Chereads / I'm The Third Warlock Lady / Chapter 121 - 120 - Gun

Chapter 121 - 120 - Gun

A/N: The chapter ahead is raw, which means not been proofread yet nor edited.


"How could you be so hyper? It's midnight, you should go to sleep now, Sir," Emperor Ohms told his son who's giggling as he tickle him.

They're taking a walk around the Palace. It's very lively because the dragons were celebrating in advance for the Ki'zaar's and Mi'zaar's union. The Prince is almost wrapped like a burrito to keep him warm. The night is very cold, but what's happening far from them is hot.

"Ba! Baba!" The Prince babbled and pointed his father's cheek. He reached out for him, the Emperor lowered his head down until the Prince touched him.

"Oh no, I got hurt. This is for you. Tickle attack!"

Voltage Xirquit pauses from his walk when he caught them together. He couldn't sleep; his wife is still with their youngest son. He just returned hours ago from checking on his other children, who he brought with him back to the Palace and are now staying inside.

"Ehem," he faked a cough to get their attention. When they looked at him, he flashed a small smile.

"H-Hi?" Was his awkward greeting to them.

"It's Grandpa. Wave your hand to him. How to wave your hand?"

The Emperor opened his swaddle to free his hands. First, the Prince stretched his hands and feet while yawning. When he's done, he looked at his father and touched his cheek again, receiving another tickle attack.

"He's getting better, I see. It's nice to hear him laugh," said Voltage Xirquit now that he got nearer. There's an awkward distance between them. After all, he don't know what to call the Emperor. His son? Or his first self's son, that is his son too, but only by blood?

Empeore Ohms is a familiar stranger to him.

"And very hyper. Look, he won't sleep. He's so naughty," the Emperor chuckled.

Voltage Xirquit smiled, "Then he's very much like you. You... My son, Ohms, when he was as little as him, is a very smiley baby. He wakes up before us, that whenever we open our eyes, he will jump on us while smiling. I missed that. I don't know what happened to my boy and he lost his smile."

Emperor Ohms was still. He dodged the topic by talking about the Prince more.

"Do you want to hold him?"

To that his father did not refuse. He carried the Prince in his arms---and his memories of being a father flashed back in his mind. The feeling of holding a thing so small, the delight of overflowing expectations for the child, and the responsibilities he must fulfill as a father and as a best-friend.

He quickly wiped the tear that escaped from his eye.

"I-I'm sorry. I was nobody's favorite. Everyone loves their mother more. But that's okay. I love that they love their mother. She's everything to us---"

"It was you."

Voltage Xirquit darted his tearful eyes to the Emperor when he cut him off. The Emperor is only looking at the Prince, who's looking at his grandfather with wondering eyes. He feel safe with him. Voltage Xirquit is comforting.

"It was you. For me. I will choose you over our mother anytime. You're...a better parent."

Voltage Xirquit slowly looked down. The Prince beamed him a smile, that turned into an 'O' when his tears began falling down to him. Seeing him cry triggered him to cry, too. Now, they're both crying; one is loud and the other is keeping his tears to himself.

He feel...fulfilled. He feel proud that he became the best parent for his children, that he became a parent that is unlike his.

"Thank you, Dad. I wished that in every timeline that will be created, I will still be your son."

Voltage Xirquit surrendered and releases the sobs he was suppressing. Emperor Ohms threw his arms around his father, tapping his back and his son to comfort them.

Franchetti Xerene wiped her tears with a smile from the things she heard. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, and good thing she didn't show herself to them. It was their moment. It felt like a closure for her. A closure between father and son. Her guts tells her that something must have happened in the Emperor's life that is different from theirs. She left them alone, but she's not the only eavesdropper in the family. Elektra and Spike were hiding in the high trees, covering their mouths to suppress their sobs, too.

Voltage Xirquit taught his son the key points in fatherhood and some techniques on how to put a hyper baby to sleep. Now, the Prince is purring, peaceful in his crib. They watched over him until they have decided to get a drink for themselves. They are now the ones who cannot sleep.

