag in the SMG. "It is bound to get rougher the deeper we go. Were the tags pinpointed?"

"10 floors down 13 sending you the GPS, you're probably the only one that can cut through them fast enough to rescue the clints. Go bring the Bad luck." the caption says before he looks at the stairwell full of gang members coming up to kill us.

"Copy that sir, keep up if you can." after that I charge down the stare well and start to cut through the Animals floor by floor as Explosions echoed and the building shacks, a call comes across the radio 'Bulldog and TT6 are down only 13 is coming in strong send in Trauma Team 2, beside a Max-tac team.' but before I could call back for a update a bullet hits the radio and a crow bar whacks my helmet off my head the few rounds of ammo I had left run out and I pull out my Tac-knife an continue on to the floor where the clints were to be.

Bang... Bang... "Hey get the girl she'll be fun to play with after the Trauma pigs are dead."

"Ha-ha definitely I wonder if they can even get this far the lower floors have a lot of guys and the upper floors are no slouches ether at lest they put the guys down there to shame"

"Gahu!" bam... thud... A large body comes flying down the stair well and hits the wall so hard it thuds and hold the large gang member up as a green and red mid aged black man walks down the steps and sees the two gang members dragging a teen aged girl that looked tariffed at the scene and as of wat was happing to her.

"If that was the best of the best then you're defiantly not going to walk away, when I'm done with you." as the man charged the gang members with an empty handgun and a broken knife the one gang member ran to take on the man in the green and red sterilizing suit.

Be for the gang member could get a swing ready the knife slashed the gang members eye's then got punched by the gun as the man rolled over the gang member and stabbed the first in the skull than got the blade ripped out and thrown into the second gang member by the girl before the gang member could react the man rushed in and punched with the gun and grabbed the knife pulling it out only to stab it into the head of the gang member. After the fight, the man looks at the girl and removed her gag "Hey kid." takes a deep breath "Are you, Alexa Walker?" takes another a clear sign of how exhausted he was from all the fighting he did and how much he pushed himself.

Alexa nods "Your more an animal then they are..." as she looks at the man and the carnage behind him.

The man smirks and chuckles, "let's get you out of here the upper floors should be clear by now" as the man speaks a Max-tac trooper walks down the stairs and to the two, gun raised

"ID yourselves." the trooper says.

"Alexa Walker" Alexa says as she hides behind the bloody man

"Trauma Team 6 Call sign 13." The man answers.

"So, you are the one that did all this? Damn, where is your team?" the trooper asks as they approach the two, now lowering their gun.

"Dead if you came from upstairs, you should have seen them. That was the last call I got be for my radio got hit." 13 said as he turned to the trooper an showed the girl a stabbed blade sticking out of his back and a knife in his side.

"Do you need a handout of here 13" the Trooper asked as they offered their shoulder as the rest of their team and the second Trauma team showed up

"That would be helpful I'm out of steam now." as 13 fell to his knee the trooper grabs him and lifts the man up "Trauma Team 2, get ready for two people. 13 is alive but hurt, he needs an immediate trans-po back to the Hospital there's a girl here two Alexa Walker no info on the parents yet."

"Their dead... They shot them before he saved me." Alexa speaks up as the Trauma team rushes to get 13 and their client out of the building and onto the AV.

A few Days pass as a gentle knock hits the hospital door "sir you have a visitor, can they come in?" the nurse asks Drake.

"Sure, I don't mind" He answers as he turns his head to the voice. "Send them in." a moment later the sound of soft steps followed by several heavy footsteps echo as they enter the room. "The nurse said 'visitor' not 'visitors' if you have business with me stay if not Get the Fuck Out! I may not have eyes, but I do have ears!"

The heavy footsteps stop for a moment before leaving the room "How are you feeling?" a soft voice says.

"I'm doing better than my team." As he raked his brain on who would be coming to see him the voice speaks up again.

"You have my condolences I'm here to offer you a job if you are interested" a moment paces before she speaks again, "oh I'm Alexa Walker, sorry I should have said that sooner mister 13."

A light bulb clicks as the image of the last job he did to rescue the Walker family resalted with just her getting out alive and his team dying "I remember you though I don't remember the others with you, bodyguards?"

