Chapter 2 - Prologue

2 weeks ago

Smoke from cigarettes filled the room as we waited for the moll. The boss had already left for Vienna to pick up some drugs he'd transport to Detroit, and he left Danica La Rosa in charge. 

Her heels clicked against the wooden floor as she stepped into the room, holding a stick of cigarettes in her hand. She paused abruptly in front of Scarlett, sitting on the table. She placed her leg down on the elevation just below the table, smoking her cigarettes without batting us an eye.

"Where's she?"  Rosa asked as the newbie among us stepped out.

"Under boss," she replied.

"Moll is good as well." Heard you want to join the mafia and be part of the fratellanza? "Well, have you taken the omerta yet?" Rosa continued. 

"Sí, when the boss was around." She replied.

"I see.  You want to be bad, tough, and dangerous? It's really difficult being a mafioso around here. "You got balls?" Smoke escaped her lips as she spoke.


"Who am I to stop you?" "Good luck! You would rather not be una saccente around us." She walked across the room.

"Che bruta!  Do you want to be among the fratellanza? You know, we mafiosi are usually bello. "What the hell happened to you, sleeping beauty?" Posson teased.

"Chiudere il becco!" Rosa fired back in defense of the newbie. "Che bruta yourself; she's a lady; why would she be bello?" Pazzo cafone."  She let out a sigh. "Get your guns loaded; we've got a mission tonight." Tonight, Posson and Scarlett, you'd get the supplies from the penthouse basement. This task is for Catarina. Once you get the supplies, Rina, you get them across borders without being caught, and you give them to someone named Leo Riga in France. I already got your visa ready; you screw it up, and the corps find you. you're alone.  You don't dare mention this family name to anyone; break the rules, and you'd be dead in two. "All you need to know about Leo is there; take your time to study it." Rosa said and left immediately. 

Catarina is the newbie. 

Rosa was widely known for being dangerous, beautiful, and vile; she wasn't one to mess with. She always did her job well and came out unscathed; let's say she doesn't have a heart.


"Under boss, don't you think she'd screw it up?" Posson asked as we sat under the moonlight, drinking and smoking. 

"Posson, she's equipped, I don't doubt her skills. Keep an eye on Catarina, tell me what's going on. To be part of this fratellanza, she has to ace this job and do it squeaky clean. I don't have room for cowards." She carefully lit her cigarettes. 

"Boss is on the phone and would like to talk to you," Posson said. 

"Rosa," Diego started. 

"Sí, Boss." She replied. 

"How's the new girl?"

"Still checking her abilities. She's to deliver the supplies to Leo tomorrow, but we get the supplies tonight." Rosa says.

"You sure she can deliver?"

"Boss, we've never had a coward among us, we don't deal with cowards. She's got liver for this." She assured. 

"Okay, if you say so."

"Heard she did the omertà when you were here," Rosa said as she lifted the glass to her lips.

"Sí. Keep an eye on her. One wrong move and we're screwed. She breaks the rules, chiudere il becco, you know what I mean." He continued as she nodded. 

"I don't need to be reminded, seems you've forgotten who I am, boss? I'm Rosa da Viper, I don't screw things up."

There was a little silence as Rosa kept taking drags and shots. 

"Got a job for you. Under the mattress, there's an envelope," Diego said as she signalled Posson to get it for her. 

"Okay?" She replied when she got the envelope. 

"Got it?"


"Take your time to go through it, we need to recover an important document from him, Xavier Jarred, do whatever thing you can, to recover it, if it's not possible, chiudere il becco, clean the slate. Got it?" Diego instructed. 

"Sí, Boss." 

"One more thing, is everyone there?" He asked. 

"Yes, boss." She replied as she kept going through the files.

"Don't call Rosa under boss, call her boss, she's the boss in my absence, hope they can hear me?" Diego asked, and they replied in unison. "Good, get back to me when the job is done, Rosa," Diego said and hung up.

Rosa spent the rest of the evening drinking, smoking and going through files. Catarina walked in when she was busy with Xavier's file. 

"Boss, about that, my name's not on the visa you handed me," Rina said.

"Rina da Vipera, don't be dumb! No one should know your actual name…you go by Rina Vipera." Rosa says, not lifting her head from the file.

"Oh….boss? Is your name Rosa, then?" She inquires further. 

"How dare you! I'd have punished you, but you're new, you dare not call your boss by the name. Leave!" Rosa yelled as Catarina flinched before leaving. 

Rosa got up and paced around a little longer. She had planned to start the task the next day. 

She stole a glance at her watch, it was 11:52 pm, she walked back into the house. 

The door flung open causing them to stare…

"Boss…it's time," Posson said.

"Move it! Move your ass, and get your guns, guys!

Rosa sat across from them in the room on the sofa, cross-legged as she sipped her drink, whilst rolling it in her mouth. She stole a glance at the wall clock that hung on the shabby wall, the windows in the house were broken, and the paintings on the walls were already wearing off. 

She glanced at the clock at subsequent times as she sat there taking drags. She sprung to her feet, almost rushing as Rina walked past her with ammunition. Furthermore, she grabbed her by the arm and gently pulled her back. 

"Tonight's not for you, it's for the guys. You stay with me tonight, we get you packed for tomorrow," Rosa said, taking the ammunition from her. She eyed Rosa for a while before settling down. She watched them load their guns, and bury the daggers in sheaths that were supported by their belts on their waistlines. 

They seemed so prepared for whatever was waiting out there. 

"Scarlett, I put you in charge of this operation, report to me when you guys get the supplies," Rosa said before they walked into the night.

"We'd implant you with the stuff Mr. Leo is to receive. Be confident and don't be scared or nervous. It's your first mission, make sure you don't flunk! If having sex would make the job smoother and cleaner, do it, you've got to do whatever it takes to come out clean. WHATEVER IT TAKES, RINA." Rosa emphasized.

"They detect fear and suspicion arises? What are you guys implanting in me?"

"You don't ask for details of your task when you're given a task, you do as you're asked, without questions! I believe you're already familiar with the rules, don't talk to cops." Rosa said and lifted the bottle of whiskey from the table to her mouth level, she eyed Rina before walking away. 

1½ hour later

"Boss, clear, we're heading home now," Scarlett informed.

"Seems this operation was quite free and easy, smooth too," Rosa said referring to Rina. 

"Are they always like this?"

"No, some are far too risky," Rosa replied. 

They returned shortly after, looking so exhausted, they stacked up the supplies in Rina's corner before going to bed.