They talked about their lives: the Emperor told about his childhood. His father was blushing from the beginning with a coy smile, because most of his stories were with him. He told him that he was a hands-on father, that he prioritizes him over his works, and that he was always present in every school event. Before, it was just him and his dad. Without Elektra, yet.

And Voltage Xirquit found out that the Emperor was a singer and was in a band. That's where the Emperor's story ended, so he finally got to share his---about himself and about this timeline's Ohms Tesla Xirquit.

Voltage Xirquit was the first to submit to sleep. The first to get drunk. The Emperor watched him in his place, with his legs crossed and shaking a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"Your Imperial Majesty, should I send him to their room?" suggest Celia.

"Isn't he the best father in the world, Celia?"

Celia bowed her head a little more, "Yes. I am well aware that the Grand Duke is the best amongst the rest when it comes to parenting."

The Emperor nodded in agreement. His mood suddenly fell when the weight of the past hopped on his shoulders.

"One day, I asked him if I could get a guitar. He was surprised, but he promised he will get me one. But I have to wait for my birthday. So, I waited. It's the only time he delayed a gift for me. Wanna know why?"

"I want to know, Emperor," Celia smiled.

"Because within those months before my birthday, he was practicing how to play one. We exchanged schedules when I started going to school. Soon, I didn't need the paper anymore. In the morning, he will send me to school. During my breaks, he will be the one to bring my snacks and lunch while in his handsome suit. Then by the afternoon, we will go home together, eat dinner together, put me to sleep, and our day is over. Little did I know, he secretly added another event in his schedule. At night, Uncle Paris will come to teach him how to play guitar. My Dad, who I thought knows how to do everything, doesn't know how to play a guitar. He practiced for months, hid his hands in gloves so I wouldn't see his cuts. And when my birthday came, he gave me the most valuable guitar in the world. The one he crafted himself, and he's the one who taught me how to play it."

Celia gently wiped the tears forming in her closed eyes.

"I wish he knows how much I love him."

Emperor Ohms smiled at his father who fell down to the couch. Voltage Xirquit smiles.

"Cheers to the best father that ever lived," he toast in the air and drink his liquor until the bottom is up.

Morning came to them so long. Last night was the longest night. Still, the newlyweds hadn't returned from the dragon land yet. Watts Xirquit had gained consciousness. The first person he looked for was Azarese, so his mother told him the truth.

Prince Maximilien is awake now, too. He slept with the Emperor, his grandfather, and his father. Both are still fast asleep on his sides, so he got the time to stare at them. To know them.

He could kill them right now. Foolish men who put their guards down. Killing them will be as easy as one, two, three. His hands are quick; it will be over for them once he pulls his guns and knives out to shoot them and stab them to death.

But he couldn't.

Emperor Maxism is pretending to be asleep and so is Prince Maxigaufeas. A test for the Prince. They're testing the Prince.

"How come Mommy married this idiot? He's so ugly," the Prince grumbled to himself and the father and son was so offended.

'I don't make ugly babies!' the Emperor wanted to defend his son.

"I will kill you next time," the Prince grinned and chuckled evilly to himself. When Emperor Maxism faked a stretch and yawn, the Prince immediately went back to bed to pretend that he's still sleeping.

Emperor Maxism get up, "Aww, my boys are still asleep. So sad, I wanted to play with my grandson," he said with a sigh, but it's just a bait.

It's like the Prince's ear clapped when he heard the word 'play', so he pretended to be waking up.

"It's morning now? Wow, I'm surprised that you're still alive," he grinned.

"Yes, yes, my grandson. We're at your mercy. If you're tired, you can sleep more. We will play later---"


The Prince gasped when it's too late to take it back.

"I mean, how dare you? I'm not playing with you. You're playing with me! Get up and wash me! I want to play!"

