He was the first to break the peaceful silence.
—I'm coming back home right now. I went out with my friends to change things up, we spent the afternoon in the commercial district…
Aiden started to tell the story, with the necessary details to make a normal day sound as interesting as possible, the same events he had done before. He did not quite understand why, but Maika seemed to enjoy listening to stories like this, the most common and everyday ones. Nothing to do with the fantastic world she belonged to; in fact, peace, tranquility, and everyday life marked a direct contrast in her preferences. Maybe it was precisely because of this that Maika enjoyed these stories told with little grace from Aiden.
—You know? It's a shame that you transferred, we took a census and if you hadn't left, you had the potential, a superb chance, seriously, of being one of the school's Idols. You would have been the fifth finger that completes the God Hand! The mystical fifth Goddess of the second years, Maika! Does it not fit perfectly, huh?
—It sounds horrible —interrupted that same very mystical Maika—. Although, it doesn't sound as bad as the atmosphere in my new school. It won't last long, I know, and in the worst case I can get used to it. It's equal, uncomfortable, though. Seriously, I don't know what my master is thinking by transferring me to this school. My mission is to be by your side and keep an eye on you. They're so strict here that, apparently, on weekends we can only go out until noon. And to top that, I have to notify in advance! Can you believe it?
—That bad? And what's up with the atmosphere there?
—As I was accepted suddenly and so suspiciously, rumors started about me; it's an unheard exception in this "elite" school, or so I've been told. Today I'll spend the night at a hotel that the school chose for me near the commercial district, but since the school reserved it, my movements are monitored all the time.
A well-received gust of wind in the hot night stirred Aiden's hair, and he proceeded to fix it, keeping his attention on Maika.
—I assume it will be the same in the dormitories, I really don't look forward to it, to not having a room to myself. The cold and despotic environment makes me remember… —said Maika, followed by a short pause as if looking for the right words— Sorry, I feel uncomfortable talking about the past, I don't know why I mentioned it in the first place.
Sighs came from the other side of the line, Aiden could feel the knot in his throat, as tight as the phone was in Maika's hands.
—Just —continued Maika, forcing herself to swallow the bitter feelings—, let's say it was a cold place, cold and pretentious. Where you couldn't see the depths of darkness, and people talked in front of us as if we were objects, day and night, if that can be said, there was no real difference. In every corner, you didn't know what danger was awaiting, you only knew that it was there, and the only option was to stay away from the seductive light.
He didn't know what to say to that. He had made many assumptions about Maika's possible pasts, and it was never a normal one, of that he could be sure. After all, she was a magician, an alchemist, who hunted both monsters and people, and who knows what other things related to that world.
Even though he was prepared, he thought, in reality Aiden did not know how to react. It was the first time Maika had taken the initiative to talk about the past. At most, he could spit out some empty words of comfort. "I'm genuinely sorry," the boy muttered, but he wasn't satisfied, it left a bad taste in his mouth.
—It's idiotic, but that feeling of people talking behind your back with boldness, despite being only a few meters away, knowing you can hear them clearly, reminded me of it. In that sense, your school was much better than this academy of elites… I'm sorry again, it is unclear to me why I keep thinking about the past, I won't mention it again.
—That sounds terrible! —Aiden burst in. Forcing a certain attitude, forcing a smile for Maika, who couldn't even see him—. Although, well, if you think about it, the beautiful and mysterious girl who suddenly transferred and is reserved towards the rest of the students. Sounds interesting! But what does this sound familiar to me, huh?
—Shut up, idiot.
—Haha… I'm sorry, I couldn't resist the impulse.
—It's impossible to have a single moment with you, isn't it? Haha. Hahaha.
Despite the swampy topic that had brought a gloomy atmosphere, both young people honestly laughed, from the bottom of their hearts, as they remembered a certain encounter.