Chereads / I'm The Third Warlock Lady / Chapter 47 - 46 - His Equal

Chapter 47 - 46 - His Equal

I A/N: The chapter ahead is raw, which means not been proofread yet nor edited.1****1"The Deity is very pretty," was the first thing that came out from Lord Thirdy, "But very weird. I heard all she's ever done was eat."

They hissed.

"According to Xerena, the Deity's worshipper told her a prophecy---"

"Wait, what 'prophecy' and 'Deity's worshipper' are you talking about?" Duke Paris cut Watts's short.

Watts then told him the exact words Xerena shared to them earlier:

"The hidden Deity will be found and be freed. The truest of all truths lies in the Deity's scattered memories. By then the real evil will be revealed. A daughter and son of different but quite same suns, and a son of the moons' mother. If aligned, the heavens and hell will break. In between there will be a warp and the cries of the sacrificed will shatter the world."1Once again, they felt goosebumps. King Liorei brought the glass of drink to his mouth and drink it to wet his drying throat and calm his trembling nerves. 1"The girl will live twice. She will avenge herself. Her own blood will spill and only the wise can hold her back, but not truly. She won't take what were stolen back, for they have been hers in the beginning. A golden throne, bathe in her blood, is where she must sit. The darkness is beneath her feet. She will use a fake to test time. Her own blood tainted the fake; she lost her head."

"The second one...must be Moon, right? The Princess?" Lord Thirdy stuttered.

They nodded.

"Save the second one for later and let's focus on the Deity first," Spike. They nodded.

"I think the Princess is the one who found the Deity and freed her from where she was hidden. Otherwise, the Deity won't be tailing Moon around and won't just popped out of the blue like a mushroom if not that," King Liorei asserted, and he he can't be more sure than he already is.

"Definitely, since the Princess prolly met the Deity before. Their story, I don't know. But it's a wise move to get the Deity on Moon's side. Maybe she found her and freed her to protect Moon?" Franchetti Xerene guessed.

Her husband agreed, but is confused, "Maybe. But the Deity is weird and... If the Princess put the Deity beside Moon as her protector, why did she not help Moon back then? Why did she let Moon die...just like that?"

"Because once Moon is gone, the Princess will finally enter the scene?" Duke Paris hesitated, "Like a fucking grand entrance with a surprise. The Princess must've planned it. After all, the second prophecy said 'She will use a fake to test time'. To my assumption, the Princess used Moon to prove something, and her death proved what she's looking for. That's when she will rise from the grave to exact her revenge...on us."

He intertwined his numbing hands and gave everyone a glance.

"The Deity is reckless and carefree. But what is her story first? Who is she, other than the fact that she was the Matriarch's confidant?" Emperor-to-be Claxiord.

Prince Maxigaufeas raised his hand to answer, so they lend him their ears.

"I learned before in our History subject that the Creator created a being the same as him to help him build the universe that was once just a blank, empty space. The first woman was his equal and opposite, the very first woman. But the His Equal was lazy, the opposite of the Creator. She hated moving around, only floating here and there. To avoid doing chores, His Equal suggested having 'angels', and that's how the Creator made the Deities."

"Oh, I know that! Our professor always corrects us whenever we call her as 'Deity'. He said she is not merely 'an angel', and that it should be 'His Equal'. She's not a Deity. She's His Equal! But it's also correct to address her as 'Her Divine Almighty' since that's what the first people call her."

They shared a high five.

Duke Paris clapped while teary eyed, "Aww, they're really paying attention and studying well. It's worth paying those tuition fees."

"Dad, the Academia doesn't have tuition fees."

The Duke winced.

"Then, let's not call her a 'Deity' anymore. Continue, Maxi." Voltage Xirquit.

"Okay. Now that there are Deities, His Equal descended to Dragunovv. She then became 'His Equal who lived among the first people'. Where she lived? The continent that's now called the 'Warlock Empire'. The Warlocks were made from the Creator's flesh. And since His Equal is there, he put the Warlocks in the same land with her. I remember, Prince Zephyrus got mad when the professor said that their Empire belonged to His Equal. Well, the professor was right, though. His Equal was there first, probably the one who made the continent. His Equal is the landlord and they're just tenants. She could kick them one if she wants to."

Lord Thirdy nodded, strongly agree, "And she's still there, because she knows she own that land. As she should! Unlike the other great families who were given their own lands to build empires on, the Warlocks were placed in a land that's already occupied and were forced to make amends. But what happened to His Equal, though? Why was she hidden?"

"That we don't know of, yet. They said she just vanished. When, nobody knows. And when she's gone, the Warlocks reigned freely on her land."

They look at each other, getting the same thought in their heads.

"We will only know the truth once we gather all her memory fragments. We never truly knew this world's history. There's something out there that's so powerful that it managed to contain His Equal somewhere," Voltage Xirquit said as mystery loom in the spaces between them.

"Or maybe, she was outsmarted. She's dumb," King Liorei shamelessly point out, shocking them. But he already said what he said and that's the impression she left on him. Dumb.

"That's not a nice thing to say to His Equal, Your Majesty," Watts murmured, bothered.

King Liorei smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not insulting her. She's really just so dumb, even when she copied my knowledge. She's not even trying to look smart. I think it's cute."

The reaction plastered on everyone's faces look so disturbed, cringing, and bitter.

"She's not in your league. Don't even think about it," Franchetti Xerene shook her head.

"So are you, but I fell anyway."

Their jaws dropped.

King Liorei's boisterous laughter ring in their ears and they hate it.

"Anyways, we should do something about gathering her memory fragments. The bird is taking its time. We must learn the truth as soon as possible before things get out of our control."

Watts Xirquit, frowning at the King for insulting his mother, composed himself and put his grudge aside for later.

"A daughter and son of different but quite same suns, and a son of the moons' mother. If aligned, the heavens and hell will break. In between there will be a warp and the cries of the sacrificed will shatter the world," he repeated the words, "I don't know what the first line means."

Lord Thirdy suddenly remembered something. He wanted to say it, but he's afraid that he might be wrong or just assuming it.

"What? Say it?" Spike kicked his leg lightly when he noticed it.

"Do you have something to share?"

He's feeling pressured.

"Boy, calm down. Nobody's gonna beat you up for being wrong," the Duke chuckled and pat his son's back.

"Uhm, well... Do we not usually use 'sun' to pertain to royalties? Before the impostor, the Empress was our sun. When she was born, we began calling her 'Sun' for her golden attributes. And since we're talking about 'children' here, then the 'sun' is a 'mother'. I'm thinking about Empress Siofra here and her daughter, the Third Lady of Heart, and then her son, which is Zodiac?"

Prince Maxigaufeas pat the Lord's back, "I didn't know you have it in you. You're actually smart."

The Lord frowned and nudged the Prince's waist with his elbow.

"Different but quite same suns, huh. Your idea is actually acceptable knowing that they are related by blood, both an Empress. But what about the 'moons' mother'?" Elektra.

"The moons, as in the literal moon's? Not Moon the Princess?" Spike scratches his head. He's confused.

The Lord's gaze landed on the King who's also trying to breakdown what the lines meant in his head. When the King met his stares when he felt him staring at him, the Lord gulped.

"Zoddy..." Their eyebrows arched.

"Didn't Zoddy said, before he left, that you're the son of the moons' mother, the only light born from darkness?"