Emperor Ohms chuckled, "Yes, our merciful Prince. Should we take a bath altogether? I will show my mus-kels!" And the Emperor flexed his arms to the Prince. Prince Maxigaufeas was in disbelief.

"I will get bigger mus-kels. Hmmp! You're thin! Very weak! I'm the strongest in the world!"

Emperor Maxism picked him up while agreeing to every word he says.

They took a bath altogether, but Prince Maxigaufeas is far from them. He's on the other side of the pool, watching them play with the water with water guns. He flinched when the Prince shoot him water right on his face.

"Heh! You didn't even dodged that!? You're fucking weak, motherfucker!"

"A-Ah, please don't say bad words." Emperor Maxism felt like his heart will explode from that.

"You little runt! Let's see who's weak!"

Prince Maxigaufeas pulled his special water gun, the one he's been using since birth against his brother and father, to use it on his son this time. It was so powerful that it sent Prince Maximilien to the other side of the pool.

"Who's weak? My water gun is not as cheap as yours!" He bragged. Emperor Maxism was stuck in between. He felt something ominous coming to him!

"You stupid peasant! How dare you give me this cheap water gun! I want that! Give that to me!"

Emperor Maxism cupped his face now that his son and grandson started a fight. But he found this chance to fool the Prince, now. Two months is a short time and must use everything he can to win the challenge. Otherwise, his loss will result is the loss of their lives.

"Stop, stop, stop! How about I set rules for you?"

Prince Maximilien stopped from shooting his father. Prince Maxigaufeas smirked and bombed him, pushing him back to the farthest side of the pool.


Emperor Maxism didn't know that he could be faster than light when get to him to stop his hands from pulling the real deal. He gave Prince Maxigaufeas a threatening wide eyes.

"A-Ahahaha, it's part of our play! How about you listen to me? I have something FUN to say!" He said, emphasizing the word 'fun' to get the Prince's attention.

The little Prince crossed his arms with a frown.

Emperor Maxism sat down and put him on his lap. Then, he showed him the rubber ducks and floating toys shaped into guns.

"I want to be honest in you. To win your trust, I must be honest with you. Your mother and I made a bet. I fearlessly challenged her that I can change you and your ways. Remember, you gave your word to me already before. If you're truly a man, you won't break it. Unless you want to embarrass yourself. 'Oh no, that Prince can't keep his words! He's a con!' Do you want people to call you that? Do you want them to compare you to your brothers?"

"I'm better than those dumb-asses!"

Emperor Maxism washed his face with water while laughing nervously.

"You're right. You're better, because you're my grandchild! My grandchild is the best!"

Prince Maximilien grinned.

"That's right! I am! Because I am Maximilien! I am the best!"

Emperor Maxism showered him with more praises.

"But you see, she only gave us two months to be together. Every time you will do something good, we will give you tokens of good deeds. To which you will put them in a tower. Once the tower is full, the prize on the top will be yours. Your prize for being a good boy, a new man."

Prince Maximilien grimaced, but he get what he's trying to say.

"You want me to be nice to people? Fuck, I hate people. I will kill people because they're dumb!"

Prince Maxigaufeas rolled his eyes from his awful reason.

"The prize will be a gun. A very cool and dangerous gun!"

That piqued the Prince's interest.

"A-And what about it?" He tried to act like he didn't care, but he do.

"I'm a craftsman myself, too! I may not look like it, but I'm actually a genius as well! That gun is the gun of my dreams. Like you, I fantasize about having cool things. If I can't have it, then I will make it. I've been trying to finish that gun since forever. The idea is even older than my sons combined! Even you! And guess what,"


The Emperor whispered to him, "It's done~"

The Prince's face light up in excitement, but he immediately hide it into a haughty expression. But no matter what he do, he couldn't keep his excitement hidden in a closet.

"I planned on giving it to my boy Maxigaufeas here---"

"NO! THAT'S MINE! THAT'S MY GUN!" The Prince snarled and stand up. Emperor Maxism chuckled and nodded. He carried the Prince.

