Chapter 39 - Red handed

Alexander Sterling looked up and was immediately met with Cindy's pale face. He pushed Gia Logan who was close to him away and immediately stood up in a panic and called, "Cindy!"

Cindy could not believe what she was seeing. She stared in disbelief at Alexander Sterling and the woman beside him. The first thing Cindy Richards noticed was how beautiful she was and how composed she looked even after being found kissing someone else's husband!

When Cindy got in just now, Alexander was looking towards the other side and Gia Logan was also looking at his direction. Her head was tilted to the side and her eyes were closed dedicatedly.

The two of them were…kissing!

Cindy looked at Alexander in disbelief, "Is this what you wanted me to see?"

Gia Logan was the one who answered instead of Alexander Sterling, "What do you think you are doing here? This is a private room!"

Cindy looked at her in disbelief and said slowly, "I am sorry I interrupted you guys…"

Gia Logan laughed, "It is good that you know your place and apologized quickly!"

Alexander Sterling looked at her and shouted, "Shut Up!"

This was the very first time he was shouting this way in his life. He stood up and walked towards Cindy. His eyes were apologetic, "It is not what you think!"

Cindy laughed. She was afraid the tears she was holding in were going to fall yet she masked it with the laughter. She looked at him and smiled sadly, "It does not matter, it is your life anyway so don't mind me."

Alexander looked at her desperately, "Cindy…"

Cindy walked inside and sat down, 'You wanted me to meet our friends? You meant her?"

Gia Logan looked at Cindy walking towards her and raised an eyebrow, 'Who do you think you are? Why are you getting in! we were in the middle of something!"

Cindy laughed, "And I already apologized for interrupting you!" she shouted.

She was so anry that she thought she was going to break something.

She turned and looked at Alexander Sterling, "I already met your friend, I am so glad I did. Anyways, I am going home now, I think I have seen enough for today!"

She then walked out like nothing happened but deep down her heart was in so much pain that she thought it was impossible for someone to feel what she was feeling.

Once she was outside, the tears started to fall like a waterfall.

She did not even look where she was going.

She thought that Joanna Bloom was the only one yet she was not aware that there were others outside here.

The image of Alexander kissing that woman in there stuck inside her mind and she wished she could have not seen them in the first place. Her head was heavy and her heart was in so much pain that it was hard to breathe.

Alexander was the man she loved yet no matter how much she tried, it was impossible to have him love her only!

Her body swayed and just before her body hit the ground, she felt those arms and smelt that scent that always made her go mad,

She quickly pushed him away, 'Don't touch me!"

Alexander's body swayed from the push. He looked at Cindy in surprise and then walked over to try and hold her hand, "Nothing happened…" he whispered, "…Nothing at all!"

Cindy Richards had seen what she saw so it was not easy to get fooled anymore. She laughed but she did not know whether she was laughing at herself or at the situation she was in.

She looked at Alexander Sterling squarely in the eyes, "I don't expect you to explain yourself to me. I know this situation has been hard for you too and it is normal that you went out to…"

Her speech trailed as she could not say those words out loud.

She looked up, "…but, calling me to witness you being all touchy with other women was not part of the plan. I already said it is okay for you to find someone but seeing you like this…"

It hurt…it hurt so bad that she stopped breathing for a second.

Alexander walked closer to her, "Her brother is my friend, he was the one I told you about. When you walked in, she was taking something out of my…"

The more he explained the more wrong he sounded.

Cindy wiped her tears away and looked at Alexander Sterling, "There is no need to explain yourself to me, I understand. I will probably stay with my parents for a while so don't worry about me. Let us meet tomorrow, alright."

Alexander could not put in any last word before Cindy Richards walked away. He could only stare at her back as it got far from him. There was helplessness in his gaze.

They were fine just a few minutes ago yet now he was watching her leave him in such a manner. He wanted to run after her and tell her that no one had ever mattered the way she did and that no one would ever come close to them but she had a different idea of the reality that would be hard to turn around.

Just now, what happened in the room was not what she saw at all yet he could not even explain himself properly.

He could only let her go like this but watching her back mover further and further away.

For some reason, this signified something but he did not know what it was just yet!

He quickly took out his phone and made a call to Logan Johns. Once the call was connected, he said in a cold voice, "I need an explanation right now! If I don't get any, I will pull out all my investments from your company. I am sure there ae many other investors willing to work with you!"

Logan Johns was scared, "Alex…Ale…"

He could not finish because Alexander had cut off the call!

He turned towards Gia Logan and shouted angrily, "What did you do?"