"They certainly are persistent," Altair murmured, his gaze fixed on the distant carriage perched high on the ridge like a hawk watching its prey.
The carriage had barely made it out of his estate before explosions, one after the other, flashed across the horizon. Several Forsaken were thrown off for a second before they began reinforcing the line. Commanding shouts from Kirr and Jorm thundered across the air as several forsaken began to move.
Altair scratched his head, a little guilty using his men as decoys. It wasn't his intention, but he had little choice. He couldn't afford to be attacked in his current meeting.
"Are you ready?" Ashara asked with a smile.
That smile disturbed him. Ever since they had set up that meeting with Grimory two years from now, Ashara was always smiling whenever their eyes crossed; though he could not blame her, she was sure to be rewarded by either his father or Grimory, but what that entailed made him curious.