Chereads / NONENTITY ZERO / Chapter 4 - ERUDITION

Chapter 4 - ERUDITION

















I don't know for how long I was out, but I thought my life ended even before it began.

Even though I didn't like my previous life I do regret trying to end it.This time I want it to be different, I want to enjoy life to the fullest without a care in the world.

When I woke up, I was in my room, my normal vision kicking in bit by bit as I stared at my room's ceiling which was furnished pretty nicely with patterns that would catch the attention of any eye.

I got up and leaned on the wall before proceeding to go out.

As I walked down the hallway path, I could hear noises from afar.

It was clear that my parents weren't alone.

"Wait, that's other people...I got to see them."

"Haven't really seen any humans other than my parents."

"Maybe they might not be humans...perhaps…ELVES…"


I couldn't help myself but overthink the possibilities of this being true.

"I wonder how their hair smells…" [GRINS]

The noise was getting louder and louder until I reached the kitchen area.

"Mum, what's going on? "I asked her as I grabbed her dress from the bottom tagging her.

"Oh, sweety you're awake." said mum, giving me upsies.

"Wait, Jay is up?" Came in Michael.

"How is daddy's little man feeling?"He added.

Nothing you should be concerned about Michael. I'm a grown ass man.

"I'm feeling okay."

"Wow that's great, want to come and help your old man fix up the pantry?"Michael alleged.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that incident in the pantry….wait do they already know I did it?

I bet kids in this world go to jail for such matters.... crap!

Okay….come down, just play and act dumb.

"What's a pantry?"

Not that kinda dumb.

"Sweety, you must have hit your head badly, you don't know the pantry….... the place you got the bell peppers." Mum aforementioned.

I now look like an idiot…. [SMILES AWKWARDLY].

Just diverge and change the topic.

"What happened?"

"Apparently the pantry went up in flames .... the moment u came out." Precedent Michael.

Crap, here it comes…they know.

"That's why I had to call in the construction crew from the town of Aldevia," Added Michael.

Of course, they would never suspect a 3-YEAR-OLD… [SMILES HAPPILY].

Before we could proceed a man wearing gloves that looked all dusty, casual work clothing stepped forward.

"Sir Ayden, we found something at the back." He said.

"What is it you found?" Michael asked.

What he brought out nearly made me jump and panic. He had the rock that I had infused with Aether.

"Wait,what material is that I've never seen?" Alleged Michael.

[LAUGHS BEFORE PROCEEDING]," It's a rock infused with Aether." Said the large man.

"Aether, you mean the element that is only found on the Fiend Continent?"Asked Michael.

Wait did he say Fiend….as in the Demon Continent. There is no way this is true.

"Yes, apparently this supposed rock was infused with it…I'm even shocked at how that is possible.

when I found it…it was like it got hurled at the wall at enormous speed…I don't know how to explain it to you." The large man concluded.

"Very strange indeed," said Michael.

"Anyways, I'll get back to work." The large man said before proceeding.

"Honey, is there anything that we should be worried about?"Asked mum.

"No, not really, it's just that it's a rare thing to happen. But don't be worried, if anything daddy will protect Jay and you. [KISSES BOTH ON THE FOREHEAD]

Bro, didn't you get cut by a knife just hours ago?

But more importantly, I need to find out about this Aether stuff.

Maybe I should go ask that large guy.

After waiting for a while, I headed to the pantry. I found dad and the large man who I later found out his name was Grim.

Grim was a really tall and built guy in terms of physic and stature, he had brown hair trimmed on the sides and a bushy beard, I would say he was about 3 years older than Michael.

I walked up to them only for Michael to pick me up.

"Hey buddy." said Michael

"Excuse me…. uhm…Mr.Grim,"I said, stuttering.

"Oh, what is it young Ayden?"Grim asked, leaning towards my direction, lowering his upper body so as to meet eye to eye with me.

"What is Aether?" I asked fidgeting.

"Oh, curious are we, at such a young age. Ok I'll briefly tell you what it is, but there's more to it even us humans don't know.

To put it simply young Ayden, Aether is the fabric of our universe, consisting of tiny granules that transfer energy in the form of waves. In other words it's like upper air.

Got it?" Grim said.

I was in disbelief of what I just heard. I guess I really, I'm in a fantasy world.

But all this seems intriguing.

"Wait, Mr. Grim, who can use Aether?" I asked.

"Well, the Aether arts can't just be used by anyone, at least not humans. The Fiends are the ones who are able to utilize it but it's also a rare case in the Fiend Continent too.

In history there has only been one human who has been able to manipulate Aether before, but again all this depends on your mana core….Hehe.

But I don't know much about it, there are few books about it, but you'll have to understand the Demon Language first."Grim said.

"What is a mana core?" I asked.

"Michael, you have to teach your son these things…come on, anyways it's getting late, and I have to head out, see you Mr. Ayden ...young Ayden. " Alleged Grim before heading out.

The day ended and at the dinner table I heard mum talking about going to the town of Aldevia to deliver some groceries at the local market, I took that opportunity and asked to take me to the library and buy some books.

Though I was dumbfounded when she said that books are expensive.

Guess the book factories in this world are developing.

Then Education really is expensive.

At my bed is where I sat…. reading a book on elements….and for sure Aether wasn't mentioned in any of them.





Those are the basics, then a bunch follow like Electrokinesis which is electrical manipulation,

Biokinesis which is Anatomical control.

Then there are the mana cores.

Mana, which exists in the atmosphere and is broken down into particles of each element, is necessary to utilize magic.

There are different stages and are differentiated with colors.

The order is as follows from Lowest to Highest.





With white the highest and purest mana core.

"I wonder what color my mana core is?"

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////////// NEXT CHAPTER: ALDEVIA ///////////

Edited by: JJ