Chereads / Chakra Progenitor / Chapter 76 - Cat Smith

Chapter 76 - Cat Smith

After visualizing the store I wanted to make in finer detail, I activated the Unique Dojutsu All creation, instantly turning my imagined building/store into a reality.

A building with two floors appears in the middle of the empty land, This building has a medieval design, and on top of the entrance you can see the sign where a name was written, the name written on the sign was Cat Smith Store. also in front of the store, there is a small garden that adds colors to the place and a wide backyard at the back of the store.

After looking at the exterior of the building that I created I entered to see the interior.

The interior was pretty much normal, the moment you entered the front door, you were greeted by a normal blacksmith store, the store consisted of some shelves where the products were displayed and a small counter with a door behind it, this door led to a breakroom and a workshop where the swords and weapons will be made, and at the corner of the breakroom you will see the Teleportation Elevators that will lead to the mystery of this store. by the way, this is floor 0.1.

The elevator is a teleportation elevator that will teleport through the infinite number of floors in an instant making the journey through the infinite numbers of infinite floors easy a bit. this elevator uses voice commands to be activated.

After looking around floor 0.1, I went to the elevator to see the other floors, but before I could enter the elevator, A beautiful girl emerged from brilliant light that appeared in front of me, the beautiful girl had green hair and green eyes, pointy ears, a slim body and a massive G-cup breast, this beautiful girl was the Avatar of the store Consciousness, this avatar are use for her interaction and combat.

The name of this beautiful green-haired girl is Ela the avatar of the store and also the spirit of the store, You can also call her the human form of the store, Ela wasn't a human and her main body was the store itself.

Ela bowed her head with a deadpan expression and said in a monotone voice, "Greeting Master, I am Ela, You can also call big sis."

I looked at her and said, "Why big sis, because I am shorter than you by a foot."

Ela replied bluntly, "It's because I have large breasts."

I just look at her with a deadpan expression while Ela just pops out her chess in pride, but her face still stays expressionless.

Silence dominates the room.

A few minutes later, we arrived at floor 1.

Floor 1 is an infinite forest with an infinite sky and land and ocean, In this place unlimited varieties of creatures, plants, and other recourses can be found. The resources that mostly be found here are gourmet, medicine, and wood.

Seeing the infinite forest and infinite land and sky in front of me, made me think that I was outside. In this place if you want to reach the end and that end is the wall and ceiling, you need the ability to travel or teleport an infinite distance in a blink of an eye.

In the sky, you can see the glowing crystal ceiling that illuminates and covers the entire background of the infinite sky, Even though I can see the ceiling from my location, the distance between me and the crystal ceiling is infinite, the same case with the walls.

All the infinite number of positive and negative floors are the same the only difference is the biomes and appearance in each positive and negative floor.

I looked around floor 1 while Ela was following and explaining floor 1 to me.

I already knew what she was talking about because I was the one who created her, but I didn't say anything and just let her do her work.

Ela was created so that she acts as a guide to the employees who will work here so that they won't be lost in this infinite loop store/building.

The infinite forest consists of huge trees with an average height of 10 million kilometers, the smallest was 200,000 km, and the largest is the Universal tree with a size of Infinite.

You are wondering how the Universal Tree fits into an infinite space despite its size already infinite, It's very simple the Universal Tree has its barrier that covers the whole tree.

If you are outside the barrier, the barrier will create a 5 infinite distance away.

Making the universal tree separate from the original space creates the illusion that the universal tree was always been nearby, but when you enter the barrier you will discover that the space inside of the barrier has a size of 3 infinity which means that this space can hold the infinite size of the Universal Tree.

There is only one Universal Tree on each forest-type floor. Also because of the Universal tree, the infinite floor will increase its size by 8 reaching the size of 9 infinite.

I wonder around in my explanation there.

During my walks in this forest, I found a lot of creatures and all of them are huge, The smallest has a height of 47 km while the largest is 1 googolplex Lightyears, I know it sounded overkill, but that's what I want to create.

I tour around floor 1 for 3 hours before going to floor 0.2 to take out the Door Of Mirrors inside the storage.

I walk to the corridor and arrive at a room.

"Ela, is there any larger room than this?"

Ela shook her head and replied, "None, master but I can enlarge this place using space manipulation."

She uses her thought to activate the space manipulation ability to manipulate the space of the room, She stretches the space inside the room expanding its size 20 times, and moments later the 3 by 3 meters room becomes 60 by 60 meters.

"Is this enough master?" Ela ask.

"It is more than enough," I reply.

I walked to that center and then took out the large door of the Door Of Mirrors after that I ordered Ela to bond herself to the door, and when that all finish I and Ela went to the Place Of Replica inside the door to call the others again, I can just call them in an instant without doing this, but what is the fun of that so I decided to visited them in their replicated world.

The moment we entered the Door of Mirrors, we teleported to my desired location inside the Place Of Replica.

The First Replicated world that I and Ela visited was the earth of universe 7 of the Dragon Ball Super Multiverse. The Reality where the Dragon Ball Super Multiverse is located doesn't have a concept of Gigaverse, Megaverse, and Omniverse, only the universe, multiverse, and dimension exist in the mortal realm, the void of the mortal realm contains an infinite number of Dimension rather than infinite number of Omniverse, because of this only universal God and Multiverse God existed in the mortal realm. this structure of reality was rare making this reality unique.

Each Dimension Contains only 12 universes, in the past the number of universes in each dimension was infinite but because of some reason, all the versions of Zenos in each dimension decided to destroy it, only leaving 12 of the universes, this horrific destruction was created by Zeno using only one strike.

Also, the size of the universe in this reality is true infinite similar to the size of an Omniverse, the dimension has a size of true infinite(true infinite), while the void has a size of true infinite^true infinite.

Supreme Kai is a level 3 existence, God of the destruction of each universe is a level 11 existence, angles is a level 12 existence, and lastly, Zeno and Grandpriest is a level 13 existence. ops too much info there so I will return.

At that moment I and Ela were in front of Bulman's house or should I say capsule organization's main building, This building is massive to the point that can be used as a headquarters of an organization.

Just like that, my tour around the Place Of Replica Started, I visited a lot of Replicated Realities to call the same employees that I called last time.

I can call them without doing this tour, but I decided to do it because it's more fun than calling them with my Unique Dojutsu All Replica.

After 3 hours of wandering around the Place Of Replica, I finished what I was going to do, so Ela and I returned to the real world and started to prepare the store.