"Let me finish first. Like I said, I planned on giving it to him before. My original plan was to give it to the first one who will give me a grandchild. But I remembered, your Uncle Claxiord likes swords more than guns. That's why it's left for your Dad. But then you came! A grandchild, my grandson!"

He raised the Prince over his head with a genuine smile.

"I'm so happy! My first grandson, can you imagine it? That's when I thought, why not give it to you? We have the same interests. I love guns, I make guns, and you love guns! It may seem like I'm using it to win you, well I do, but I am really happy that you happened. My boy,"

He put the Prince down and sat him on his thigh. The Prince looked down, listening.

"I know you hate us. You loathe us. Isn't it frustrating? Anger is frustrating, especially when the person you hate have no idea about why you hate them. I'm feeling the same way as you, but to the motherfucker that harmed my sister, your grandma. Can you not see your mom in her at least? They're both strong women, wronged women, but look at them. Resisting, fighting their monsters. Because they have us, your Mommy have you. They have people to love them and help them heal. And we, I, my boy, want to help you heal."

He kissed the Prince's head.

"Asking for forgiveness over and over again will sound like we never mean it as time goes by, so let us show it by making it up to you. We were given a second chance to make things right even though it wouldn't change a thing about the past. And I'm sorry, I really do. You're a good boy. You were just wronged. We were all once good boys, who turned bad because of bad people and unfortunate choices."

Prince Maximilien fought his tears to not fall.

"Let us love you too, boy. This grandpa wants to make things right. We'll do it slow. Won't it be better to have fun together forever? Play together forever? Instead of doing it in fleeting two months, why not make it last forever more? The process of healing is long, but it will be fulfilling. You can choose to not forgive your Daddy yet. Don't forgive us yet, but give us a chance. Apo, as long as your Lolo is alive, no harm will come your way. Your Dad will never be able to hurt you, because I will be your shield. I'm the one who's holding their leash. So, trust me, hmm? We will do this altogether. We're a family. The coolest grandpa is here, and you can put your faith in him."

[Translation: Apo - grandchild (can be used to refer to a grandson and granddaughter, too) ; Lolo - grandfather.]

Prince Maximilien turned around to hug him.

"That... That mean husband of Mommy hurt me last night. Where is Kuya Zoddy? He will protect me from him. Mommy... Mommy abandoned me. I didn't... I didn't mean to..."

Empeore Maxism smiled and tapped his back.

Oh, children. What a handful.

"Don't worry, we'll work on your relationship with your brothers, too. Prince Valerian is forgiving. Even when you said mean things to Prince Zodiac before, he came to save you when you called him. They love you. It's just that you're hard to love, but they love you. You're brothers. So, don't be afraid. Apologize to Prince Vars. Apologize to his Daddy, apologize to Prince Valerian. Apologize to people you wronged when they only wanted to love you. Don't be afraid. I will be with you. If they harm you, remember that I am your shield."

So, they did.

Prince Maximilien is hiding behind his grandfather the Emperor with shaking knees as they stood before Empeore Ohms and Prince Vars in the dining room. Emperor Ohms, with Voltage Xirquit's supervision, is feeding the Prince with liquid food.

"What is that bastard doing here? Do you want to get slapped again?"

Voltage Xirquit placed his hand on the Emperor's shoulder to calm him down, "I don't think so. I think he's here with good intentions. Right, child?"

Emperor Ohms threw a dirty look at his father.

"You're siding that bastard?"

"Don't call him that. He's not," Voltage Xirquit sighed.

Prince Maximilien looked at Prince Vars getting carried by the Emperor upright. Surprisingly, the Prince was already looking at him with curiosity. The Prince placed his hand on his cheek. Prince Maximilien gasped, then hid behind his grandfather when he realized what it meant.

Prince Vars thought that he will hurt him again, he thinks so.

"See? My genius son remembered what you did to him."

