The show-down between Sharon ad Joanna was so big that the entire company heard about it. As usual, Arianna Stephens was the bringer of news, the biggest gossip girl Cindy Richards had ever seen!
"Can you believe that Julia Bloom put Sharon Toll in such hot soup just because she did not want to go down alone? Unbelievable!"
It was unbelievable indeed. Sharon Toll had been the one enabling all of Julia's antics and now that Julia's schemes had been revealed to everyone, Sharon was also not going to be left off easily!
Cindy Richards listened with glee. Ever since she had reconstructed her relationship with Alexander, nothing mattered to her anymore! But she was still another gossip girl herself so she did not pass on this chance of getting all the juicy details!
"So what happened next?"
Arianna Stephens explained even while showing appropriate hand signals just so her delivery could be on point!