She nods before realizing he can't see then speaks again, "yes I inherited my father's position at Rocklin Augmentics, the people that came with me are the muscle they hired as my bodyguards"

"You sound as though you don't like it." Thinks for a sec "Do they scare you?" he asks Alexa.

"Yea there super scary just like you that day… I know it was a grueling day for you just the same as me…" she lowers her head and waits a moment.

He lowers his head recalling the day as flashbacks appear in the back of his mind, "I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner… do you need a hug? I normally do not give them out, but you seem to need it more than me." The sound of feet tapping the floor comes quick as arms and the weight of a young girl hugs him, with slow movements he wraps arms around the girl as she cries softly.

A few moments later she mumbles something before sitting up, "I'm actually here to offer you a job. I wanted to hire you as my personal bodyguard, I'll even cover all expenses that you need to get you back into shape. Anything you need. With a sign on bones of 50,000 Eurodollars. I know its sudden but you're the only person I can think of that I feel safe around"

"Even with how scary I can be?" he asks as he thinks about the hazard pay, he would get from the Trauma Team insurance it barely covered the bills he had at the moment.

She nods as she gently griped his shirt and wiped her eyes, "Yes."

"You have a deal then Little Lady, if that's ok with you?" The hug comes quick again, and she nods into his shoulder "then you can call me Drake, Drake Belladonna. But if you want to you can still use the callsign"

"Thank you, 13, … I mean Drake. I am happy I get to have you working with me, I feel safer more than ever."

After the hug Alexa walked to the front desk and talked to the nurse about the cost of surgeries and the rehab that Drake would need to take when he was not bed ridden. After would she paid in full and went back the room and introduced the crop's bodyguards to Drake. "Gentleman this is Drake he is my new personal bodyguard, if you don't trust him, I should tell you I Trust him with my life over the performance of the guards the Rocklin has hired for my family. He's a former Trauma Team, callsign 13" with the name drop a guard realizes who he is and gets giddy. "As in the guy that tore through the Animal's Top braces on the Bloody tower, 13?

"If they were the top, they were nothing to wright home about, as for the recognition keep that day out of the Young lady's vicinity, she lost her family that day Dum ass." He speaks up as a scornful gaze under layers of bandages looks at the man

The man shuts up and steps back in line, "Sorry sir, Sorry ma'am"

"With that out of the way, I'll be coming here regularity to check in on you and fill you in on what Cybernetics you want seeing as you will need new eyes, is there anything you suggest?" Alexa asks Drake.

"If it's for me I can't think of anything at this moment, but I do suggest you buy a new set of wheels, something with bullet proof glass, armor, and don't forget an upgraded security system, oh and if you want a chauffeur, I can drive but I'm no chauffeur."

she looks at Drake and thinks for a moment, "um why the extra security?" she asks, a little confused and curious.

"The first time we met, your dad had a gunshot to the gut, remember? The second you were in a mega tower, if there was the extra security the car would have been ware trauma landed." He speaks up.

She looks shocked then at the company guards, "how come the cars didn't have them?" The two guards look at each other before back at her with no answer. "Ok than anything else you can think of?"

Drake thinks for a moment, "no not at this moment."

At that moment, a nurse knocks, "my apologies visiting hours are over I'm going to have to ask you to leave to let him rest"

Alexa nods and gives Drake a hug again before pulling back, "I will come by later with the Cybernetic implants and a doctor to put them in. please take it easy till then Drake." She asks.

"Yes, Little lady, just promise me you won't go getting kidnapped while I'm bed ridden." He says with a chuckle.

"I will try not to." She answers back with a sly smile and a soft laugh, and with that Alexa leaves followed by her heavy-footed corporate bodyguards.

A few days later the cyber augments arrive at the hospital and the Docter arrivers to do the surgery.

"Ok son a few weeks in bed and you should be good enough to get on your feet, as for rehab be careful not to rip the stitches out." the doc says as he finishes up the procedure.

"I see then I'll talk to my boss about availability, but I'll need to start rehab as soon as posable is there anything you can give so I can get in the gym sooner?" Drake asks the doc as the 'Rocklin Augmentics' logo comes into view and the diagnostics screen runs through after the hospital's room comes into view as a few other loading bars proses and sync.