"That's why he's here to apologize," Emperor Maxism, "They're brothers. Let them make up. Come, Apo."

Emperor Maxism picked up his hand and brought him closer to them, but Emperor Ohms was too intimidating for the Prince.

A man named Ohms Tesla Xirquit instilled fear and trauma to two generations of Vernignacs. Different Ohms Tesla Xirquit at that, but the trauma was real, to a father and son.

Prince Maximilien squeaked in fright, tightly closing his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, B-Brother... I... I'm sorry U-Uncle. I won't do it again. I'm sorry..."

Emperor Maxism smiled down at him proudly. Prince Maxigaufeas is not with them---he's outside the Dining Hall. He refused to meet the Emperor. Something spiked in his gut that told him that if he do, he will die.

It didn't wipe the nasty expression on the Emperor's face. But when Prince Vars clapped and laughed, his expression softened.

If an innocent child like him can forgive a simple mistake, why couldn't he?

Prince Vars saved his brother. Voltage Xirquit could see his son coming to hurt the poor Prince again, had Prince Vars not changed the atmosphere between them.

"Ba-ba! Da! DADA!"

Emperor Ohms's eyes widened. He was so shocked that he rose to his seat while facing the Prince towards him.

"Did you call me? You heard him, right? He said 'Dada!'"

"Dabu!" Prince Vars smiled and giggled.

"Celia, make the rest of the year a holiday. My son called me first. His first word!"

And Celia bowed happily to make it happen, "Congratulations, Your Imperial Majesty. The Prince deserved such recognition."

"You don't have to! That's exaggerated!" Voltage Xirquit and Emperor Maxism stopped them. The rest of the year, A HOLIDAY? Insane!

"You're lucky, brat. I will let you off the hook for now. But do it again, and you will never get to open those ugly red eyes again. Understand?"

Prince Maximilien nodded fast. As a token of never breaking his promise, he gifted Prince Vars is prized possession, the same gun that he used to curse his grandfather.

"T-This is my favorite gun. Return this to me if I broke my promise of never hurting you again. It doesn't have bullets..."

Prince Vars's eyes twinkled from the new thing he sighted and leaned over to get it. He did so suddenly that he almost fell. The gun was light. Prince Maximilien made so. Its sized shrinked to something that can fit in his tiny hands properly.

Until a loud gunshot almost stopped their hearts from beating. Emperor Ohms was in daze as his head was left tilting to the side. His ear was bleeding. Prince Vars...pulled the trigger. His power created the bullet and almost cursed his father.

"H-H... How about we keep this away? H-Haha! Let's it give to him again once he's older," Voltage Xirquit said after collecting himself. He tried taking the gun from Prince Vars, but he pouted at him.

"Hmm!" The Prince pulled the gun back.

"Please let it go. You're scaring me," Voltage Xirquit smiled but he's anxious. The gun is pointing at him.

Emperor Ohms glared at Prince Maximilien.

"No! I didn't gave him that to harm you!" He cried.

Emperor Ohms sighed. He took the gun himself from the Prince who followed. He gave it to Celia to keep it away for the meantime.

Prince Vars cried. Emperor Ohms sat down to calm him, but the Prince is eager to get his toy back. His hand landed on the table. It exploded to pieces.

They were dumbfounded.

"YADA, DADA! YADA!" The Prince tantrum and raised his hands to slam them against the Emperor, when Voltage Xirquit immediately saved his son from death by showing him another toy.

A toy car.

"Wow~ A-A car! Isn't this better, son? Broom, broom~"

Distracted, Prince Vars giggled in delight. Instead of hitting his father, he took the car with his open hands instead. Emperor Ohms blinked. He can't be wrong---he definitely felt that he almost died. Prince Vars almost killed him.

Now that the brothers had reconciled, they let them play together in the Living Room with Solana. They're coloring books. Prince Vars can now sit on a stroller. His regeneration is peaking. Sooner or later, he'd be a healthy boy.

