"My Wife has bloody well gone insane! They warned me about marrying one so young, but I didn't listen."
"Surely it cannot be so bad."
"The wench has been hounding me to find her a partner to join us for the past month."
Altair nearly spat his drink out, trying not to explode into laughter from the nobles behind him in the lobby of Tresimar, a Nobleborn Establishment Hotel. Normally, such conversation would be private, with the Warding placed on the various tables to stop sound from traveling too far; unfortunately for them, Altair had noticed that his Almighty Resistance appeared to ignore such a trivial barrier.
Nearly in tears, he continued to listen, only noticing Ashara's return when she sat down with a precarious look.
"What?" He asked, clutching his stomach.
Studying him for a second, she said, "You really shouldn't be sitting by the window, my Lord."