"And that… well that's just the way the news goes SISTER. Wait a darn minute baka were are you're lil UNDWYYYWEARRR" Hia my names dananimal senpai and this, well this is just my story *cums. Oopsies.. I bet you're wondering "how… how did he get here??????" and well to be honest to learn all that we have to go wayyyy back *shoots African child. sowwy he was twesspasing🥺 back to what I was saying let's learn how did I got here
*cuts to dananimal being birthed* WOOOOOOOO not that far back silly sugoi baka😂🤣🤣😂🤣
*correctly cuts to him in m-m-m-iddle school*
Ahhhhh middle school how I miss it. Well that's me,nothing special *points to super kawaia blacked out cutie patootie prodigy whom all the girls thirst for*
"HEY nigger"
What do you want now Brandon.
Um not kawaia desu 👉😜👈