Duke Paris arrived and gave Emperor Maxism a look. But he can't leave Prince Maximilien behind with Emperor Ohms.

"Go. They're playing," the Emperor assured him. Emperor Maxism felt at ease and told the Prince he will leave him for a moment---and he agreed without looking at him because he's busy playing.

"What is it?"

Duke Paris pulled him to the side.

"How long are we going to act like nothing is happening? When are we moving? Talk to your people. What if those bastards are starting to run away? They're in the Empire. I know they do, but can't pinpoint who."

"That would be easy once I got my first soul from her."

Duke Paris scoffed, "What's in it that you want it so badly? Your sister won't wait! What if she does something to herself again? Max, we're against someone who can make people forget them! C'mon, let's do something!"

Emperor Maxism understand why the Duke is being impatient. First, he's worried about his family's safety. Second, because he seeks revenge, too. And lastly, he's a brother to Aviana Lavender. The same atrocities happened to her twice. What was the reason? For what? Who took them and how did they do it? To think that they could sneak on Emperor Maxism like that... They're against someone indescribable.

"Paris," he placed his hands on the Duke's shoulders, "Let them out. We will find them. We have strong allies on our side. The Ki'zaar and Ohms. There's so much to know about Their Side, too. We also have Daro. I know, our plates are full, but we will eat them all. We will destroy the world if we must. Fight those Deities if we must. Our baby girl wished hell for them, so we will give them hell."

Duke Paris shook his head.

"Just tell me that you're rusting. The Maxism I know will act first before thinking. He will only, once he's in action already."

Emperor Maxism smiled, "Boy, we learn and change every day. It's not obvious, but we do. I will tell you my secrets. You will know once I got what I wanted from her. So, help me heal our grandchild. He's the key to that. And he's amazing. That little shit is a fucking weapon, man. We will use him and he will use us. Win-win."

Duke Paris palmed his face, "A fucking suicide. His mother is a monster, bro! Are you an idiot? It's because you're in coma that's why you have no idea---but she's bad news! The worst bad news!"

But the Emperor is set to be so carefree, "And crazy for her sons. Let's check on Watts later and ask him about Prince Zodiac. The Prince is on our side, too. No, he's on his brothers' side. We will win his trust by being good to his brothers. Prince Zodiac is someone we should not upset. We don't know what he's doing, but one thing's for sure: he is powerful. The most among the brothers."

"Really? We're ranking her children now based on their abilities!?"

Emperor Maxism shrugged in his defense, "Well? Their fathers were all bombs. She's the Third Lady of Heart, man. Creation Bloodline paired with other Bloodlines. Think, Paris. Use your brain for once. The boys are weapons. Do you know what his power is? Do you know what our grandchild's power is? Not yet. Other than shooting people and cursing them, we had no idea. You know that Copy Bloodline is said to be the most tragic Bloodline in all because they can only use their Bloodline to multiply things. But what is truly the Copy Bloodline? We don't know. But that," he stepped aside to point at Prince Maximilien.

"That one will change what we know all our life. Is Copy Bloodline only limited to 'multiplying' things, or can it 'copy' other magic? We haven't unlocked the full potential of their Bloodline yet, Paris. So please, be patient and observe our grandchild. If he can manifest 'copying' then the game will be over once my sons learned how to control it. You know Maxigaufeas, Aviana is his second mother already."

Duke Paris shooked his head again and stared at Prince Maximilien. Voltage Xirquit is showing the children how to make a paper plane. Prince Vars, too. But he's just crumpling the paper.

"Volt and his Emperor son suddenly became close. His real son is gone. His real son's body was possessed, and he's acting like there's no issue in that," Duke Paris scoffed.

"Let's be careful with that one, too, Paris. He's definitely 'Ohms', too, but I can't put my guards down around him. That Ohms is dangerous."

Emperor Ohms heard them despite their distance from him. He looked at them and both men stared at him with courage. He smirked.

They're catching up. He couldn't tell if that's a good thing or bad.