Ralph, Loretta, Dereck and Clara were in the clinic, but Mark lay asleep with his arms and head on his wife's bed, but Carla came in and moved him slowly, inviting him to breakfast, telling him that Jenna was fine and that the nurse would take care of her.
The nurse went in, checked everything and went out very calmly, she looked around and when she saw that no one was there, she called on her cell phone and told someone on the other end of the line that everything was clear.
The elevator opened and a figure emerged and walked towards the room where Jenna was lying in a coma, he entered and sat down next to her, took one of her hands and began to talk to her.
"My love, wake up, your children need you, I need you, I am not calm to know that you are like this in silence, you should be enjoying the warmth of your children and they should feel their mother giving them her attention.