There were still many soldiers who were holding their ground and fighting hard to protect the barracks and their fellow soldiers. As there were still many who were holding the line for the next ones, while staring helplessly at their fellow brothers as they couldn't help the soldiers who were dying in front of them, for them.
After witnessing the terrible sight, Derek's mind started spinning around and the first thought that came to him was about… his King, Is he safe? Attacking the military barracks in Ermaan, Alpha Team, Gamma Team and even Derek's absence is not a gain but a loss. Showcasing power to the innocent, out of the house soldier isn't considered bravery and strength but cowardness. The cowardness of attacking from behind. The cowardness of having no morals. The cowardness of having no rules to follow. The cowardness of not having the strength to pick a fight with a true warrior. The cowardness of stabbing the warrior's back.