1 Kilometer/Km= 1,000 meter/m
1 Mile/M= 1,600 meter/m
1 Astronomical units/AU= 149,597,000 Km
1 light year= 9,000,000,000,000 km/ 6,000,000,000,000 M
Infinite= infinite light year, infinite km and mile, etc.
True infinite= infinite^infinite(infinite^inifinite)(infinite^infinite)...
Beyond Infinite= Beyond all concepts of infinite.
Unknown/normal unknown= there is no measure or words that can measure or describe this, unknown can't be measured by infinite, true infinite, beyond infinite. The unknown is beyond all measurements and concepts of space and distance.
All surpasses the unknown and everything, this is the combination of everything.
All and Unknown is surpassed by a higher level of unknown and this will continue infinitely.
^ exponents symbol
() multiplication symbol
... Never-ending, endless, and infinite
/ or