"I can prescribe a light intake of blockers, but before that I'd like to run a few X-rays to make sure there's no issues with your lung and other injuries. So not for a few weeks" the doc replies as he starts a medical scanner and gets a few other tools out.

A beep and a message pop's up in Drake's line of sight 'Internal Agent installed: please input a name or skip this process for later' selecting skip the agent runs a quick sync up, as a vice in his head speaks, [good after noon Mr. Belladonna you have one new massage from Alexa Walker would you like me to play it?] with a quick thought of yes the massage starts 'Hello 13 sorry I couldn't make it to the hospital today, the corporation is keeping me in for the night, I told them I'm still in school but to them I'm just a cog in there system. But I promise I'll come by after school tomorrow, fi there is anything you need feel free to send me a massage, oh I also made sure to get a up armored car and a chauffeur not of the company, they should come by your room to introduce them self soon. My contact info is already put into your new Agent and took the liberty to have it also set up to have a live updating tracking profile of myself so you can find me and know if I'm in danger. About your health, get well soon. I have noticed I feel uneasy around most people now a days except when around you.' [That was the end of the massage, would you like to send a reply?] "Yea, 'keep in their little lady I'll be at your side as soon as I'm discharged.' hey doc hook me to the machine I need to stretch." Drake says as he pushes himself out of the bed and onto his feet and straightens his back before falling to the floor and doing pushups at a rapid rate.

The doc turns as the sound hits him of drake gets up "uh?!" then watch as his patient does pushups. "Um..." "Please return to the bed sir. I don't want the stiches to come out!" says a moment later.

"i told you 'i need to stretch' if I don't it will take that much more time to be in fighting shape, and besides the little lady had a bio-mod instilled, I'm fine to do light things like this" breathes deep, "if it was to fight that would be a rough rehab." the doc watches with dis belief [Mr. Belladonna, you have got a reply from Alexa Walker, would you to hear it?] "Play it" the agent starts the massage.

'That makes me happy to hear don't push yourself too hard, oh I nearly forgot the chauffeur will be bringing your new gear and suit too. They sent me a head's up there at the lobby now and heading your way' [would you like to reply back?] "Sure, tell her 'Copy that little lady'" continues to do push up, "agent, run a scan on my bio-mod, any bad readings send to the medical staff."

"Urge why is that I'm on assistant duty? She said she had someone but there in the hospital, if it's a joke of so kind I'll... kick her ass." [Mrs. Jessica, the room is on the left.] "Thanks, Luke."

"Agent, run a scan on my bio-mod, any bad readings send to the medical staff." comes a voice in the room. 'I wonder what's going on?' Jessica thinks to herself as she looks at the name. 'Belladonna? Is that not a girl's name? Wells this is the room.' she knocks on the door and enters "Yo Mr. Belladonna your... didn't the runt say you got stabbed?! Why the fuck you are working out?!" Jessica's jaw drops as she sees Drake a well-toned middle-aged black man working out 'this guy is Crazy; he was stabbed twice and in a massive brawl just a month ago.'

Drake looks up to see a young Asian girl with long steel colored hair standing at the door with a duffle bag, "you're the chauffeur, nice to meet you. What's your name?" not missing a beat and continuing his push ups

'He just ignored me.' "Why should I tell you?" she crosses her arms and look at drake somewhat in disbelief "with your attitude for mussels you'll be dead soon"

"haha, I see so you're that kind of person. Well, quippy, I'm stretching because I've been in that bed until I got my new eyes put in, and the little lady needs her bodyguard in fit condition"

Jessica looks at him "Quippy? bodyguard? I thought you were her assistant? What do you mean by new eyes?"

He laughs again before getting up, "if the little lady wants me to be that to, I will take it, she pays well enough not to complain about that, my eyes got glass and damaged beyond repaired. And if you are wounding how, I am former Trauma Team. On my last deployment I rescued her. After which I now work for her." He sits back on the bed. "You know the story I'm sure, the bloody tower."

With the name drop Jessica drops the bag. "That day was crazy the news, said that the only member of the first team that went in was lucky to be found alive, what was the name they said?"

"The callsign and name later relaced was 13, Drake belladonna." the doc says as he looks at the young girl

Jessica looks at the doctor, "that is right. Wait that is this crazy nutjob?!" she shouts. As the doc nods.